One game that comes to mind is Jet Set Radio. I think the style and concept were cool for its time, but I'm not sure if the core gameplay was really that great.. to me, a lot of its legacy can be attributed to the nostalgia of that time (Dreamcast launch, 3D games, cell shaded graphics).
Thoughts, SW? What games would you say are overrated due to nostalgia?
Going to be hated by figthing fans but ... Third Strike !!! Yes, the game gave us many great moments and the animations were fantastic by its time, but to call it the greatest figthing game ever ? that's a huge stretch. Personally i think both Garou and KOF 98 were better.
The majority of 3d games from gen 5 that people still place on a pedestal. Experimental, innovative, influential, yeah sure, great! Actually worth a play now, most of them, not so much.
Would also say a lot of classic JRPGs - I'm guilty of doing this one lol. But I do always make sure to preface my nostalgia when discussing such games. Edit: Not to be confused with modern JRPGs being better.
I mean, I play games for fun. If nostalgia adds to their fun, then that's legit to me. That being said, trying to be objective I think most early 3D games are pretty bad now without it as a boon.
Love Legend of Dragoon but the encounter rate is high, exp gain is so uneven which makes grinding bad, magic is consumable which instantly make it terrible and inventory system limitation is stupid. Personally the story itself pretty much holds the game. The twist so unique, unexpected and mindblowing it made people forgive absolutely everything else about the game. Highly recommends for the story, I think the story still hold quite excellent but everything else about the game made me really not want to play it.
Speaking of twist. Shadow Heart Covenant twist is as mindblowing as well. Hate the Judgement Ring system so bad but man, the story is so awesome. Sets in WW1, events in europe and you are a German officer of Japanese origin going after the russian Occult and Rasputin. Really fun story but terrible combat. Idk how some love the combat but its probably an acquired taste.
GTA san andreas - terrible game when it was released and still is but mention this one only because its most overrated by fans.
Mass effect 2 - mediocre cover based shooter lable as RPG classic lol
Goldeneye - at the time amazing FPS like Quake and year later Half life were also released and this game suck compare to them and only got praised because it was first ever console exclusive FPS game.
Resident Evil 4 - It was bad when it was released and still. it was mediocre third person action game with horrible control, combat and camera not to mention it was full of QTEs and game that pioneer third person movie game genre.
NOLF - This game was basically goldeneye/perfect dark for PC. it was just too comicy and cartoonish. the shooting, AI, stealth was not even done good for that time it released too. many FPS games were far better. game was incredibly overrated but luckily monolith hit the nail with FEAR. become one of the greatest game of all time.
Call of Duty 4 - It ruined FPS games in late 00s by turning FPS into linear scripted walking in straight line and focus on generic MP.
The majority of 3d games from gen 5 that people still place on a pedestal. Experimental, innovative, influential, yeah sure, great! Actually worth a play now, most of them, not so much.
Would also say a lot of classic JRPGs - I'm guilty of doing this one lol. But I do always make sure to preface my nostalgia when discussing such games. Edit: Not to be confused with modern JRPGs being better.
Definitely. If you hand a kid who wasn't born in that era a game like Goldeneye, he'll wonder WTF we were playing. Without a historical context a lot of these games are garbage these days. Though I still find some games like Mario 64 or the Banjo games have aged remarkably. Only the camera is questionable but this is easily fixed with modern controls.
N64/PS1 era was rough as hell with 3D but we needed to go through that phase to get where we're now. I'm seriously amazed at how ballsy some big companies were with their choices.
Its influence isn't overrated. But playing it now, running across a bare patch of nothing from one end to the other doing fetch quests for the opening 2-3 hours of the game (and onward). Just, the lack of actually doing dungeons but farting about with gimmicks.
Yea, this shit is boring. It's like that shitty part of Halflife 2 with the car, if that was most of the game. And even then, in Halflife 2, it's optional, you can straight up just drive past half the shit.
This is the most game ever. Untouchable. The height of heights of the meduim going by critic faps.
Played this game very late, then immediately played Phantom Hourglass afterwords (which apparently is hated) and had far more fun. Almost 0 downtime in that game. The boat shit, though basic is actually fun.
Running across this over and over, is like sticking nails up your ass.
Yup, Mario 64 is definitely one of the standouts. Which is funny since I didn't like it much back then. Played the hell out of the PC port last year, such a great game.
Was avoiding specifics in my post, but yeah, elephant in the room.
Xdude from the Discord recently got into Zelda games for the first time. Made his way back to OoT, it's fun hearing the opinions from someone who didn't grow up on the shit.
Game was outdone by both its sequels and prequels. I get the hype, game floored me too at the time. And even still, better than most of its contemporaries. But a lot of it is average now, even poor in some respects.
Gta4,5, MGS 2,4,5, Halo 2,3,4,5 only single player online don’t care for, Uncharted 3,4, Gears extremely overrated most boring game i played only 1,2,3 rest i didn’t bother with,
@madsnakehhh: Disagree about Third Strike (though Garou and 98 were better), but I'll probably get an equal amount of hate for saying Street Fighter 2 doesn't hold up. It's playable, and laid a solid foundation for the genre to build on, but there is no reason to go back. Alpha 3 is probably the oldest SF I genuinely enjoy.
