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there was nothing technically wrong with was a mediocre shooter that brought nothing new to the fps genre...with a craptastic story included.....since it was from the makers of timesplitters....a successfully fps can tell that haze had no technical flaws.....but definetly 6.0 material...
Now too human....too human was the biggest PoS trash i have ever played this year. Im glad it got a 5.5, because it did not deserve any better. Hopefully silcon knights learned there lesson....developing a game for 10 years wont make it a good game.
Well If All of you saying Wii Fit Got Great Reviews So did ninja gaiden and people still consider the game badZeppy007
I agree... except for the great review part. GS gave it a 7.0, which is roughly average. And do not even say that it got another score on another site, because if your not using Gamespot's score, the why are you on gamespot?
[QUOTE="Zeppy007"][QUOTE="jimkabrhel"][QUOTE="iamshivy"][QUOTE="xNJN"][QUOTE="AtrumRegina"]Wii fit is casual shovelware.
^^Only people who havn't played it and lazy idiots who purchased it would say this. Wii Fit is great. Do you want to be on your next step to be as flexible as Shawn Johnson? I recommend Wii Fit. It is Great!!
*EDIT* And the to anyone who's reviewed it; Who are you to review Wii Fit? seriously? Are you a fitness guru/junkie? I doubt it, you review video games for a living...
If Wii Fit Were $70 I'd give it a 10/10, but the $110 they ask for is a little much. I conclude a 9.5/10.
$110 eh. for one more dollar you can buy a 3 month gym member ship card.But at the gym you have to work out in front of other people, namelyjudgmentalgymfreaks.
If you consider that a problem you need therpy I go to my high school Gym 3 times a week and nobody gets is judged and if High school kids dont judge other people then I dought Adults would be such jackasses to someone trying to lose weight or make themselves stronger.
Completely agreed.
yeah I will always prefer working out in a real gym rather then a in shovel ware title
[QUOTE="Zeppy007"]Well If All of you saying Wii Fit Got Great Reviews So did ninja gaiden and people still consider the game badmangoslayer
I agree... except for the great review part. GS gave it a 7.0, which is roughly average. And do not even say that it got another score on another site, because if your not using Gamespot's score, the why are you on gamespot?
Yeah man!I hate when people go to game rankings and do that I swear I will never do that again
[QUOTE="mangoslayer"][QUOTE="Zeppy007"][QUOTE="jimkabrhel"][QUOTE="iamshivy"][QUOTE="xNJN"][QUOTE="AtrumRegina"]Wii fit is casual shovelware.
^^Only people who havn't played it and lazy idiots who purchased it would say this. Wii Fit is great. Do you want to be on your next step to be as flexible as Shawn Johnson? I recommend Wii Fit. It is Great!!
*EDIT* And the to anyone who's reviewed it; Who are you to review Wii Fit? seriously? Are you a fitness guru/junkie? I doubt it, you review video games for a living...
If Wii Fit Were $70 I'd give it a 10/10, but the $110 they ask for is a little much. I conclude a 9.5/10.
$110 eh. for one more dollar you can buy a 3 month gym member ship card.But at the gym you have to work out in front of other people, namelyjudgmentalgymfreaks.
If you consider that a problem you need therpy I go to my high school Gym 3 times a week and nobody gets is judged and if High school kids dont judge other people then I dought Adults would be such jackasses to someone trying to lose weight or make themselves stronger.
Completely agreed.
yeah I will always prefer working out in a real gym rather then a in shovel ware title
Yea thats exactly what I say, if you want to work out and get flexible and fit, go to a gym! Don't play a video game... jeez.
