A really fun occult WWII campaign with awesome headshots. The heads pop sooo good. Story was out there, but that's what makes Wolfenstein enjoyable. Hub world to explore. The graphics looked pretty freaking nice for being the Doom 3 engine. A lot was done to update the engine. Cool setpieces galore. Nice level design once you enter a mission.
I had some faith in this one, but I was VERY hesitant after Pandemic released such disappointments as Mercs 2 and Conquest. Luckily, however, The Saboteur is a great looking and playing (for the most part...) game. It has its fair share of quirks, but this game makes sandbox gaming and WWII gaming feel fresh again. It doesn't take a normal WWII storyline and put you in it. Instead it's a game about revenge, not because of what the nazi's have done, but because of what one man did to Sean's best friend. It builds up from there. It's a good, over-the-top, slightly cheesy, Tarantino-esque, thrill ride. Great setpieces like escaping through a burning zeppelin, making your way on top of a train (which reminded me of Uncharted 2), and multiple other kick ass moments.
It may come off as slightly repetitive, but it's fun all the way through. Wet also goes for the Tarantino-esque feel. It's absurd, over the top, and balls to the walls crazy. Rubi is one kick ass main character. She's got killer moves, killer looks, and killer weapons. This is another game with some great staged setpieces that provide quite a thrill.
These are just a few. I'll post some more later.
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