I'd put FFV up higher and FFIII lower. FFV is great due to its job system. Without it, the game would be mediocre at best. But with it, the game is incredibly simple but deep and allows for tons of different combinations. Plus, it heavily inspired Bravely Default, which is nice. FFIII is just bad. There's never any incentive to change jobs; in fact the game penalizes you. I'm not averse to old school, but the game's old school to a fault.
Also, not sure I'd put FFIV so high. Granted, it's a great game and was important for RPGs but it's somewhat simple by today's standards. There's not much in the way of customization compared to other JRPGs and not much to do once the game is beaten. Like I said, it's still a great and important game, but some aspects haven't aged terribly well.
But I agree with FFVI at the top. Of the ones I've played, it has the coolest story and best cast, as well as a fun (if insanely exploitable) battle system. Plus, dat Kefka.
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