I have been noticing this and to me it seems that all games are just repeated over and over again with better graphics.
Final Fantasy XXX anyone?
Metal Gear Solid 10 maybe?
GTA 6 ?
Xbox 10?
Playstation 15?
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I have been noticing this and to me it seems that all games are just repeated over and over again with better graphics.
Final Fantasy XXX anyone?
Metal Gear Solid 10 maybe?
GTA 6 ?
Xbox 10?
Playstation 15?kato_
As production costs have got higher and higher less developers will take risks with new franchises or new ideas within there old franchises. It could be said that this generation is the generation of the REHASH! Though i disagree with the industry dying but i will agree that innovation has ceased to exist in majority of the larger developers.
Look. This is a ridiculous statement. I, personally, think games aren't as good as they were in the 90s, but this certainly doesn't mean it's dying. If anything it's sprouted rapidly recently and will be evern huger in a couple of years.
Just because there appear to be no good ideas coming doesn't mean the industry is "dying." Back in the 30s were movies considered dying because there weren't any new genres coming out? No, the industry simply perfected the genres over time, which the same will happen to games. Games have a large way to go, and with the massive following of it all now, the statement "gaming is dying" could not be further from the truth.
[QUOTE="kato_"]I have been noticing this and to me it seems that all games are just repeated over and over again with better graphics.
Final Fantasy XXX anyone?
Metal Gear Solid 10 maybe?
GTA 6 ?
Xbox 10?
Playstation 15?Dibdibdobdobo
As production costs have got higher and higher less developers will take risks with new franchises or new ideas within there old franchises. It could be said that this generation is the generation of the REHASH!
[QUOTE="Dibdibdobdobo"][QUOTE="kato_"]I have been noticing this and to me it seems that all games are just repeated over and over again with better graphics.
Final Fantasy XXX anyone?
Metal Gear Solid 10 maybe?
GTA 6 ?
Xbox 10?
Playstation 15?KungfuKitten
As production costs have got higher and higher less developers will take risks with new franchises or new ideas within there old franchises. It could be said that this generation is the generation of the REHASH!
Yes all 3 of those games look quite intresting. I expected more orignal games though or new ideas within old franchises to keep it feeling fresh instead of it feeling like I have done it all previously. Graphical ability means nothing to me if the game is going to make me suffer with Deja Vou.
Yes No More Heroes was quite intresting though i disliked the game. Lost winds looks intresting too. Little Big Planet looks the most innovative game to grace the PS3. I'm yet to see Afro Samurai (dont like the Series), Boom Blox is the only orignal game from EA in years (its EA isnt it?). Though none of those can be compared to productions as of the likes of MGS4, GeOW2, RE5, GT5, Tekken 6, FIFA08 in time, effort and money spent on them! Its quite clear that rehashes in many companies eyes is the only way to produce games as its safe and easier to do that than to produce a good quality orignal game where they would have to design the characters, Plot, Back drops and so forth.... With a REHASH half the battle is won as you already have the gaming mechanics set in stone, Main Characters, The plot is easier to follow up than to create a new game plot with new characters.
I have been noticing this and to me it seems that all games are just repeated over and over again with better graphics.
Final Fantasy XXX anyone?
Metal Gear Solid 10 maybe?
GTA 6 ?
Xbox 10?
Playstation 15?kato_
That certainly seems to be the route console gaming is taking. Good thing we still have the PC with it's massive variety of games and developers.
I have been noticing this and to me it seems that all games are just repeated over and over again with better graphics.
Final Fantasy XXX anyone?
Metal Gear Solid 10 maybe?
GTA 6 ?
Xbox 10?
Playstation 15?kato_
bioshock and assassin's creed are new and fresh original ip's, same goes to spore on pc and there is surely a lot more i cant think of right now so now innovation never ends
i've always liked to compare gaming to the film industry... movies aren't going anywhere. similarly, neither are games... at least i think soomarguy01You shouldn't have compared them actually. Games are still at the stage of being an exhibition (has been so for about 25 years) Movies have been seen as an art form for decades. As an 'exhibition', games can get stagnant. As an art form, movies can't. So, it's time for games to start finding its place as a medium, if not it will truly stagnant and wither away.
