Honestly the list is OK. I would have Halo CE in there instead of Halo 3, Half Life 1 instead of 2 etc. I think its to difficult to make a list of absolutes without ignoring the "better" games that come out today.
I think my Top 5 FPS games would be not in a particular order but just games that have effected the industry massively are
1. Half Life (Arguably THE most complete FPS ever which spawned C:SS and TF mods)
2. Halo CE (Probably the most important console exclusive to come out in recent memory)
3. Call of Duty 4 (Birth game to the most popular FPS series ever?)
4. Quake (The Grandad of tournament FPS? that or Unreal, whichever one came first)
5. Battlefield 1942 , (Brought PC the most complete war-fare multiplayer series)
Its difficult because when you make a list you miss out games like Dues X, Doom, etc. So I think ideally you need to concentrate on firstly what the game did, how well it played and then what it brought to the industry. Probably Doom should be up there considering it was the great grandad of FPS games.
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