[QUOTE="Zeppy007"]Well If All of you saying Wii Fit Got Great Reviews So did ninja gaiden and people still consider the game badHarlockJC
But they don't call it the worse game of the year.
but some people call it the biggest flop of the year and some people consider this a flop list
[QUOTE="HarlockJC"][QUOTE="Zeppy007"]Well If All of you saying Wii Fit Got Great Reviews So did ninja gaiden and people still consider the game badZeppy007
But they don't call it the worse game of the year.
but some people call it the biggest flop of the year and some people consider this a flop list
flop? people hyped this to be AA/AAA?
btw it sold like 5 million copies
[QUOTE="Zeppy007"][QUOTE="HarlockJC"][QUOTE="Zeppy007"]Well If All of you saying Wii Fit Got Great Reviews So did ninja gaiden and people still consider the game badspectravoid
But they don't call it the worse game of the year.
but some people call it the biggest flop of the year and some people consider this a flop list
flop? people hyped this to be AA/AAA?
btw it sold like 5 million copies
Im not saying its a flop I got it day one and loved it some people say its a flop
[QUOTE="HarlockJC"][QUOTE="Zeppy007"]Well If All of you saying Wii Fit Got Great Reviews So did ninja gaiden and people still consider the game badZeppy007
But they don't call it the worse game of the year.
but some people call it the biggest flop of the year and some people consider this a flop list
Again you are trying to make a list to get the worse game of the year. At least with a title of Garbage of the Year that what one would think. You list three flop games and a game hated by fanboys. Understand I have never played the game and would like to do so if I could find it. I play DDR almost everyday which can be checked by my gamer tag.
So the votes you are getting on the most part are not going to be based on a unbiased review but of haters. Not all but more will be. You could have easly put something like Beijing 08 or one of many crapware out there. Which in turn makes you look like a fanboy.
[QUOTE="Wanderer5"]Why is Wii Fit up there? It was hardly hype(on GS) and it got some good reviews.
Because It has a universal Hate with most real games and theyre dosent need to be hype to be a bad game.
Yet it got around 80% on GR. It definitely isn't one of the worse so far this year.
too human was a hugly hyped game thats been in dev. for 10 years...
sorry but 10 years thats alot...
Haze however is around the corner.
too human was a hugly hyped game thats been in dev. for 10 years...
sorry but 10 years thats alot...
Haze however is around the corner.
too human was developed for about 4 years. there was a game called too human bein developed by sk for the ps1, then gamecube but they were both completely different games.
Wow, the poll.....REALLY?
lol Haze is so much worse than TooHuman it's not even funny. And WiiFit is actually semi fun....played it for the first time yesterday and I relatively enjoyed myself.
no wii fit is not really a game lol, its excercise sim so wii fit is excusedTurning point was probably the flat out worst game.
Too human was just average but also underrated .At best a 7.
Haze was a dissapointment.
Wii fit is casual shovelware.
my vote- grand theft auto 4 -highly over rated
and the missions it self where to repetitive its multiplayer free mode isnt exactly free at all , you cant do things you can do in single p layer its very l i mited to driving a car or killing some one ,
so ya its your limitless deathmatch mode , basically,
on top of it all theres no evidence to prove rockstar took that long for reasons other then to just give other peoples hopes up ,
that already indicates gta iv should have been released oct 2007
why all the hate directed to wii it should be directed to sony after all lair was so hped but it flo ped target terror is a budget title wih n o hype so ya ,, which would you prefer a game with hype that youve never heard of by name remember the hype was only for sony lol, or a game that can be fun , stop pointing wii games out that isnt what the thread is, its one or nothing at all lol the grate1 what a name, act great stop acting like a fanboy, yes wiis got games that got low scores but 4.0 is not the worst ive seen , thats duke nukem for the ps1 the riip off of he n64 game lol got a 3. somthing also theres one game on the dc that got a 1 lol , so not at all , if the game costed 39-49 dollars then yes that be somthing to go on, remember it was a small developer trying to create somthing,
some like it some dont to me ratings dont mean anyhing its only an opinnion not fact ok
Target: Terror. Another game that could rear its ugly head only on the wii :lol:
It looks like it came out for the sega saturn.
