[QUOTE="AtrumRegina"]no wii fit is not really a game lol, its excercise sim so wii fit is excusedTurning point was probably the flat out worst game.
Too human was just average but also underrated .At best a 7.
Haze was a dissapointment.
Wii fit is casual shovelware.
my vote- grand theft auto 4 -highly over rated
and the missions it self where to repetitive its multiplayer free mode isnt exactly free at all , you cant do things you can do in single p layer its very l i mited to driving a car or killing some one ,
so ya its your limitless deathmatch mode , basically,
on top of it all theres no evidence to prove rockstar took that long for reasons other then to just give other peoples hopes up ,
that already indicates gta iv should have been released oct 2007
Theres a difference between a disappointing game and bad game. Can you honestly say that GTA4 is worse game than say Haze,Too Human, Turning Point, or the endless barrage of shovelware the Wii gets?
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