Now that I've got fighting games on my mind, the first four Mortal Kombats suuuuck. Deadly Alliance had issues, but was a big improvement over it's predecessors. I wish they'd do another 3D one now that Ed Boon can actually make decent fighters.
@madsnakehhh: Disagree about Third Strike, but I'll probably get an equal amount of hate for saying Street Fighter 2 doesn't hold up. It's playable, and laid a solid foundation for the genre to build on, but there is no reason to go back. Alpha 3 is probably the oldest SF game I genuinely enjoy.
Thing about SF2 though is that it has multiple iterations up until modern day.
@madsnakehhh: Disagree about Third Strike (though Garou and 98 were better), but I'll probably get an equal amount of hate for saying Street Fighter 2 doesn't hold up. It's playable, and laid a solid foundation for the genre to build on, but there is no reason to go back. Alpha 3 is probably the oldest SF I genuinely enjoy.
Now that I've got fighting games on my mind, the first four Mortal Kombats suuuuck. Deadly Alliance had issues, but was a big improvement over it's predecessors. I wish they'd do another 3D one now that Ed Boon can actually make decent fighters.
Yeah, big disagree on Third Strike lol. Arguing how it stacks up against other classics is fine, plenty of other greats, but Third Strike is great in its own right. Could scoff about wild balance issues for sure, but that's most classic fighting games for ya.
Also disagree on SF2 (unless we're talking vanilla ass SF2). CE and ST are still good games. Still fill a niche that other FGs don't. Can agree on overrated, but "no reason to go back" is a bit much. And lets be real, most of the people who overrate SF2 as the pinnacle game are people who don't really play FGs.
And yeah MK1 is trash, MK2 sucks just a bit less. UMK3 is jank af, but still a good time.
Rare's games from the N64 Era. They where great back in the day but now they're super dated. Games like Banjo Kazooie and Donkey Kong 64 are collect-a-tons from hell with camera controls you have to manually keep track of and shooters like Goldeneye and perfect dark remind you of why Sony pushed dual analog sticks so much because of those directional "C" buttons to change your POV.
@uninspiredcup: I was also late to Ocarina of Time and to this day, I still can't get into the game. Most likely the wonder of the game was time based, in that for the time, it was such a new experience that gamers were in awe throughout most of their play time. If that experience has become nothing special because of the advancement in gaming, the lack of awe makes the rest of the game uninteresting. That is my guess.
@SolidGame_basic: I actually agree with Jet Set Radio. Both games have crappy gameplay, but they ooze with style so I keep giving them chances. It's why I'm looking forward to Bomb Rush Cyberfunk, because a Jet Set Radio with potentially good gameplay would be amazing.
As for my choices, most Mario games like 64, World, and Odyssey, as well as FF in general. These aren't series that I get almost zero enjoyment out of like Resident Evil or Metal Gear, but I think the former two are vastly overrated when compared to their peers, especially the older ones.
Warcraft III. Easily my least favorite of the rts Warcraft games, and it was the framework for MOBAs; my least favorite modern gaming to BR
@madsnakehhh: Disagree about Third Strike, but I'll probably get an equal amount of hate for saying Street Fighter 2 doesn't hold up. It's playable, and laid a solid foundation for the genre to build on, but there is no reason to go back. Alpha 3 is probably the oldest SF game I genuinely enjoy.
Thing about SF2 though is that it has multiple iterations up until modern day.
I'm willing to say that some SF2 iterations are perfectly playable and enjoyable to this day like Street Fighter 2 Turbo or New Challengers, hell Super Turbo still has a community to this day.
Same with Alpha 2 and of course Alpha 3 ... i feel of all of them are as good as Third Strike and much better than New Gen and Second Impact.
Its influence isn't overrated. But playing it now, running across a bare patch of nothing from one end to the other doing fetch quests for the opening 2-3 hours of the game (and onward). Just, the lack of actually doing dungeons but farting about with gimmicks.
Yea, this shit is boring. It's like that shitty part of Halflife 2 with the car, if that was most of the game. And even then, in Halflife 2, it's optional, you can straight up just drive past half the shit.
This is the most game ever. Untouchable. The height of heights of the meduim going by critic faps.
Played this game very late, then immediately played Phantom Hourglass afterwords (which apparently is hated) and had far more fun. Almost 0 downtime in that game. The boat shit, though basic is actually fun.
Running across this over and over, is like sticking nails up your ass.
Phantom Hourglass is considered by the vast majority to be a top 5 worst Zelda game and Ocarina a top 5 best. There are reasons for this :P
@madsnakehhh: Disagree about Third Strike, but I'll probably get an equal amount of hate for saying Street Fighter 2 doesn't hold up. It's playable, and laid a solid foundation for the genre to build on, but there is no reason to go back. Alpha 3 is probably the oldest SF game I genuinely enjoy.
Thing about SF2 though is that it has multiple iterations up until modern day.
I'm willing to say that some SF2 iterations are perfectly playable and enjoyable to this day like Street Fighter 2 Turbo or New Challengers, hell Super Turbo still has a community to this day.
