almost all these games today are either rehashes or bad ideas... or most often both. When Nolan bushnell said that games were a race to the bottom a week or so ago he got flamed but the reality is that he is right. Games have become a shadow of what they used to beand it is sad to watch as each year gets less interesting. Developers have forgotten innovation for the most part and people just keep buying this same stuff over and over... 98% of the developers doing ANYTHING are indie and their games will never be seen by the masses. It is sad but true... almost all of the original stuff is hidden and people don't feel like digging. they call stuff like "bioshock" and "grand theft auto innovative when those concepts were stolen directly from games made in 1994 and 1984 respectively (system shock and Elite). these have just been stolen by bigger companies and resold and they sell. If someone wants an innovative idea just browse the Indepednet games festival nominees and see how much of the stuff there shows off neat new concepts... its a shame they will never be successful. the games industry today is sad and hollow and I pity the people who think things are better than they used to be... thats all.
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