[QUOTE="KC_Hokie"]UC3 has an eight hour campaign. Latest game with a really short campaign. freedomfreakBF3's is shorter.
And MW3 come tuesday xD
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[QUOTE="KC_Hokie"]UC3 has an eight hour campaign. Latest game with a really short campaign. freedomfreakBF3's is shorter.
And MW3 come tuesday xD
thats why I made sure that I bolded military ... a military shooter, unlike a space marine or sci-fi shooter, cannot be too lengthy, or else it gets tedious.[QUOTE="rasengan2552"][QUOTE="razgriz_101"]
Half Life 2 +Eps
Halo 1
Halo 3
Halo Reach
all FPS games from recent memory with good pacing and fairly lengthy single players.
gonna give you a complete mind blow here, why cant a "military" shooter not have a good lengthy campaign with good narrative, Rainbow Six games were lengthy 3 was good and modern and essentially military.
But why should a stigma be attatched to military FPS games because of a few in the genre, i for one would love to see a good lengthy thought out campaign from a military shooter longest so far for me has been BC2 clocking in at bout 7h long.
really both of the military shooters you listed can be done in 5 hours without even rushing through. I know because I have beaten both on the hardest difficulty.im sick of this attitude that every game needs to have a "fallout" length and the condescending attitude people have towards shorter action and adventure games.
even though a game may only have a 6 -8 hour campaign, that doesnt mean you will only play it for that long. for example, with the uncharted games, I always beat them once on normal, hard, and crushing (with uncharted 1 I went straight to hard). I also go through again to sweep up treasures and trophies. so overall that is around 20-25 hours. that is more than long enough for me to be satsified with my 60$ purchase.
thats not even taking into consideration multiplayer and co-op within these types of games and how they can extend replay value indefinitely depending on how much you enjoy it. so you could be looking at 50+ hours with these games.
regardless, lets say a game is only 6-10 hours long with no MP or co-op. will I begrudge a game for that or give it a weaker score? not if its a great 6-7 hours. i personally buy a lot of games. so, I dont need every single one of them to be a 30 hour investment of my time and i dont need a single game to last me a month.
You described hard reset, a game I absolutely love.
It was also 30$ (27 for pre-order) at launch, and I absolutely would not have bought it for 60.
BF3's is shorter.[QUOTE="freedomfreak"][QUOTE="KC_Hokie"]UC3 has an eight hour campaign. Latest game with a really short campaign. razgriz_101
And MW3 come tuesday xD
The question is...Which one will be shorter?[QUOTE="freedomfreak"][QUOTE="KC_Hokie"]UC3 has an eight hour campaign. Latest game with a really short campaign. KC_HokieBF3's is shorter.Yea that's a problem too. At least BF3 has decent mp...UC3 doesn't even have that.
It was pretty good in the beta for me anyway it was no worse or better than most games coming out.It just isnt memorable.
games dont have to be long but short games shouldn't be worth $60. like uncharted 3 should not be a $60 game. not everyone is you, unless a campaign is interesting to me like a mass effect 2 or assassin's creed im not gonna play through it multiple timesmems_1224
by that logic GeoW3 shouldnt be a $60 title either really.
Yea that's a problem too. At least BF3 has decent mp...UC3 doesn't even have that.[QUOTE="KC_Hokie"][QUOTE="freedomfreak"] BF3's is shorter.razgriz_101
It was pretty good in the beta for me anyway it was no worse or better than most games coming out.It just isnt memorable.
An 8 hour campaign combined with an average mp = wait until it's $20 for me.I'm not going pay $60 for a 10 hour game, like most people. That's a ripoff. No excuses really.... EponiqueI am guessing you never bought games 15+ years ago that cost $50 and could be beaten in 2-4 hours?
[QUOTE="AgentA-Mi6"]L.A Noire is surely taking me a long time to complete, that game is long. Action Adventure games like Uncharted, InFamous, Assassins Creed which take 8-12 hours to complete are fine by me.AmayaPapaya
How did you beat AC so fast? Can't remember how long the first one took me, but the second and BH were both evenly 24 hours.