[QUOTE="AtrumRegina"]no wii fit is not really a game lol, its excercise sim so wii fit is excusedTurning point was probably the flat out worst game.
Too human was just average but also underrated .At best a 7.
Haze was a dissapointment.
Wii fit is casual shovelware.
my vote- grand theft auto 4 -highly over rated
and the missions it self where to repetitive its multiplayer free mode isnt exactly free at all , you cant do things you can do in single p layer its very l i mited to driving a car or killing some one ,
so ya its your limitless deathmatch mode , basically,
on top of it all theres no evidence to prove rockstar took that long for reasons other then to just give other peoples hopes up ,
that already indicates gta iv should have been released oct 2007
"excerize sim" ... -_-
Nothing, I repeat, nothing beats Turning Point out for this award. Whoever says Haze or Too Human are obviously fanboys, since those are exclusive. I have played and completed all 3 of these games. Turning Point is craptastic to the max. Did Gamespot even review that atrocious disaster?BioShockOwnz
Yep. 4.5
[QUOTE="BioShockOwnz"]Nothing, I repeat, nothing beats Turning Point out for this award. Whoever says Haze or Too Human are obviously fanboys, since those are exclusive. I have played and completed all 3 of these games. Turning Point is craptastic to the max. Did Gamespot even review that atrocious disaster?rockguy92
Yep. 4.5
Alrighty. Too Human and Haze are masterpieces compared to that awful craptastic experience known as Turning Point. I can't believe a game like that was released in 2008. Just sad, really.
Nothing, I repeat, nothing beats Turning Point out for this award. Whoever says Haze or Too Human are obviously fanboys, since those are exclusive. I have played and completed all 3 of these games. Turning Point is craptastic to the max. Did Gamespot even review that atrocious disaster?BioShockOwnz
I didn't even bother to play through it for more achievements after I beat it.
can wii fit be even considered as a game? exercising is not a game. EXERCISING IS SERIOUS BUSINESS!!! GRRRRR!!!!
damn, gamespot needs an arm flexing emoticon
[QUOTE="BioShockOwnz"]Nothing, I repeat, nothing beats Turning Point out for this award. Whoever says Haze or Too Human are obviously fanboys, since those are exclusive. I have played and completed all 3 of these games. Turning Point is craptastic to the max. Did Gamespot even review that atrocious disaster?Juggernaut140
I didn't even bother to play through it for more achievements after I beat it.
I didn't even see that it was reviewed. I was waiting a while, just for the lulz. I remember Stone Cold, I mean Dean Martinetti hyping up his game (Turning Point) like it was some huge and revolutionary FPS. He got my $60 off the hype. Boo! :(
[QUOTE="Juggernaut140"][QUOTE="BioShockOwnz"]Nothing, I repeat, nothing beats Turning Point out for this award. Whoever says Haze or Too Human are obviously fanboys, since those are exclusive. I have played and completed all 3 of these games. Turning Point is craptastic to the max. Did Gamespot even review that atrocious disaster?BioShockOwnz
I didn't even bother to play through it for more achievements after I beat it.
I didn't even see that it was reviewed. I was waiting a while, just for the lulz. I remember Stone Cold, I mean Dean Martinetti hyping up his game (Turning Point) like it was some huge and revolutionary FPS. He got my $60 off the hype. Boo! :(
I wanted to buy the collectors edition because it came with a poster, and I'm obsessed with video game posters. I'm glad I decided to rent it instead.
[QUOTE="BioShockOwnz"][QUOTE="Juggernaut140"][QUOTE="BioShockOwnz"]Nothing, I repeat, nothing beats Turning Point out for this award. Whoever says Haze or Too Human are obviously fanboys, since those are exclusive. I have played and completed all 3 of these games. Turning Point is craptastic to the max. Did Gamespot even review that atrocious disaster?Juggernaut140
I didn't even bother to play through it for more achievements after I beat it.
