[QUOTE="dakan45"]it was pretty good but not that good. Id say the saboteur has to be the most overlooked game, hands down best gta clone this gen, no one cared.dakan45
ive seen that game on shelves a few times and wanted to get it but i really didn't know what to think of it just by the box. Listen up, saboteur is a gta clone that allows you to climb stuff like assasin creed. its simplier and more fluid that n that though, you press one button and climb up, also can move over rooftops, the maps are huge and populated with stuff to plant explosives and blow up like watch towers and tanks and camps. Thus the name saboteur. The game features an irish main character, so that makes great dialogues. The game impressed me by having a very good pacing and good main story missions, you start slow and do absoulutly awesome things later, something that gta iv did not managed due to borring missions and saints row 3 did unbalanced due to first missions having crazy gear and later on, not so much. So yeah story and mission wise its as good as san andreas, start slow get great things.The driving mechanics are simple but work, easy driving. Kinda like vice city. It has very few races later in the game. You can collect vehicles, even tanks, you get to use plans i think but not so much its mostly based on land with tanks being the apex. Instead of cops you got nazis, at the highest levels SSS comandos from wolfenstein attack with nazi prototype weapons and there are tanks and bombers tryint to kill you. You also buy and upgrade stuff with currency that you gain by blowing stuff up and missions.
The map is fairly large with way too many things to do in the map and there is even a very large countryside around paris, kidna like the countryside in san andreas. The game has plenty of weapons and as far as i remember a pretty good cover system, shooting mehchanics are kinda like saints row 3. Also the music and the atmosphere is pretty good, the game did made me to feel bad about what nazi did in the beginign. Needless to say the game resistance missions, the paris tower, races and stealth missions ( if you want, its not a stealth game really, but you can do it and take their clothes) all of them blended the best in a main story campaign, something that most games this gen.... kinda fail
The problems are that the game is black and white til you liberate an area and that the difficulity only changes how many bullets the enemies take, its a pretty easy game, if you go with the pc version you gonna get better graphics.

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