Games are not fun anymore because Wii doesn't have any decent games.
Your sig says you are enjoying some kind of games. :P
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Games are not fun anymore because Wii doesn't have any decent games.
Your sig says you are enjoying some kind of games. :P
little big planet is a wii game. it was stolen from us in development and sony payed off the people who made it so it would be ps3 exclusive.NintendoBoy1996
Your pretty much just winging it at this point, huh?
little big planet is a wii game. it was stolen from us in devlpment and sony payed off the people who made it so it would be ps3 exclusive.NintendoBoy1996
Seriously, do you have, I dunno, a way to back that up. First time I ever heard that.
I have fun with them all the time. Especially with Wolverine, mindless death. Games that make you think, like puzzles in Tomb Raider or God of War are awesome too. I just see no point to your post, plus you're a Nintendo fanboy.
LOL, that's easy, I hope you're joking, for 360, Viva Pinata, and for PS3, Little Big Planet.mitu123
Um, what is that, that Little Big Planet pic is hard to make out. I don't remember that in Viva Pinata. There is sex in Viva Pinata... well, mating anyways....ill agree and disagree,on nintendo's side they are NOT fun....sure you might play a good game,but it wont be fun,where you can show a array of emotions.....MGS4 was fun....the only game i felt sad by....and the only game in a long time where i was sumthing.(the rex vs ray fight made me say wow at how epic it was) gaiden is always fun as its one of the few games that is not NOOB friendly...gears of war ONLINE was one of the funnest games ever....i love games where a scrub cant just pick up the controller and play like have to know how to play or ur just gunna get 2 pieced....and finally COD4 single player made me say HOLYYYY S$#$%$#.....specially the mission ghillied up,easily THE best mission in any game.
games like killzone,halo are good...but just arent fun to are many AA,AAA games...
they do not want to be fun so they just recycle same gameplay from previous games. wii makes games that are fun and doesnt even need to have best graphics because they try to make the games fun before making candy for the eyes like ps3 and xbox do. wii might not have all the best graphics but it is more fun then any xbox or ps3 game and it doesnt need to be bloody and adult
The 13-year-old Nintendo fanboy
lol, irony.
I have to disagree.
While my wii does provide me with plenty of entertainment, So does my Ps3, and my 360 when I still had it.
After awhile alot of games for wii seem to live off of the control gimmick.
I think all three of the consoles are great.
He must be 13 then since you're not allowed to make an account on GS under that age:PGuys, "1996."
He's 12-13.
He must be 13 then since you're not allowed to make an account on GS under that age:P[QUOTE="killerfist"][QUOTE="ceruxx"]
Guys, "1996."
He's 12-13.
Kids don't lie?
In any case, it explains a lot.
I'm waiting for the TC to prove me wrong:PEdit: He kinda has a point when he says that Mature games don't have to be fun. Games for everyone can be just as fun.
to be honest I find the Wii to be more casual friendly than ps3 or xbox 360....both consoles typically make more serious games whereas the Wii makes games that you can play for half a hour and forget about.
I like to play the Wii when it comes to just wanting something to play for a few minutes...ill keep my hardcore gaming to the PC
*looks at TC's sig* " Gamecube retro *Facepalm* Games this gen have been excellent so far IMO. Could have some more platformers.does anyone else agree? most games are not fun anymore, specially xbox and ps3 games. they do not try to be fun they just try to have best graphics and most blood but they do not want to be fun so they just recycle same gameplay from previous games. wii makes games that are fun and doesnt even need to have best graphics because they try to make the games fun before making candy for the eyes like ps3 and xbox do. wii might not have all the best graphics but it is more fun then any xbox or ps3 game and it doesnt need to be bloody and adult
TC, I know if I say "You probably never played a 360 or PS3 before", you would just throw a classic answer that most fanboys seem to throw out: "I have played them at my friend's/brother's place" - so I would like to ask you this instead: What games have you THOROUGHLY on the 360 and PS3? Name some games.
i'm having fun with my 360 and PC.xscott1018Same here, this gen has been LOADS of fun. Audiosurf, Plants Vs. Zombies, Viva pinyata, Portal, TF2 and GRID have all been fun as hell, The Wii has some good short-term fun party games but the emphasis tends to be on trying to be fun and ending up the depth of a spoon rather than trying to be a good game, which kinda kills many Wii games. But still, i think there is less traditional "Fun" outside of the Wii but i have had the most enjoyment out of this gen i have ever had, Game Worlds are being built with are so well crafted and immersive you can lose yourself in them, the action in STALKER has been the most satisfying and plain exhilarating in a long time for me. Games these days don't just vomit bright colours at you,then get in your head which can be just as fun and far more awesome.
