Games today are pure trash Nolan bushnell was right

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#101 hoola
Member since 2004 • 6422 Posts

Originality does not necessarily make a a great game. Half life 2 is a great game (i think)yet it is just another FPS. What really matters is whether the game is good or bad. Originality could make the game horrible but it could also make it great as you can tell by the either great games or horrible games for the WII.

Story wise games are never going to change. The main idea for a fiction game is you either save the world or stop an evil bad guy from doing something evil. That is the same for books and movies and has been since either became forms of entertainment.

Talking about the gameplay is a different story though. You sit and load the game into your computer and you look at the screen. The next thing you do is grab the mouse or controller. that is the same for every game. I can put the best, most original indie game into the computer and it will do the same exact thing, grab the mouse and play. I think there is only so much you can do differently with a mouse and keyboard before it just becomes the same thing over and over and over again.

After that the only real place someone can be innovative when making a gameis what actually appears on the screen based on the movements of the mouse and keyboard. and i do think developers could make some really cool games if the broke out of the normal ideas.

SUMMARY: as long as games are fun and good i don't really care.

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#102 MetroidPrimePwn
Member since 2007 • 12399 Posts


Guitar Hero

Rock Band


like 90% of DS games

and some Wii games.


Guitar Hero is a direct rip off of a Japanese game called Guitar freaks... which was in turn just DDr on a guitar basically... rock band is an extension of Guitar hero so it suffers the same fate... spore iscloser but dude... it will probably never be released at this rate and even if it was its just another Sim game.

It's an RTS :|

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#103 Goten_king
Member since 2004 • 4327 Posts


Guitar Hero

Rock Band


like 90% of DS games

and some Wii games.


Guitar Hero is a direct rip off of a Japanese game called Guitar freaks... which was in turn just DDr on a guitar basically... rock band is an extension of Guitar hero so it suffers the same fate... spore iscloser but dude... it will probably never be released at this rate and even if it was its just another Sim game.

It's an RTS :|

??? Not really. Mostly its a sim "life" game. You start as an arcade mode, move to customization mode, move to sim mode, move to sim city mode, move to a more "RTS ishmode", then move to a free roam do whatever you want mode.

As for the whole, DS and wii bashing part, take a look at 90% of 360s games or PS3s... they all suffer the same "plagerism"
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#104 nintendoman562
Member since 2007 • 5593 Posts

[QUOTE="Jagazaar"]Okay. YOU come up with an original idea when almost any conceivable concept that'd work as a game (let alone flourish commercially) has already been done. Bioshock, Zack & Wiki and similar games you're going to throw mud on may not be original, but they're still enjoyable and allow a newer audience to experience things they may not have previously. A game doesn't have to be revolutionary to be fun.FlockofSpagheti

revolution and innovation are completely different... also everything has been done? lol man you can't seriously be saying that. like I said go over to igf and check out the entries for 2008... some of them are pretty brilliant...

Ok, I'll confess to exaggerating a bit, fair enough. But my point is, what do you want, a new genre or something? As media forms evolve and grow, more and more styles, themes, concepts and genres are explored. Video games have made the leap from Pong to FPS, driving games, puzzlers, RPGs of all sorts, 3D platformers, adventure games, etc, all with varying sub-genres, and sub-sub genres. Tell me, do you think many people starting gaming this generation or the last have played System Shock 1 or 2, looked at Bioshock, thought along the lines of 'oh, this game is very similar, it's trash'? I'd say it's more likely to be 'nice, I haven't seen an FPS with this sort of depth before, this is great!'. Then of course there's those who HAVE played the former two games, played Bioshock, and thought 'eh, it's a lot like System Shock 2, but what the hell, it's still fun and has enough of a different setting to be interesting'? I consider myself to be in the last group.

On a side note, I looked at the site. Sure, there looks to be some good stuff there and I'd certainly consider buying some, but I really don't see how you can consider certain mainstream games 'pure trash' or 'unoriginal' by comparison. I think you're just being elitist for the sake of personal satisfaction or trolling, personally.