Same with Alpha 2 and of course Alpha 3 ... i feel of all of them are as good as Third Strike and much better than New Gen and Second Impact.
Oh yea for sure man.
Picked up (and got ripped the **** off) with Ultra Street Fighter II: The Final Challengers about 2-3 years back on Switch. Ended up pouring 50-70 hours into it.
The idea this game doesn't hold up mechanically is bullshit lol
Even stuff as well like the music score, SFIII is comparatively ass imo. Fucking hate it. Look at modern SF games, leaning on II's music score, for good reason.
Agree about SNK games, a few very early ones don't hold up, but by an large, even today, playing stuff like Last Blade 2 is still a banger.
I'd say Goldeneye and Perfect Dark are relatively unplayable. Earlier shooters like Doom hold up better due to the nature of the shooting combat. Other contemporaries like Half-Life and Unreal just stop all over them with level design and controls.
I love going back and playing older games but I won't pick these back up anymore for a reason.
Its influence isn't overrated. But playing it now, running across a bare patch of nothing from one end to the other doing fetch quests for the opening 2-3 hours of the game (and onward). Just, the lack of actually doing dungeons but farting about with gimmicks.
Yea, this shit is boring. It's like that shitty part of Halflife 2 with the car, if that was most of the game. And even then, in Halflife 2, it's optional, you can straight up just drive past half the shit.
This is the most game ever. Untouchable. The height of heights of the meduim going by critic faps.
Played this game very late, then immediately played Phantom Hourglass afterwords (which apparently is hated) and had far more fun. Almost 0 downtime in that game. The boat shit, though basic is actually fun.
Running across this over and over, is like sticking nails up your ass.
Some of the best selling games involve doing loads of mundane, shitty fetch quests. WOW, AC, Horizon, TES etc. Not the least bit surprised people enjoyed it then, and still do. I'm with you that although OOT is a trailblazer, it doesn't do it for me anymore.
@ConanTheStoner said:
Was avoiding specifics in my post, but yeah, elephant in the room.
Xdude from the Discord recently got into Zelda games for the first time. Made his way back to OoT, it's fun hearing the opinions from someone who didn't grow up on the shit.
Game was outdone by both its sequels and prequels. I get the hype, game floored me too at the time. And even still, better than most of its contemporaries. But a lot of it is average now, even poor in some respects.
Agree about MM. WW though? It suffers from the same problems as OOT with the longest, most boring opening section besides perhaps TP. This game has a boatload (no pun intended) of padding and it seems whenever the pace is picking up and you're having fun, Nintendo goes "uh uh, not on my watch". I beat the entire Zelda series but never made it past Tower of the Gods in WW. Just too goddamn boring and I hear the final part of the game is even worse.
@rmiller365 said:
Rare's games from the N64 Era. They where great back in the day but now they're super dated. Games like Banjo Kazooie and Donkey Kong 64 are collect-a-tons from hell with camera controls you have to manually keep track of and shooters like Goldeneye and perfect dark remind you of why Sony pushed dual analog sticks so much because of those directional "C" buttons to change your POV.
Bought it on steam a while ago because of all the fuss I always heard about it throughout the years. It's aweful to play right now and even for its time I dont think it was very good... maybe just because of the story? Cause it sure as sh*t wasnt because of the aweful, aweful gameplay
@madsnakehhh: Disagree about Third Strike, but I'll probably get an equal amount of hate for saying Street Fighter 2 doesn't hold up. It's playable, and laid a solid foundation for the genre to build on, but there is no reason to go back. Alpha 3 is probably the oldest SF game I genuinely enjoy.
Thing about SF2 though is that it has multiple iterations up until modern day.
I'm willing to say that some SF2 iterations are perfectly playable and enjoyable to this day like Street Fighter 2 Turbo or New Challengers, hell Super Turbo still has a community to this day.
Same with Alpha 2 and of course Alpha 3 ... i feel of all of them are as good as Third Strike and much better than New Gen and Second Impact.
Oh yea for sure man.
Picked up (and got ripped the **** off) with Ultra Street Fighter II: The Final Challengers about 2-3 years back on Switch. Ended up pouring 50-70 hours into it.
The idea this game doesn't hold up mechanically is bullshit lol
Even stuff as well like the music score, SFIII is comparatively ass imo. Fucking hate it. Look at modern SF games, leaning on II's music score, for good reason.
Agree about SNK games, a few very early ones don't hold up, but by an large, even today, playing stuff like Last Blade 2 is still a banger.
Just want to clarify that I never meant to imply SF2 has bad mechanics, it's playable even now. I just think later entries and other games improved things to the point that I would only go back and play 2 for nostalgia reasons.
And yeah, Last Blade 2 is still one of my favorite 2D fighting games to this day. That's not nostalgia talking, I didn't get to play it much until it came to Wii Virtual Console.
OoT is a beautiful game from mu childhood. I remember how hard some parts of the game were and how I'd have to get help from my cousin. But it's definitely over rated
OoT is a beautiful game from mu childhood. I remember how hard some parts of the game were and how I'd have to get help from my cousin. But it's definitely over rated
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