[QUOTE="hard_body79"][QUOTE="Ninja-Hippo"]I'm playing devils advocate here, as Uncharted 2 is awesome, but seriously... one game doesn't equate to a library. You cannot use ONE game in a discussion of which has the better overall library. That makes no sense.charizard1605
And you might not even like Uncharted 2 (I'm playing devils advocate now) but over all the 360 really dosen't have "BETTER" a library, it just has"MORE" games.
I own a 360 and I really wanted to feel the value in it but after asking on this board what are the 5 BEST games on 360, this is what I was told...
(from xbox fans to me)All suggesting for the BEST 5 games to be found on xbox360 from 360 fans own lists....
Halo 3? 9.5 from 2007(own it...it's well below my standards for a gameto own a system forand I'll leave it at that)
Halo ODST??? 9.0 from 2009
Gears 2. 9.0 from 2008
Lost Odyssey? 7.5 from 2008(remember I said 5 best games on the system, i dont' care about scores but THIS IS THE BEST? --WFT)
PGR4. good
Dead or Alive 4??? 8.8 from 2005...
Alan Wake. only 2010 game and 8.5 (same score as Heavy Rain)
Dead Rising. 8.4 from 2006...
Crackdown. 7.8 form 2007...
Forza 3. 9.5 from 2009
Banjo: nuts n bolts. 8.5 from 2008
Naruto Rise of a Ninja. 7.5 from 2007
THAT'S IT??? These are from the BEST TOP 5 games on xbox360 from xbox fans own lists? That build alot of faith in thequality ofgames people hypefor xbox360.
Link: http://www.gamespot.com/pages/forums/show_msgs.php?topic_id=27331522
:| Would people seriously want to match that up game for game against the PS3's redicliuosly high qualtiy exclusive library (we're talking about really good games here)
I'm not saying all those games are bad, that old games don't count or that rating are the only determing factor for quality but seriously I was asking for the 5 best games on the syetem and those were my replys. People can talk all day about how many more games 360 has over PS3 but at this point in time both PS3 and wil library put 360's to shame game wise, if I could go back in time I would a wii instead of a 360.
All that's well and good, but by the TC's argument, the Wii wins. Twice. /thread. 8)as you can see at the end of my post I think the wii is whothy of a purchase, I don't know what you mean by win (hope you're not trying to play the numbers game like many who argue for the 360 have done) but nothing can replce the PS3 this gen, but I think has proven itself more valuable as a game macheine than my PC and 360 seem to have for great gaming. Xenogears looks too awsome.
on a side note, I don't hate the 360 but I only really get excited for those *special* games that come out on a system that demand ownership because they are an expeirnce to play, this is how I determine value in any consoles a library even if it's just one game. With PS3 there's Demon's Souls, UC2, GOW3, HR (some say MGS4) LBP and a few more. With Wii there's SMG2, TvC, xemogears. With 360???
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