Originality does not necessarily make a a great game. Half life 2 is a great game (i think)yet it is just another FPS. What really matters is whether the game is good or bad. Originality could make the game horrible but it could also make it great as you can tell by the either great games or horrible games for the WII.
Story wise games are never going to change. The main idea for a fiction game is you either save the world or stop an evil bad guy from doing something evil. That is the same for books and movies and has been since either became forms of entertainment.
Talking about the gameplay is a different story though. You sit and load the game into your computer and you look at the screen. The next thing you do is grab the mouse or controller. that is the same for every game. I can put the best, most original indie game into the computer and it will do the same exact thing, grab the mouse and play. I think there is only so much you can do differently with a mouse and keyboard before it just becomes the same thing over and over and over again.
After that the only real place someone can be innovative when making a gameis what actually appears on the screen based on the movements of the mouse and keyboard. and i do think developers could make some really cool games if the broke out of the normal ideas.
SUMMARY: as long as games are fun and good i don't really care.
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