50 percent of them are well generic, ,
about 80 percent of the generic games are fps aND ARE ON PS3360 .
lol , ,
thats a lie ,!to be honest I find the Wii to be more casual friendly than ps3 or xbox 360....both consoles typically make more serious games whereas the Wii makes games that you can play for half a hour and forget about.
I like to play the Wii when it comes to just wanting something to play for a few minutes...ill keep my hardcore gaming to the PC
thats a lie !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
you know why ,, because everytime i play wii or buy wii games its somthing different
never playing the same type of game , ,
now on the 360 ps3
the very first thing i see on the shelves is a fps the next time i go in theres another blasted fps , ,
with a few racing games on the side lol and the yrly sports games it almost feels like im playing dc again -all arcade games you know the drill
sure ps3 360 all have amazing games but what if your a person who just cant stand playing just fpses all day,
what if you want a variety
theres only 2 answers to that 0
get a wii
or get a ps2
either way your going to never find your self playing 40 fpses one right after the other its pretty sad people mis judge wii ,, beased on the reviewers , ,lol
does anyone else agree? most games are not fun anymore, specially xbox and ps3 games. they do not try to be fun they just try to have best graphics and most blood but they do not want to be fun so they just recycle same gameplay from previous games. wii makes games that are fun and doesnt even need to have best graphics because they try to make the games fun before making candy for the eyes like ps3 and xbox do. wii might not have all the best graphics but it is more fun then any xbox or ps3 game and it doesnt need to be bloody and adult
Judging by you sig, its no surprise you find PS3 & 360 games not fun...
Fun is subjective, depending on personal tastes in gaming, whats fun for you might not be fun for others (and vice versa).. You might not find violent/gory games fun, but that doesnt mean such games are not fun/entertaining.. A game to be fun doesnt necessarily require you to waggle around a controller (ie Wii Sports, Wii music, Wii cheerleaders etc), or act stupid on a board (ie Wii Fit), which is a sad excuse for training when we know that it doesnt replace a good workout at the gym ;)
50 percent of them are well generic, ,
about 80 percent of the generic games are fps aND ARE ON PS3360 .
lol , ,
And about 90% of what's on Wii is shovelware, right?
wrong i say about 30 percent because 90 percent is pushing it honestly your in the wrong mind if you believe 90 percent of all wii games this includes vc games and so on , and the 30 percent is from none other then ea or sega , , (god i wish sega just die already) ITS SICKENINg how ea and sega ruin their games on a daily bases in my mess hall hjahaha for instance need for speed WHEN THE HECK WILL THEY STOP MILKING THIS GAME , its an every yr thing, and madden who the f plays 20 freaking games that play the same every yr and sega what a disgrace- aside from a few good wii efforts/360 efforts they shove sonic out like its a buffet line and they dont even have the creativeness in it its all the same no matter what console we speak of these 2 developers sure milk their games i have over 80 360 games thank god only a few of them say sega on them ,, or ea id go crazy , lol i have over 60 wii games excluding vc , , , and only 7 of them are mini game garbage, so ya that pretty much says it all guess what the 7 mini game crap is mostly fcrom ea and sega 1 or 2 of them from nintendo any one want to take sonic and the secret rings off my hands lol i want to toss this t hing in the garbage, , , that and the ps3 one is so hilairous , , so yA 90 PERCENT IS PUSHING IT just because well the series /s aint big or well known or just new for instance -madworld ford racing or chrysler classic racing, doesnt exactly make it casual , thats like saying resistance is causal just because you havent played it any one who says 90 percent of any game library is casual , or what ever is pushing it 50 percent of fpses are true because there is like double the fpses then there are of racing etc so ya pretty much ,thats a lie !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
you know why ,, because everytime i play wii or buy wii games its somthing different
never playing the same type of game , ,
now on the 360 ps3
the very first thing i see on the shelves is a fps the next time i go in theres another blasted fps , ,
with a few racing games on the side lol and the yrly sports games it almost feels like im playing dc again -all arcade games you know the drill
sure ps3 360 all have amazing games but what if your a person who just cant stand playing just fpses all day,
what if you want a variety
theres only 2 answers to that 0
get a wii
or get a ps2
either way your going to never find your self playing 40 fpses one right after the other its pretty sad people mis judge wii ,, beased on the reviewers , ,lol
it just goes to show how limited your knowledge about games libraries for both PS3 & 360 is... Only FPS titles you say..
PS3 & 360 have many RPGS, racing titles, Fighting, action/adventure, Platform, Sports titles,TPS, FPS & a couple of strategy titles... its only you who just sees FPS games on PS3 & 360..
I am not saying Wii is crap or ithas no variety in games but eliminating the huge amount of shovelware the choice becomes very limited...
