@xantufrog said:
@Juub1990: I think it's pretty similar. TW3 is definitely worse, but it works on very similar principles IMO. I also don't think the Souls games have good combat.
*edit* full disclosure, I only own Demon's Souls. Maybe it's improved?
No it isn't similar. The Witcher 3 completely misses a major key concept of dynamic combat; frame data. In TW3, pressing the attack button will have Geralt swing his weapon but one big problem? Geralt doesn't do the same attack every time and some strikes have more ending or startup lag than others. During a combo you don't get to decide whether Geralt will do a pirouette or jump which have wildly different frame data. This gives the combat poor rhythm and makes it floaty as you're not even sure what move Geralt will perform.
Then you have the roll which is a defensive maneuver meant to move away from harm's way but the startup lag is so high, it's just better to back step, making the roll useless.
This is a core problem in the combat. It misses one of the very foundations that Dark Souls and most decent hack-n-slash games nail. The base is weak and from here on out, everything just gets worse from the complete lack of weapons variety to the uselessness of half the skill tree.
Nah, it's nowhere near close to Dark Souls. Just because Souls games are slow and methodical, it doesn't make them clunky.
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