I didn't even see that it was reviewed. I was waiting a while, just for the lulz. I remember Stone Cold, I mean Dean Martinetti hyping up his game (Turning Point) like it was some huge and revolutionary FPS. He got my $60 off the hype. Boo! :(
I wanted to buy the collectors edition because it came with a poster, and I'm obsessed with video game posters. I'm glad I decided to rent it instead.
I wish I would've been as smart as you. :( It was sooo promising, too. Man, I still remember seeing the concept art for it way back and being hyped up over concept art. Then the game came out and I played it. :( I hate wasted potential.
I don't see why Too Human or Wii Fit, but I say Haze. I loved Too Human, Wii Fit isn't bad just not for some, and I haven't played Turning Point. So.. Haze.
[QUOTE="Juggernaut140"][QUOTE="BioShockOwnz"][QUOTE="Juggernaut140"][QUOTE="BioShockOwnz"]Nothing, I repeat, nothing beats Turning Point out for this award. Whoever says Haze or Too Human are obviously fanboys, since those are exclusive. I have played and completed all 3 of these games. Turning Point is craptastic to the max. Did Gamespot even review that atrocious disaster?BioShockOwnz
I didn't even bother to play through it for more achievements after I beat it.
I didn't even see that it was reviewed. I was waiting a while, just for the lulz. I remember Stone Cold, I mean Dean Martinetti hyping up his game (Turning Point) like it was some huge and revolutionary FPS. He got my $60 off the hype. Boo! :(
I wanted to buy the collectors edition because it came with a poster, and I'm obsessed with video game posters. I'm glad I decided to rent it instead.
I wish I would've been as smart as you. :( It was sooo promising, too. Man, I still remember seeing the concept art for it way back and being hyped up over concept art. Then the game came out and I played it. :( I hate wasted potential.
That's the worst kind of bad game, the kind where you can tell that there were so many good ideas put in but extremely poorly executed. It makes you wonder how it would have been had it been good.
[QUOTE="tmatte"]Fall of Liberty because it's just that bad. The other games (Haze and Too Human) just didn't live up to the hype. Fall of Liberty was awful in all aspects of the word.HarlockJC
I really wanted Fall of Liberty to be good. The story behide it sounded so good and to have the game crap out was a big let down.
Pretty much this for me. How can you botch up Nazis invading America? Seriously.
[QUOTE="HarlockJC"][QUOTE="tmatte"]Fall of Liberty because it's just that bad. The other games (Haze and Too Human) just didn't live up to the hype. Fall of Liberty was awful in all aspects of the word.Verge_6
I really wanted Fall of Liberty to be good. The story behide it sounded so good and to have the game crap out was a big let down.
Pretty much this for me. How can you botch up Nazis invading America? Seriously?
They didn't take any advise from the awesome devs who made Freedom Fighters.
[QUOTE="HarlockJC"][QUOTE="tmatte"]Fall of Liberty because it's just that bad. The other games (Haze and Too Human) just didn't live up to the hype. Fall of Liberty was awful in all aspects of the word.Verge_6
I really wanted Fall of Liberty to be good. The story behide it sounded so good and to have the game crap out was a big let down.
Pretty much this for me. How can you botch up Nazis invading America? Seriously.
yeah i agree. it couldve been one of the best premises in fps game history but it was just such trash. utterly ruined potential. it had a lot of promise
bullet witch
Nooo! I love Bullet Witch. :( Bought it for $6.49. :) Seriously, though, I like that game. :( And it didn't come out this year. ;)
Nothing, I repeat, nothing beats Turning Point out for this award. Whoever says Haze or Too Human are obviously fanboys, since those are exclusive. I have played and completed all 3 of these games. Turning Point is craptastic to the max. Did Gamespot even review that atrocious disaster?BioShockOwnz
Didn't you give Turning Point a 7.5 a little after it came out?
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