Name me an original retail game from the past year if you call me a troll... one game that did something totally new...

elite beat agents

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#105 poptart
Member since 2003 • 7298 Posts

almost all these games today are either rehashes or bad ideas... or most often both. When Nolan bushnell said that games were a race to the bottom a week or so ago he got flamed but the reality is that he is right. Games have become a shadow of what they used to beand it is sad to watch as each year gets less interesting. Developers have forgotten innovation for the most part and people just keep buying this same stuff over and over... 98% of the developers doing ANYTHING are indie and their games will never be seen by the masses. It is sad but true... almost all of the original stuff is hidden and people don't feel like digging. they call stuff like "bioshock" and "grand theft auto innovative when those concepts were stolen directly from games made in 1994 and 1984 respectively (system shock and Elite). these have just been stolen by bigger companies and resold and they sell. If someone wants an innovative idea just browse the Indepednet games festival nominees and see how much of the stuff there shows off neat new concepts... its a shame they will never be successful. the games industry today is sad and hollow and I pity the people who think things are better than they used to be... thats all.


Come again? GTA borrowed offElite you say?I can see the vauge 'free roaming' sembelence but come off it that's pushing it a little too far.

But yes - the creative stifling nature of the hollywood blockbuster has infected the gaming world and music industry alike. That's just the commecial reality of it and sadly is what society demands at present.

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#106 Son_Of_Synyster
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I guess I shouldn't wear hoodies either since they're a rip-off of tee-shirts. Really, people have amazing things called "Tastes". I love RPGs. Yet, I've never played one and thought "This is EXACTLY like ______." Stories change. Gameplay ELEMENTS change. You can only go so far until it's no longer an RPG. What's the point of developing likes and dislikes if EVERY game is going to be some random hallucinogenic backwash from the brain of a monkey on acid? I'd much rather take innovation in my preferred genres anyday.
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#107 Brmarlin
Member since 2006 • 2559 Posts

[QUOTE="DeathIsARight"]system shock and elite were nothing like GTA...Why mention GTA in this?FlockofSpagheti

i said System shock was ripped off by Bioshock read it again... also Gta is an elite rip off dude... the concept of a freeroam world where you decide what to do was directly taken from that...

BioShock does not rip off system shock. Observe why.

1. System Shock was developed by Looking Glass Studios.

2. Irrational Games, the creators of BioShock and co-creators of System Shock 2, is an offshoot of Looking Glass. (along with Ion Storm. Of the two, Irrational lives up to its ancestors more, but that is neither here nor there).

3. System Shock 2 was made by LGS and IG. Ken Levine was the lead design on both BioShock and SS2.

Need more proof?

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#108 poptart
Member since 2003 • 7298 Posts

[QUOTE="DeathIsARight"]system shock and elite were nothing like GTA...Why mention GTA in this?Brmarlin

i said System shock was ripped off by Bioshock read it again... also Gta is an elite rip off dude... the concept of a freeroam world where you decide what to do was directly taken from that...

BioShock does not rip off system shock. Observe why.

1. System Shock was developed by Looking Glass Studios.

2. Irrational Games, the creators of BioShock and co-creators of System Shock 2, is an offshoot of Looking Glass. (along with Ion Storm. Of the two, Irrational lives up to its ancestors more, but that is neither here nor there).

3. System Shock 2 was made by LGS and IG. Ken Levine was the lead design on both BioShock and SS2.

Need more proof?

I agree, and furthermore GTA is not really influenced by Elite now is it. I mean come on - developers were long wanting to replicate that element of real life that hardware had long restricted, i.e, our actions and decisions affecting the course our lives take.This is a natural progression of video games, not a fantastic 'idea' that someone came up with.

As stated - 'free roaming' is basically replicating real life. Besides, text based adventure games were around long before Elite - I think you'll find that could potentially be the of origin of free roaming video games.... Which is turn was probably influenced by board based RPG's... I could go on....

Waffle over.

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#109 MrDziekuje
Member since 2004 • 7730 Posts

Nolan Bushnell can go play Pong in Chuck E. Cheese for all I care. I play my games and I enjoy them.

World: 1 Nolan Bushnell: 0

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#110 Kardinal47
Member since 2007 • 144 Posts

When you have a negative outlook on things, of course nothing is going to seem innovative. I hate how you people nitpick about the smallest things.

Why dont you make games for us Mr. Innovation? I'm actually happy with what games give us now, cause in time I know it will be improved upon. I bet you'll sit there and say Spore isn't innovative.

It teh copies off of Aopey in 1980 because it usesa pointer! Teh failurz!!!!

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#111 Redgarl
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I dar you to say the same thing after playing Fallout 1 and 2, World in Conflict, The Witcher, Super Mario Galaxy and so on ...

Resident Evil 4 is what? A rehash?

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#112 jethrovegas
Member since 2007 • 5103 Posts

**** Nolan Bushnell.

He's a stuck up relic who does nothing to help the modern games industry.