Gran turismo
Final fantasy
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MGS series...ugh.... makes me die with boredom. Can't get into Splinter Cell either or Oblivion.... I'm finding that as I get older, I don't want to play slow paced games as much....
But, uh, yeah... MGS is horrible.
I've tried on multiple occasions to like Oblivion, cuz from the premise of the game it seems to be something I think I'd like.... but its just so Freakin' BORING!!!
Oh and "Xtreme Sports" games.... BLAH!! well.... SSX was good, but other than that... sry all boring crap to me.
[QUOTE="DilutedDante"]You can't be serious. You don't see why sports games appeal to people? Genuinely?-Skyfall
Nope. There's nothing extraordinary about them, and they're usually the same thing every year. If you're a cripple, I can understand that, but if you're perfectly able-bodied I don't see why you can't actually play the sport in real life. The only reasons I can surmise for playing sports game are laziness or wanting to play as your favorite team, both of which I find to be pretty silly reasons honestly, but I guess those reasons are enough to pull the kind numbers they pull.
The problem with sports games to me isI feelthey sacrifice'fun' for 'realism'. Sensible Soccer, Speedball 2 and even the first EA games were all good GAMES that most gamers - sports fans or not - would enjoy since they were fast games and had responsive controls, allowing you to do fun and interesting things with the game. But over the last ten years they've been trying to make 'simulators', slowing the game down significantly in order to make it LOOK exactly like a live telecast, and then trying to craft an interestinggameplay experience within that restrictive frame. This is where the FUN factor totally got lost for someone like me.
As for the annual regurgitation characteristic to sports games, that would be unforgivable for any other genre - RTS, RPG, FPS, adventure, platformers etc -but then again sports are inherently repetitive. There's a limit to how much innovation and inspiration you can channel into a football game at this stage. THAT is the biggest problem with sports games in my opinion; that they are based on sports,a very delineated real-life activity which leaves little room for novelty after all these years. Every iteration of Zelda/FF/Halo also follows a core formula, but usually there's some new additions, new weapons or other things that affect the gameplay experience, and if not at least there's some variation in the story and the setting.
But even when you DO factor in the limitations of the subject matter, games like FIFA and Pro Ev are still bad at exploiting the interactivity potentialof the video game media. Rarely do they including crazy gameplay options like low gravity soccer, obstacles, ice fields, tilting field like e.g. in that Mario soccer game, or anything - I don't really care what, something - to mix the gameplay up and potentially make it more interesting beyond the core audience. This reflects the conservative philosophy that goes into making these games.
[QUOTE="-Skyfall"][QUOTE="DilutedDante"]You can't be serious. You don't see why sports games appeal to people? Genuinely?Banestyrelsen
Nope. There's nothing extraordinary about them, and they're usually the same thing every year. If you're a cripple, I can understand that, but if you're perfectly able-bodied I don't see why you can't actually play the sport in real life. The only reasons I can surmise for playing sports game are laziness or wanting to play as your favorite team, both of which I find to be pretty silly reasons honestly, but I guess those reasons are enough to pull the kind numbers they pull.
The problem with sports games to me isI feelthey sacrifice'fun' for 'realism'. Sensible Soccer, Speedball 2 and even the first EA games were all good GAMES that most gamers - sports fans or not - would enjoy since they were fast games and had responsive controls, allowing you to do fun and interesting things with the game. But over the last ten years they've been trying to make 'simulators', slowing the game down significantly in order to make it LOOK exactly like a live telecast, and then trying to craft an interestinggameplay experience within that restrictive frame. This is where the FUN factor totally got lost for someone like me.
As for the annual regurgitation characteristic to sports games, that would be unforgivable for any other genre - RTS, RPG, FPS, adventure, platformers etc -but then again sports are inherently repetitive. There's a limit to how much innovation and inspiration you can channel into a football game at this stage. THAT is the biggest problem with sports games in my opinion; that they are based on sports,a very delineated real-life activity which leaves little room for novelty after all these years. Every iteration of Zelda/FF/Halo also follows a core formula, but usually there's some new additions, new weapons or other things that affect the gameplay experience, and if not at least there's some variation in the story and the setting.
But even when you DO factor in the limitations of the subject matter, games like FIFA and Pro Ev are still bad at exploiting the interactivity potentialof the video game media. Rarely do they including crazy gameplay options like low gravity soccer, obstacles, ice fields, tilting field like e.g. in that Mario soccer game, or anything - I don't really care what, something - to mix the gameplay up and potentially make it more interesting beyond the core audience. This reflects the conservative philosophy that goes into making these games.
I can agree with all of this. I can see how people might enjoy sports games, but that doesn't mean they're good artistically, from the game design perspective. They never break any new ground, and that stagnation in and of itself removes them from consideration as being truly great games.
Madden: Same ol' Same ol' every year! Got tired of it like 15 years ago!
ERnter the Matrix: SERIOUSLY! I'm NOT joking here! I got several friends who LOVES this game! Leaving me in a total rut of confusion as to why! Are they that serious about the movie so much they just want to "jack" into the matrix with that puking bad of a game?
Oni: Really didn't understand it but some people love it
God of WarArisShadows
And I thought I was the only one.