I dont remember lol, i think thats more or less how long it took me to beat the first Assassins Creed, the second one was longer and im not gonna bother touching Brotherhood.[QUOTE="mems_1224"]games dont have to be long but short games shouldn't be worth $60. like uncharted 3 should not be a $60 game. not everyone is you, unless a campaign is interesting to me like a mass effect 2 or assassin's creed im not gonna play through it multiple timesrazgriz_101
by that logic GeoW3 shouldnt be a $60 title either really.
uhh yea it should. the main focus of gears 3 is multiplayer. thats why theres a 4 player co op mode, thats why theres a 4 player horde mode, and beast mode and tons of multiplayer modes and great gameplay. uncharted isn't a good enough of a shooter to have a multiplayer that will be interesting for a long time[QUOTE="Eponique"]I'm not going pay $60 for a 10 hour game, like most people. That's a ripoff. No excuses really.... CajunShooterI am guessing you never bought games 15+ years ago that cost $50 and could be beaten in 2-4 hours?
Action games created 15+ years ago usually took the same or more amount of time to beat than the average 7-10 hour game these days. RPGs were just as long or longer, with games like Wizardry taking more than 100 hours to beat once.
[QUOTE="Eponique"]I'm not going pay $60 for a 10 hour game, like most people. That's a ripoff. No excuses really.... CajunShooterI am guessing you never bought games 15+ years ago that cost $50 and could be beaten in 2-4 hours?Games also were made by under 10 people, only cost tens of thousands to make and if they sold more than 50,000 that was really good.
Times are obviously different. Campaigns under 10 hours generally are considered too short these days.
[QUOTE="Eponique"]I'm not going pay $60 for a 10 hour game, like most people. That's a ripoff. No excuses really.... CajunShooterI am guessing you never bought games 15+ years ago that cost $50 and could be beaten in 2-4 hours? Are you talking about those short Atari games? If so, no, I payed 25 cents at the arcade instead. Everything NES and after, I would not pay $50 for a 4 hour game.
It really depends on how compelling the experience is for you. If a game is really compelling, maybe a short time frame isn't going to be long enough. If a game isn't, then you'll probably want to finish it quickly.
[QUOTE="Eponique"]I'm not going pay $60 for a 10 hour game, like most people. That's a ripoff. No excuses really.... CajunShooterI am guessing you never bought games 15+ years ago that cost $50 and could be beaten in 2-4 hours?The industry is different now...
We've moved on from expensive short games, so why should we go back?
I am guessing you never bought games 15+ years ago that cost $50 and could be beaten in 2-4 hours?The industry is different now...[QUOTE="CajunShooter"][QUOTE="Eponique"]I'm not going pay $60 for a 10 hour game, like most people. That's a ripoff. No excuses really.... BuryMe
We've moved on from expensive short games, so why should we go back?
I thought that's what we were moving towards?
[QUOTE="razgriz_101"][QUOTE="mems_1224"]games dont have to be long but short games shouldn't be worth $60. like uncharted 3 should not be a $60 game. not everyone is you, unless a campaign is interesting to me like a mass effect 2 or assassin's creed im not gonna play through it multiple timesmems_1224
by that logic GeoW3 shouldnt be a $60 title either really.
uhh yea it should. the main focus of gears 3 is multiplayer. thats why theres a 4 player co op mode, thats why theres a 4 player horde mode, and beast mode and tons of multiplayer modes and great gameplay. uncharted isn't a good enough of a shooter to have a multiplayer that will be interesting for a long timeyeah and UC3 has multiplayer aswell :S
And its not entirely the point either considering theres a lot of thought put into the SP campaign for a solo player like me who doesnt dabble in MP that much.
Wow isnt this whack, defending games for the lack of content now? Neato.
I mean can you imagine paying $40 ps1 games back in the day and have 40 hours of content and thats without replaying!
Now we are content with 5hours and 12 hours top for $60 games. I guess standards have changed and I do not know how to justify that.
Not every game has to be long, but it better be a good 7-8 hours, and have replay value afterwards (at least something that I find fun doing).
