Well I see what you mean, you want to define your own system of rating a game, which can be vastly different than the norm, so in your system the same game would get much less. Then I can see why you call it completely subjetive. That is completely un-interesting for me, I want to go after the norm, because otherwise, the whole world would be subjective and, frankly, boring. I am a scientist, the world is based on laws. Either natural laws, or definitions humans set. I go after the definition of the professional gaming world.
The "norm" is not objective. It's a concensus. Consensus is not fact. If your idea of quality is so heavily based on what other people think, then more power to you.
I'll stick to thinking for myself.
It's human nature to stick with the norm, because from a biological PoV, we just don't have time to "think for ourselves" in every case. What I mean when I say norm, is that the norm is my standpoint. From there, I start arguing. You on the other hand have no standpoint, you begin from 0 and argue your way through by definitions you have created yourself
This is why, if you go out to the internetz and read reviews of movies / games etc. They tend to say, from a personal standpoint I did not like this game, but from a critical standpoint, it is a good one nonetheless, if you are into this type of genre you will like it, etc.
Twilight:NM review on IGN: basically what she says is it's overall a 2.5.But the fans will like it nonetheless. Obviously she is a fan because 2.5 is way higher than any other review i've seen, and she even says I think that she is a fan of the series, from a movie standpoint, its not something you don't want to see (1/5), but if you are into vampires and stuff (2/5), or love the series (2.5/5) then its a movie for u. This is how the "norm" works
Edit: it's funny, if you look at the poll, which atm is basically 50/50. Quality is actually both subjective and objevtive as I argued in an earlier post
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