[QUOTE="eagle-75"][QUOTE="FlockofSpagheti"][QUOTE="Xolver"] Tell us how Elite is better than GTA.
Look, it's simple. The games are better done in big studios, that's where quality comes in. Hated EA will always have better games than some little "innovative" company with little to no budget.
What you said is just simply not true. What if Bioshock took some ideas from System Shock? How does that make it worse? How can Elite compete with today's GTA? Why isn't there an "Elite: San Andreas" or "Elite 4"?
Look, you can think of it shallowly and go "hey it's been done so it sucks", but it's done better and it doesn't suck, so saying games are getting worse is just stupid. Well, as an opinion you can say it, but not as a "fact" when you try to prove it using old games.
its better? how is it better? give me some facts oh wait you can't because ITS JUST YOUR OPINION. you are fine consuming rehashes of games that existed 2 decades ago because they are "better"?? anyway it isnt true... games from big studios are almost universally soulless and bland... they go for pretty graphics on ideas that weve seen millions of tmes before.
So you believe that GTA 1 is better than GTA:SA? While that is true that some games don't really get improved comparing them to the previous game in the series (e.g. sports, KOTOR 2) most games aren't the same especially when comparing them with games released a decade apart.
If you don't have an open mind or you are at least willing to consider other opinions as true then there is no point in talking...
GTA has sucked from the start and has only gotten worse...
Ok how about this Diablo 1>Diablo 2, Doom1>UT2004, Ultima Online> WOW ??? You think that the first ones are better that the latter? I fail to see any convincing arguments about this...
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