One game doe not make a librarey. Why dont you count up how many AA and AAA games each have?
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[QUOTE="Kan0nF0dder"] And as a 360 owner I'd include Mass Effect 2 and Left 4 Dead 2 in that list (one of which is a 2010 game). I don't care if it's on PC, it's nothing but a positive for the 360 library, no matter how you try and spin it.Ravensmash
You don't have to spin ****, I played those on my PC - they were great. :|
Of course they were, but they were also great on 360. It's in the 360's library, not in the PS3's, and you have to include it. Which is what we're comparing here (according to the OP).Ok I see. Like most posters on SW I tend to see things from my own POV, and my PS3 compliments my PC. Console to console, sure, it counts for something, not sure what though.
Yeah, it does have more games. But what does it mean when it has more 7.0+ (what we regard as "good" and above) games than the PS3? Surely if it has more games rated this high, then it has the better library going by reviewers standards, no?
It means it has more medoicore games.
lol, and not it dosen't have a better library going by reviews. If you're trying to go by one of those silly fanboy console for System wars ownage arguments you can just stop.
Again when I asked xbox360 fans what were the TOP 5 BEST games on the system in their opinion, these were the responces:
the BEST 5 games to be found on xbox360 from 360 fans own lists....
Halo 3? 9.5 from 2007 (own's well below my standards for a game to own a system forand I'll leave it at that)
Halo ODST??? 9.0 from 2009
Gears 2. 9.0 from 2008
Lost Odyssey? 7.5 from 2008 (remember I said 5 best games on the system, i dont' care about scores but THIS IS THE BEST? --WFT)
PGR4. good
Dead or Alive 4??? 8.8 from 2005...
Alan Wake. only 2010 game and 8.5 (same score as Heavy Rain)
Dead Rising. 8.4 from 2006...
Crackdown. 7.8 form 2007...
Forza 3. 9.5 from 2009
Banjo: nuts n bolts. 8.5 from 2008
Naruto Rise of a Ninja. 7.5 from 2007
What xbox360 fans listed as5 BEST games on the system...100 Crackdowns will never equal a Red Dead Redimption this is why your argument fails.
Since you are of this illogical belief that adding mediocoty together somehow will evantually = greatness, tell me, how many incarnations of Enchanted Arms will it take to eventually equal the greatness of 1 Demon's Souls? 2? 10? 20? 100? lol :wink: just give me a nice solid number, I'm sure you've got all the calcualtions figured out.
7.0 is not mediocre - it means it's a decent/good game. And your list that you keep posting? what does it prove - a varied list of games which have come out throughout the gen! You'd be criticising the 360 if it's only good games were recent ones lol!1. 7.0 is not mediocre it means it's a decent/good game.
Yes, but when I ask what are the top 5 best games on a console.....well, are you're not making good points for xbox360 by making that statment?
2. And your list that you keep posting? what does it prove.
It proves that xbox360's library isn't as good a PS3's when you look at the actual games instead of just talking numbers? :? I thought that was pretty clear.
3. a varied list of games which have come out throughout the gen.
Yes...and that makes the great? PS3's library is varied too, but do you want to compaire them quality wise? Crackdown to InFamous? Lost Odyssey to Demon's Souls? Alan Wake to Uncharted 2? so you would buy an xbox360 for Crackdown 7.8 from 2007and Lost Odyssey 7.5from 2008 over ImFamous 9.0 from 2009and Demon's Souls 9.0 2009 RPGOTY and overall 2009GOTY???Ok
4. You'd be criticising the 360 if it's only good games were recent ones lol.
??? I have not clue where you were trying to gowith that one. It doesn't make much sense to me, I'm not a fanboy so yeaaaah I don't get it. I want to play good games. :| I only recently praised the wii as a system for games it only recently delivered (TvC, SMG2, and Xenogears) before this I had no respect for the console at all WHICH IS WHY I BOUGHT THE XBOX360 INSTEAD... so, yeah you're way off base stop making assumptions.
I cannot comprehend what goes through the heads of people like you, Mr. TC. What, did you just finish floggin the dolphin for the 6th time today and have an epiphany of the videogame industry; a revelation so profound that it would surely convert all diehard non-Sony fanboys to the just cause of the PS3 and side with The Land of the Rising Sun, cementing their domination over not only the automotive industry, but the industry of technology and fun as well! Well kudos to you, Mr. I Had a Dream. I think I'm sold now. Let me just wipe my nose, pick my jaw up off the ground, and hop outside and pick up one of those PS3 Slim's that don't exist at my local Best Buy.