I disagree. I'm having a lot of fun playing Gears of War 2 :)IronBassYou know what they say about brilliant minds8) :P
I disagree. I'm having loads of fun with Gears 2 atm. :) killerfist
[QUOTE="IronBass"]I disagree. I'm having a lot of fun playing Gears of War 2 :)killerfistYou know what they say about brilliant minds8) :P
I disagree. I'm having loads of fun with Gears 2 atm. :) killerfist:o Brilliant minds am confirmed 8)
[QUOTE="IronBass"]I disagree. I'm having a lot of fun playing Gears of War 2 :)killerfistYou know what they say about brilliant minds8) :P
I know what they say but surely they never mentioned your mind :P yuppssss j/k
I agree though, having a blast playing games such as Geow2 too..
does anyone else agree? most games are not fun anymore, specially xbox and ps3 games. they do not try to be fun they just try to have best graphics and most blood but they do not want to be fun so they just recycle same gameplay from previous games. wii makes games that are fun and doesnt even need to have best graphics because they try to make the games fun before making candy for the eyes like ps3 and xbox do. wii might not have all the best graphics but it is more fun then any xbox or ps3 game and it doesnt need to be bloody and adult
'nuff said!
You know what they say about brilliant minds8) :P[QUOTE="killerfist"][QUOTE="IronBass"]I disagree. I'm having a lot of fun playing Gears of War 2 :)Malta_1980
I know what they say but surely they never mentioned your mind :P yuppssss j/k
I agree though, having a blast playing games such as Geow2 too..
Bu..but IronBass did..:( :P I'm brilliant! I'm about to enter the 4 digits on the Execution leaderboard :o I've been playing ALOT since the last update. And a 1.4 K/d ratio too. Not too shabby if I say so myself8):P[QUOTE="Malta_1980"][QUOTE="killerfist"] You know what they say about brilliant minds8) :Pkillerfist
I know what they say but surely they never mentioned your mind :P yuppssss j/k
I agree though, having a blast playing games such as Geow2 too..
Bu..but IronBass did..:( :P I'm brilliant! I'm about to enter the 4 digits on the Execution leaderboard :o I've been playing ALOT since the last update. And a 1.4 K/d ratio too. Not too shabby if I say so myself8):PLOL... good to see there are people in here having some sense of humour..
I mainly play horde mode on Geow2, i just love that mode, but quite suck in other modes :P
add me up on XBL if you want, I wouldnt mind some co-op action online :)
LOL... good to see there are people in here having some sense of humour..Sure, I'll add you back as soon as I get the chance. :)I mainly play horde mode on Geow2, i just love that mode, but quite suck in other modes :P
add me up on XBL if you want, I wouldnt mind some co-op action online :)Malta_1980
[QUOTE="Malta_1980"]LOL... good to see there are people in here having some sense of humour..
I mainly play horde mode on Geow2, i just love that mode, but quite suck in other modes :P
add me up on XBL if you want, I wouldnt mind some co-op action online :)
Sure, I'll add you back as soon as I get the chance. :) *Raises hand* add me, too, add me, too![QUOTE="Malta_1980"]LOL... good to see there are people in here having some sense of humour..
I mainly play horde mode on Geow2, i just love that mode, but quite suck in other modes :P
add me up on XBL if you want, I wouldnt mind some co-op action online :)
Sure, I'll add you back as soon as I get the chance. :) *Raises hand* add me, too, add me, too! Meh....fine >_> [spoiler] :P [/spoiler][QUOTE="killerfist"] Meh....fine >_> [spoiler] :P [/spoiler] IronBass:( -------> :| ------------> :P -----------> :| :o :? :question: :!: :idea: Don't worry!:x
[QUOTE="IronBass"][QUOTE="killerfist"] Meh....fine >_> [spoiler] :P [/spoiler] killerfist:( -------> :| ------------> :P -----------> :| :o :? :question: :!: :idea: Don't worry!:x
*A little text so this post is not against the rulez*
Most people don't care but us older gamers have agreed many times that this gen sucks hard compared to the last gen. Yea theres been some great games but games have become to over-saturated its ridiculous, funny thing is no one cares either. Their are hundreds of the same Wii trash games, there are even more FPS/action "something with guns" games on the ps3/360 that almost mimic eachother. We pay 10$ more this gen to play games that are 6 hours long....but somehow multiplayer online makes up for this, which now they are making you pay by downloading. I think RE5 is a perfect example of how this gen is ruining gaming for many of us. This gen sucks, its all the same, ive had more fun with the psp/ds and pc than any of the three consoles.
Don't speak for "most" older gamers. I've been playing games for 23+ years, and IMO the games overall just keep getting better. You sound like a bitter old man screaming "back in my day,. iblah blah blah". Seriously there is always more bad games then good. It's been that way forever. There is also more bad then good in TV, Movies, Music, etc. No one can ever please everyone. If you can't find fun in modern games it's you. Not "us" or the games (older gamers). Maybe go take a walk outside uphill both ways in a blizzard and come back in a few months. ;)
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