[QUOTE="Eponique"]I'm not going pay $60 for a 10 hour game, like most people. That's a ripoff. No excuses really.... CajunShooterI am guessing you never bought games 15+ years ago that cost $50 and could be beaten in 2-4 hours? back in those days BLOCKBUSTER was your best friend...
people are tight and want more more more. They could always just replay the game again. If they liked it so much it shouldnt be an issue. Better to have a game that doesnt drag on.campzor
its like watching that movie a 2nd time the week after your first..it just doesnt hit the spot as much.Same goes for games single player campaigns nowadays.
lul. i automatically knew this would be some sort of uncharted damage control. sure, bro. 60 bucks for a 6 hour game is totally worth it CasualMike
if that 6h is entertaining and keeps me going for a weekend it sure as hell is cheaper than a friday night out i cant remember ;P
Game are not long enough. This is why I don't buy games like God of War, Uncharted, or Heavy Rain.
I've played all of those, but I haven't bought them... Why? Because there's less then 10 hours each. They are very good games, but not worth me owning because I cannot play them for what I think is worth 60 dollars.
If they're on sale, great. If a company wants me to buy new, make the games very replayable or a lot longer.
Sure you can play Uncharted 3 times, but I'm only play it once for story, and once to get all the items. I don't complain that games are too short. I just don't buy them. CoD is the only game that I buy that's short just for multiplayer.
I've rarely if ever beat any game in a week let alone a day. You need more time to beat games faster. I wouldn't want to rush a game I just spent £40-50 on like a cheap hooker in a back alley. I usually start on above normal difficulty anyway.[QUOTE="tomarlyn"][QUOTE="mitu123"]
Various games this gen can be beaten in a day, lol.
You need more time to beat games faster. I wouldn't want to rush a game I just spent £40-50 on like a cheap hooker in a back alley. I usually start on above normal difficulty anyway. You don't even have to rush on many games.[QUOTE="mitu123"]
[QUOTE="tomarlyn"] I've rarely if ever beat any game in a week let alone a day. tomarlyn
If a publisher wants me to pay 60$ than they need to offer me an incentive, not just having a 5 hour campaign of mediocre quality that you only play through once and then they tack on some bad multiplayer. I'm sorry but that's not worth it. For 60$ I want something alon the lines that Skyrim is going to give you, hundred upon hundreds of gameplay plus endless replay value all based around amazing gameplay! That is worth 60$!
But not every game needs to be of Skyrim lenght to worth 60$, for instance take the Uncharted games or Batman games, both of those series only last about 10-12 hourson average. BUT thosecampaigns are of such high quality and are so fun and great that you'llkeep playing through them again and again, I beatBatman AA like 5 or 6 times, so if each playthrough took me about 10-12 hours than you do the math! That'sALOT ofgameplay I got out ot it! Same goes for Uncharted games, suchhigh quality that you'll play through countless times....
That's what devs need to do, either give us longer games or make the gamesso great that you'll want to replay them over and over again.
I just won't generally pay for a game that is only 6 hours long and doesn't have a lot of other substance to keep me playing it. It had better have a damn good multiplayer component to it or something. While there are exceptions I'll generally just avoid the game altogether or wait till it's dirt cheap.
Yup. Games are long enough.
I love spending 60 money units on a game that I can play through in a single day.
I wouldn't want to rush a game I just spent £40-50 on like a cheap hooker in a back alley. I usually start on above normal difficulty anyway. You don't even have to rush on many games. Depends on your definition of rushing. If someone finishes a game like Uncharted in one day I'd laugh and feel sorry for them.[QUOTE="tomarlyn"]
[QUOTE="mitu123"] You need more time to beat games faster.
There are several factors why I see 6-8 hours as a negative.
- A movie is about 2 hours, and the cinema costs like 15 dollars. But here is the thing, 2 hours in the movies would give me more enjoyment and a more enjoyable experience than a lot of these games.
Then how is length an issue for you? The obvious solution for your problem would be to make even shorter, better games, not longer ones. The entire reason why some action-oriented games 'are becoming shorter' is because of all the bells and whistles that has to come along with them, their cinematic nature influenced in no small part by -- wait for it -- cinema!
I am guessing you never bought games 15+ years ago that cost $50 and could be beaten in 2-4 hours?The industry is different now...[QUOTE="CajunShooter"][QUOTE="Eponique"]I'm not going pay $60 for a 10 hour game, like most people. That's a ripoff. No excuses really.... BuryMe
We've moved on from expensive short games, so why should we go back?
My point was never that the industry should go back to that. My point was that you get more bang for your buck today then you did back then, therefore games aren't that much of a "ripoff" especially when viewing the entire history of video games.Please Log In to post.
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