I can tell why people like it and it does have some cool moments, however I HATE God of War. The button mashing to open doors and chests, repetive button combos to kill enemies like stabbingminotaurs in the mouth, the blind jumping... ARGGGH! I feel like my brain is going to explode just thinking about it. To this day I can't believe I actually beat the stupid thing. I kept thinking this is Game of the Year, it's going to get better... it's going to get better. By the time I fought Spider Aries, I had developed Tourette's Syndrome by screaming so much profanity.
If you like God of War, I'm happy for you. There is just something about it that really rubs me the wrong way. It's like God of War killed my dog in a previous life.
I just want to take a momment to say there is something wrong with you.
Pikmin I simply will never undertsand that.
I also hate Halo because you always end up playing with people who play nothing else and getting owned every few seconds after you re-spawn gets old fast.
Super Mario 64. Mediocre at best.digidrive
OMG, blasphemy! Did you play it when it was brand new, or a few years after it was released?
I'd have to say the Viewtiful Joe series. I never really enjoyed them - it was a bit of a chore to finish them.
[QUOTE="digidrive"]Super Mario 64. Mediocre at best.sword_chuckz
OMG, blasphemy! Did you play it when it was brand new, or a few years after it was released?
I'd have to say the Viewtiful Joe series. I never really enjoyed them - it was a bit of a chore to finish them.
I played it when it was new and I bought a playstation instead.
[QUOTE="sword_chuckz"][QUOTE="digidrive"]Super Mario 64. Mediocre at best.digidrive
OMG, blasphemy! Did you play it when it was brand new, or a few years after it was released?
I'd have to say the Viewtiful Joe series. I never really enjoyed them - it was a bit of a chore to finish them.
I played it when it was new and I bought a playstation instead.
For shame, I thought someone named after a Bit Generations game would have better taste. ;)
[QUOTE="digidrive"][QUOTE="sword_chuckz"][QUOTE="digidrive"]Super Mario 64. Mediocre at best.Caviglia
OMG, blasphemy! Did you play it when it was brand new, or a few years after it was released?
I'd have to say the Viewtiful Joe series. I never really enjoyed them - it was a bit of a chore to finish them.
I played it when it was new and I bought a playstation instead.
For shame, I thought someone named after a Bit Generations game would have better taste. ;)
Super Mario 3 is THE Mario game.
[QUOTE="Caviglia"][QUOTE="digidrive"][QUOTE="sword_chuckz"][QUOTE="digidrive"]Super Mario 64. Mediocre at best.digidrive
OMG, blasphemy! Did you play it when it was brand new, or a few years after it was released?
I'd have to say the Viewtiful Joe series. I never really enjoyed them - it was a bit of a chore to finish them.
I played it when it was new and I bought a playstation instead.
For shame, I thought someone named after a Bit Generations game would have better taste. ;)
Super Mario 3 is THE Mario game.
It was very good. But if your old enough; nothing beats playing SMB1 with your buddies and fininshing the game and then playing on the hard mode. Man, those were the days. (snaps back to reality)
Not that i hate the game, but i dont see everyone's obsession with starcraft, its really not that great, age of empires II is a much better game, and at the time starcraft released, the first red alert was out and that was better. Its a good game dont get me wrong, its just not the allmighty best of RTS's like everyone claims it to be. that title should belong to AoE II The Conquerors
Hmmm...well, I like COD 4, but it is veryoverrated I think. The SP was kind of lame with the exception of the ghilli level and MP is great but I prefer TF2, Halo 3, and Gears to it. Maybe I'm just burnt out from playing a bunch of other online shooters, but I just haven't gotten into the game like everyone else unfortunately.
oblivion, omg Oblivion.. I can't understand how people can even call this a RPG, it lacks in just about every catagory from decision making, meaingful character devolpment, story etc etc...
To a lesser extent Halo.. I don't hate it I just think its over-rated. The Co-op is fun but that it.
Final Fantasy and CS ;)kazour
Have you tried Final fantasy tactics? Just got that one for the psp its a amazing not to mention completely different from just about every other FF.
Halo = Most overrated franchise ever
the funny this is that you didn't even need to post, I'm pretty sure everyone knew you would be in here with that answer. :D
just to be fair, what game for your system of choice do you hate that people love?
[QUOTE="smokeydabear076"]I dislike some games, but I don't hate them.DilutedDante
You speak as someone who's never played Custer's Revenge then.
I had that game :oops:
Not that i hate the game, but i dont see everyone's obsession with starcraft, its really not that great, age of empires II is a much better game, and at the time starcraft released, the first red alert was out and that was better. Its a good game dont get me wrong, its just not the allmighty best of RTS's like everyone claims it to be. that title should belong to AoE II The ConquerorsRichyd13
What's wrong with Starcraft then, compared to RA and AOE2?
Games You Hate But People Love?
I have a lot of big titles I cant stand but the majority of people love...
- Final Fantasy - Seriously, taking turns killing eachother?! Snorefest for me...
- Halo1 and 2 - The more I played the single player campain the more I felt I was losing brain cells from how repetitive the game was...
- Zelda....
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