:lol: You don't know nothing about Final Fantasy, that part you made crystal clear. If you did, you would know that FF is a new game every time (with the exception of FFX-2 and the handhelds). New characters, new location, new story, pretty much new everything.I have been noticing this and to me it seems that all games are just repeated over and over again with better graphics.
Final Fantasy XXX anyone?
Metal Gear Solid 10 maybe?
GTA 6 ?
Xbox 10?
Playstation 15?
[QUOTE="kato_"]:lol: You don't know nothing about Final Fantasy, that part you made crystal clear. If you did, you would know that FF is a new game every time (with the exception of FFX-2 and the handhelds). New characters, new location, new story, pretty much new everything. it took 12 iterations for it to have a completely overhauled battle system didn't it?I have been noticing this and to me it seems that all games are just repeated over and over again with better graphics.
Final Fantasy XXX anyone?
Metal Gear Solid 10 maybe?
GTA 6 ?
Xbox 10?
Playstation 15?
Gaming is dying because you don't like sequels. Right
I think you mean "Creativity in gaming is dying", gaming itself is bigger then it's ever been before, and it's getting even larger.
How about this...
Flying dogs. With rollerskates. They eat cheese and live in a cosmic apartment, and they're in a relationship...and they're both guys.
And they have to play chess with giant space bacterium. But it isnt chess it's darts but with no board.
[QUOTE="l-_-l"][QUOTE="kato_"]:lol: You don't know nothing about Final Fantasy, that part you made crystal clear. If you did, you would know that FF is a new game every time (with the exception of FFX-2 and the handhelds). New characters, new location, new story, pretty much new everything. it took 12 iterations for it to have a completely overhauled battle system didn't it?God no. It has changed a few times. Hell there was a big change just between 7 and 8 alone. And X is plenty different from 8 (didn't play 9). 11 was a online only game. I guess I was right after all, you don't know nothing about FF games.I have been noticing this and to me it seems that all games are just repeated over and over again with better graphics.
Final Fantasy XXX anyone?
Metal Gear Solid 10 maybe?
GTA 6 ?
Xbox 10?
Playstation 15?FrozenLiquid
EDIT: Lets not forget how different Final Fantasy Tactics is from the main FF games.
I see your point, but the industry doesn't look dying to me. If anything it seems to be growing.mohfrontline
Plus there may not be any new generas, but the generas that we already have are always getting better.
The only thing that will happen is... Crap games will sell less then good high quality ones.
Which is the way it works now a days.
gaming is not dying, but creativity is tc. When it cost you 30 million to devellop a single console game, you make sure it will be widely accepted by everyone. If you create another ip, what you have to do? Steal the idea of the other games, make your game an hybrid of something and make your game open-ended (optional)!
Assasin creed took the idea of prince of persia and made it open ended, woot bingo=$$$. Mass effect=kotor+fps+open ended= $$$$$ Gta4=gta3:sa+better graphic+physic+not a black guy as the hero ( :roll: )+open ended=10/10= $$$$$$$$$$$$$$
Bioshock=System shock 2+better graphic+dumbed dumbed down rpg element=win
If you want innovation, come on the pc, this year will be fabulous with all these new develloper making new and attractive game that you can get for half the price of a normal console game
I have been noticing this and to me it seems that all games are just repeated over and over again with better graphics.
Final Fantasy XXX anyone?
Metal Gear Solid 10 maybe?
GTA 6 ?
Xbox 10?
Playstation 15?kato_
Uh Hu... the gaming industries unprecedented 57% growth in march proves you wrong.
bioshock and assassin's creed are new and fresh original ip's, same goes to spore on pc and there is surely a lot more i cant think of right now so now innovation never ends sambalimbo
Bioshock is basically a System Shock copy, so it is not exactly a fresh orignal.
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