Now that I think of it my friends aren't the ones who give me crap about it.
Its my family.
My mother classifies all JRPGs as "Sailor Moon games", and regularly points that out to me. Its pretty embarrassing even when no one's around, so God forbid the conversation switches to that when there's any people around, because all it is "You like stuff like Sailor Moon? How cute!" or "Why would you play that?"
My cousins belong to 2 seperate parties: One side are complete rednecks, the other are wannabe gangsters. I don't speak with the redneck portion of my family because I don't really like most of them, and the ones that I do I don't have much in common with so we just have a mutual respect for each other's hobbies. I do spend time with the other side of my family, and for the most part, they're dumbtarded.
They play some games I do like Halo(Used to) or Rainbow Six, but they mostly play games like Rock Band, Guitar Hero, Madden(They love it, everyone in my family except me alone loves football, when I don't even know how the game works). They always ask me what I'm playing, see it, and then go "...Oh..." and then walk away. Sometimes they want to play, but I don't feel like showing them how to play RPGs they have no knowledge of, and having to sit through the starting portions of those very, very, very long games(Imagine having to walk someone through the first 4 hours of an RPG so they can play it), so I tell them they wouldn't like it.
My dad leaves me alone, and my brothers pretty much exclusively play World of Warcraft. My older brother already left home and is in the Coast Guard, thats all he does in his free time, is play WoW or spend time with his wife, and my little brother just plays WoW all day long.
I'm the only one that likes the games I like for the reasons I like, and its kind of upsetting because I rarely have anyone to talk to about them. I'm used to it though since its been that way my whole life, with my interests being my own. I'm the only member of my family that plays games like Persona, Harvest Moon, etc, and I'm the only one that appreciates them for their story, characters, and the paths you can take on them.
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