Metacritic and practically every review site has more A-AAA 360 games then PS3 games......
Why do cows ignore this!? Ok, you have an opinion..........but you got nothing b3yond that to back up your claim
As far as CaseyWenger's post: You are correct, you don't have to play all of these games, so it isn't likely to influnece an idividual gamers experience very much. I suspect that many who believe that the X360 has superior exclusives has forgotten (or perhaps never knew about) the extensive shovelware on the system because they wold never play those games. If any one wants further analysis, you simply need to provide me with refind crteria for examination. For instance, do we only care about popular games? If so, how do oyu define a popular game?
As mentioned earlier by including the outlying shovelware games that make up a consoles library, we get a skewed view as to which one is 'better'
If x console has 8 games available - 2 being great and 6 being terrible compared to console y, which has 20 great games and 500 terrible ones, does the former possess a 'better' library than the latter? Using your methodology it does, however for the gamer they would of course only be concerned for the latter's higher number of decent games.
Now this is an interesting argument, at least in theory. However, the actual breakdown is more like this: Console X has 2 great games, 5 good games, and 1 awful game. Console Y has 5 great games, 10 good games, and 35 awful games.
Now, if you are a discerning customer, and you would never by an awful game, it doesn't really matter if there are one million of them, all you care about is the number of good and great games, which X360 clearly has an advantage. If you were trying to defend the PS3, you might say that no one (or very few) will actually play all of the good and great games on any console, but the higher percentage of quality on the PS3 ensures that you are less likely to get a gift from your Uncle Wilber that is of low quality on the PS3. This is the part of the discussion where facts take a back seat to your personal situation.It is true that if you were a hypothetical person of unlimited time and means, who could play whatever you want for as long as you want, you would have a higher volume of good and great games on an X360. What I would suggest is that if you were sad person, the best move would actually be to ownboth consoles and play all of the great games.
regardless, there are enough good and great games on both systems sucxh that a hardcore gamer (which I have seen described several ways, but for now lets just say someone who buys more than 6 games a year and plays more than 10 hours a week) will be satisfied with either system. It really is a matter of personal preference.
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