All the systems out right now have some faults...
Xbox 360
- the freaking Wii has Wifi, what's with not including it in the premium system? It's not a big deal for me, but it just seems retarded not to make the feature standard.
- failure rates, say something conclusive about them. I'm sick of everytime I walk by the 360 aisle in a game store someone tries to sell me a service plan. Write on the box "free three year warranty - don't buy the stupid service plan" just to shut up the annoying kids at BB & CC.
- lack of price drops. I want to buy one, cut the price to $300 and give me a break. Spending $426 (after tax) is a LOT of money for a game system. I already spent $500 on an HDTV, and I'll be spending another $250 on a surround sound system... it's cheaper than a new gaming PC, and my GF really likes the HDTV (and she'll like the sound system because she's a stickler for loudness during movies) but $426 just for a box that doesn't do *anything* on its own is ridiculous.
- lack of onboard scaler. There is NO EXCUSE for this, and it's a much bigger deal than forgetting Wifi on the 360. My HDTV is 720p, I am done with interlacing forever, I was done two years ago when I started PC gaming - I'm not going back to interlaced. I'm also not buying into 1080p yet. Laser projection sets are going to blow anything out there on the market out of the water, and cost less money too - I'll buy one when I get out of college.
Seriously this is a huge stumble, I like to think that there was some kind of intelligent reasoning behind this? If a game is 1080p, I've got to run 1080i - and for movies, it's 1080i or its back down to 480p. Great.
-lack of games. This really bugs me, I can't get GRAW until June? No RPGs until 2008? I want games now, I'm languishing! Resistance would probably make me happy - Motorstorm doesn't do it for me, so where are my other games?
-price. Yeah it's a great "value" but the price is still too high. I don't buy $25+ movies, sorry, I buy $10 ~ $15 DVDs, and I get 2-for-1 rentals for $3 over at Hollywood video, I'm in college - $30 means I can go to Chilis with my GF and get a meal, $40 means I can go out for sushi at my favorite restaurant. $500 is a ton of money, and there aren't even cheap games on the system. I don't have a 360 yet, but I picked up GeoW for $40, and GRAW for $20. It'll be a year before the PS3 is offering AAA games for $30. That's just reality
-unfinished online. HOME might be cool, maybe? Or it could never materialize the matchmaking that makes LIVE fun. I want to game, game, game - this bothers me - HOME needs to come out sooner than six months from now. I want to get into gaming, not wait around for them to build an online service. When the PS4 comes out, maybe things will be solid by then, but it's sad to sit through the alpha stages again.
Seriously though, the PS3 is too much money, even with the whole "it plays HD movies" thing going for it. There's aren't a lot of compelling games out on it yet, and there really won't be this year. It's no better than the 360 was last year - it just doesn't have enough going for it yet. Maybe it will in 2008? I don't know - I'll be one year closer to finishing college then, it'll probably be cheaper, and it might have some justification for picking it up.
But to say it's better right now? That's a fanboyish call. As far as an inexpensive HD gaming platform goes, the 360 is doing a fine job - $400 for the system, get your free year of LIVE (buy it on DELL or wait for a store special) and get some nice cheap games on special - and it's no more than a similarly equipped gaming PC would be to have access to GeoW, GRAW, Halo 3, Blue Dragon, Mass Effect, Bioshock, PGR3, Dead Rising, Lost Odyssey...
That's a lot of game, and that's what I'm after. If I get bored of LIVE in a year or two, if the PS3 really starts taking off, what's my loss? I still have a great system in reserve that I got a lot of gameplay out of. And if I'm not wrong, I didn't drop $500, I didn't spend a year waiting for compelling games to come out (playing whatever tidbits were in the market) and I didn't sit around folding@home or twildling my thumbs during my free time until the features I needed to make the most of it came out.
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