@uninspiredcup: I was also late to Ocarina of Time and to this day, I still can't get into the game. Most likely the wonder of the game was time based, in that for the time, it was such a new experience that gamers were in awe throughout most of their play time. If that experience has become nothing special because of the advancement in gaming, the lack of awe makes the rest of the game uninteresting. That is my guess.
I have a theory on older games; they remain good if you played them when they were relevant and are extremely dated if you only played them years later.
I can still play Ocarina of Time and enjoy it, but that's because I've memorized the game and don't have to get stuck on what used to be the frustrating parts the first time I played it. On the other hand, I played Final Fantasy 7 for the first time in 2012, and it was such a grueling experience I gave up within 4 hours because I was just running around trying to accidentally discover what I was supposed to do.
That exact same thing happens in Ocarina of Time , but I know all of the random NPC's I have to talk to in order to keep the game moving forward. I think that plays a big part of it.
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