1. halo combat evolve
2. halo 2
3. halo 3
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Most RTS (only liked warlord battlecry >_>)... i cannot get into them somehow, and get bored quite easily after a few map... :/
Then, diabolo II....Too much clicking, felt like a beat-em up game with rpg (levelng up system) elements.
[QUOTE="Richyd13"]Not that i hate the game, but i dont see everyone's obsession with starcraft, its really not that great, age of empires II is a much better game, and at the time starcraft released, the first red alert was out and that was better. Its a good game dont get me wrong, its just not the allmighty best of RTS's like everyone claims it to be. that title should belong to AoE II The ConquerorsBanestyrelsen
What's wrong with Starcraft then, compared to RA and AOE2?
i dont like the resource gathering aspect of starcraft, i just never really got into the game, i didnt enjoy the battles that were presented, the game didnt compel me to play it more and learn new tactics. i didnt really enjoy the single player, even though thats not what RTS's are for. and some of the units i find very useless
Games You Hate But People Love?
I have a lot of big titles I cant stand but the majority of people love...
- Final Fantasy - Seriously, taking turns killing eachother?! Snorefest for me...
- Halo1 and 2 - The more I played the single player campain the more I felt I was losing brain cells from how repetitive the game was...
- Zelda....
I HATE (yes HATE) God of war 1&2.
Racing Games- can't stand going in circles in a virtual car
some Zelda titles- i always end up yelling at screen in frustration(mind you not all)
WoW- this game seriously is retarded and unoriginal
Sports Games- no body gives a **** really, why even bother playing them, they have no point
never liked Frogger when it was popular
any Mario besides the nes versions (64)
For me, it would be the Zelda games, Grand Theft Auto and Halo, the most overrated game in the history of videogames.
Games You Hate But People Love?
I have a lot of big titles I cant stand but the majority of people love...
- Final Fantasy - Seriously, taking turns killing eachother?! Snorefest for me...
- Halo1 and 2 - The more I played the single player campain the more I felt I was losing brain cells from how repetitive the game was...
- Zelda....
haha i loled at FF its not really turn based anymore
Ignore my ratings, I don't "hate" these games, they just weren't my cup of tea...
God of War
Final Fantasy
Ratchet and clank
Ninja Gaiden
MGS games
Final Fantasy games
I don't hate them... it's just that I don't see why people like these franchises.
Super Smash Bros. games get the turkey award here. These games have zero appeal and the thought of fanboys getting giddy over Link vs. Pikachu and so forth makes me want to puke! chisoxrule
I honestly don't think that the whole "ohemgee Link vs. Pikachu!" thing is really the main draw of SSB these days...
Halo 2 and 3.( same old Halo, nothing special in this game)
Oblivion. ( I don't consider it an RPG)
Xtreme sports,( only, jet moto, test dirve offroad, atv and SSX was good)
DMC 2,3.( same old DMC, upgrade your weapons, you will be stronger,you will end the game, it doesn't have any challange for me, NG and HS was better gameplay wise)
Silent hill 3 and 4. ( same as above, it gets boring after doing the same gameplay, same concept of story and same atmosphere over and over again)
RE 0 and 4.
FF 11, 12. ( I hate MMORPG which is 11, and 12 was like 11 but offline, bad story, bad gameplay, bad system and menu)
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