M/KB is objectively better for FPS games
Playing with a mouse and keyboard is easier to be faster and more accurate, but being easier doesn't make it objectively better. Playing with a controller is more comfortable, more immersive, and more realistic to shooting a gun in real life. When you shoot a gun in real life, you have to pull a trigger and you will get some feedback when you do; a controller more closely simulates that experience than playing with a mouse and keyboard where you have to click a button instead of pulling a trigger and you get no feedback from it. The point-and-click speed and accuracy of a mouse is also not found in real life.
Yeah, because clicking the LMB with your index finger is SO different than pushing in a tiny plastic trigger with your.... index finger. And we all know that little rumble is JUST like the recoil of a gun. And I'm sure it takes you 10 seconds instead of an instant to turn around and look at something in real life as well...
Come on man... preference is preference, but please don't say twiddling your thumbs equates more to real life actions then another, just as unrealistic input method.
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