And you might not even like Uncharted 2 (I'm playing devils advocate now) but over all the 360 really dosen't have "BETTER" a library, it just has"MORE" games.
Yeah, it does have more games. But what does it mean when it has more 7.0+ (what we regard as "good" and above) games than the PS3? Surely if it has more games rated this high, then it has the better library going by reviewers standards, no?
It means it has more medoicore games.
lol,and no, it dosen't have a better library going by reviews. If you're trying to go by one of those silly console fanboy System wars ownage arguments you can just stop.
Again when I asked xbox360 fans what were the TOP 5 BEST games on the system in their opinion, these were the responces:
the BEST 5 games to be found on xbox360 from 360 fans own lists....
Halo 3? 9.5 from 2007 (own's well below my standards for a game to own a system forand I'll leave it at that)
Halo ODST??? 9.0 from 2009
Gears 2. 9.0 from 2008
Lost Odyssey? 7.5 from 2008 (remember I said 5 best games on the system, i dont' care about scores but THIS IS THE BEST? --WFT)
PGR4. good
Dead or Alive 4??? 8.8 from 2005...
Alan Wake. only 2010 game and 8.5 (same score as Heavy Rain)
Dead Rising. 8.4 from 2006...
Crackdown. 7.8 form 2007...
Forza 3. 9.5 from 2009
Banjo: nuts n bolts. 8.5 from 2008
Naruto Rise of a Ninja. 7.5 from 2007
What xbox360 fans listed as5 BEST games on the system...100 Crackdowns will never equal a Red Dead Redimption this is why your argument fails. Do you seriously want me to do a compairson with PS3 fans Top 5 best games and see who they stack up?
Since you are of this illogical belief that adding mediocoty together somehow will evantually = greatness, tell me, how many incarnations of Enchanted Arms will it take to eventually equal the greatness of 1 Demon's Souls? 2? 10? 20? 100? lol :wink: just give me a nice solid number, I'm sure you've got all the calcualtions figured out.
Um no. Im getting a major case of deja vu here, but Im not sure if Ive been here with you before or if it was some other misinformed poster. Regardless, don't say my argument fails when you don't have a leg to stand on yourself.
Ill lay it out plain and simple.
Its generally accepted by most big gaming publications that 7.0 rated games are good, and anything above will range from good to superb. I mean that is logical right? Im not trying to skew any results by picking an obscure cutoff point like 77 or 83. That is why I have used 7.0 as the cut off point. 6.0 is generally accepted as mediocre, and 5 average, but if you want to count those games, then be my guest. Ill save you the effort though, as the 360 still comes out on top.
Yeah, the 360 has more games. What is also has is a heck of a lot more 7.0 rated games and above (good and above) so going by reviews standards, it has the better library. Sorry, theres no other way to spin it. (Although do try and spin, should be funny) I couldnt care less about your thread that only managed 30 odd replies.
seriously guys argue library not exclusives you can play me2 on 360 not ps3 so it should count why even count pc it wins every time.
the metacritic says
for aaa's
1st pc
2nd 360
3rd ps3
4th wii
and 360 has 3 games with 96 ME 2, Bioshock, and the orange box
Ps3 has 1 96 uc2
Although I think Uncharted 2 is the best game this gen, what the hell does your post prove? That a random game site rated a PS3 game higher than any 360 game. Yay, cows win :roll:
LOLalright so the wii wins SW in both sales AND best library by having TWO games above uncharted 2
Wow this is the most flawed logic I've seen in a while. Are you really saying that one game can top the rest of an entire library. Plus if I'm not mistaken GTAIV is higher than both UC2 and Orange Box and is available on the 360. Also if you hold true to your logic then it looks the me like the Wii is the top system hands down with SMG and SMG2 and I really don't think that is the case. Not to mention the difference between UC2 and the Orange Box gamerankings is so miniscule, if one of them loses a score (yes it happens if a website goes down that gave it the score the game loses the score) the difference could become even closer for example if Orange Box lost one of its lower scores or UC2 lost one of its higher scores. All around some of the most disconcerting and odd logic I have ever encountered.
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