@AzatiS said:
@jg4xchamp: i beg to disagree with many of your opinions ( i couldnt quote properly , dunno wtf )
I think each game should be judged for the whole packet
Sure, doesn't make their short comings less significant. I never said they were poor games (well maybe the mass effect games), but I am not of the opinion that gaming stories must be held to the low ass fucking standards of video game standards. For the amount of time, effort, and energy is wasted in throwing those stories in a game, and asking their audience to sit through it. It should be a lot better, and not in a manner that completely undermines the whole point of this medium.
This thread wasn't "gameplay is king" the way you might be misjudging it, this thread is that there are 2 fundamentally flawed aspects about a video game telling a story, and how devs go about telling a story.
1. It's not an organic medium: That one isn't even opinion, no other story telling medium is at the mercy of something so systematically counter intuitive to the act of telling a story: ie gaming's responsibility to offer gameplay. Not the most elegant comparison, but even with a plot porn, you still need to get us to two or more people fucking. Games even with a story, eventually need to get us to some version of gameplay, and gameplay is inherently something that doesn't always tell a story. If the next logical story sequence in a book, a short story, a film, a tv show is a boring ass talking thing, it'll be a boring ass talking thing. Games need to be longer, games need to pad run time with routines, games need gameplay sequences. And sometimes if the next logical thing is a boring talking sequence, yeah but that hurts the pace of the game and puts the player on hold for way too long so here is this shoot shoot bang bang return of the gunnining segment. That is fundamentally different from any other medium.
2. Game devs have a tendency to ignore their gameplay as if it's not part of the story, which yes the gameplay would be part of the story.This medium's defining characteristic shouldn't be something that is completely ignored from a story being told in this medium. It can and frankly should play a role in the story. And ones that found the solution of "well what if we just has basically no gameplay", that's not a solution actually, that's sort of pointing out why the medium has issues in the first place.
You people focus way too much on the examples, and not the underlying point. I actually quite dig Uncharted 2 and The Last of Us as video games, doesn't change the fact that Uncharted's story and characterizations are at odds with its gameplay. Pretending otherwise is choosing not to pay attention, and whole "shut your brain off", sorry, already had that convo with Sushi, I thought it was BS. You don't need to make to shut your brain off for The Wire's story to work, you don't need to shut your brain off to get what Mullholand Drive is doing. You basically have to shut your brain off to accept that Nathan Drake more or less piling on a kill count in the 1000s, and surviving crazy death defying scenarios isn't completely at odds with how the game intends to present him as a normal dude.
Me enjoying a game, doesn't mean I am not self aware of a valid criticism that can be made against the game. Especially the story of a video game no less lol.
@Yoshi9000 said:
champ, can you please play Pathologic and tell me what you think. It's a Russian game, make sure to get the Classic HD version cause the original has a butchered translation.
Basically three different "healers" come to some obscure unnamed village on the Russian steppe. The rulers of the village seem to have found a way to become immortal, but at the same time, must deal with a deadly secret the town possesses, one of them being a terrible form of bacteria.
Each character arrives for their own reasons, and you can play as all three for different perspectives. Meaning, three separate campaigns. No switching between each three. But each character still acts on their own accord in the story, even if you are not playing as them.
Game is weird as hell. Maybe not in a bad way, but it will be a turn off for many. Also, the game one-ups itself. It doesn't lose steam, but gets better, introduces more characters, more perspectives.
It's also hard. Not just in gameplay, but it challenges your mentality. Supposedly it was created as a stress simulator. Yeah...it's not fun in a traditional sense. But still satisfying in that you feel apart of the world and story.
Installing, will play after Metroid Prime or Bayonetta, not sure yet.
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