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[QUOTE="stereointegrity"][QUOTE="justforlotr2004"]so they remodeled the brumak...why not take comparision shots ov everything else?Gears PC vs Gears 2
Because that detail is all over the place, and thats one of the examples.
still havent seen it..still none the less a must buy in my book[QUOTE="justforlotr2004"][QUOTE="stereointegrity"][QUOTE="justforlotr2004"]so they remodeled the brumak...why not take comparision shots ov everything else?Gears PC vs Gears 2
Because that detail is all over the place, and thats one of the examples.
still havent seen it..still none the less a must buy in my bookIll try to make some, but due to the fact that we barely have anything comparable to go on it will be difficult.
[QUOTE="Relys"][QUOTE="justforlotr2004"][QUOTE="Bebi_vegeta"][QUOTE="insanejedi"]You do realise in Gears 2 there will be about a million locusts vs Gears 1's like 5 on one screen...slothboyadvance
Now that I'd like to see a picture!
Heres level 1 on casual.
Why is there a naked emblum of a human women on an alien space craft?... Nevermind, I don't want to know.
You silly goose! That's a COG Derrick that has been taken over by Locust.
omg that is utterly disgusting, all the locust look exactly the same, they shouldnt flaunt there stuff about saying how many people they can put on screen if they all look the same :\, man this is sad[QUOTE="slothboyadvance"][QUOTE="Relys"][QUOTE="justforlotr2004"][QUOTE="Bebi_vegeta"][QUOTE="insanejedi"]You do realise in Gears 2 there will be about a million locusts vs Gears 1's like 5 on one screen...supras989
Now that I'd like to see a picture!
Heres level 1 on casual.
Why is there a naked emblum of a human women on an alien space craft?... Nevermind, I don't want to know.
You silly goose! That's a COG Derrick that has been taken over by Locust.
omg that is utterly disgusting, all the locust look exactly the same, they shouldnt flaunt there stuff about saying how many people they can put on screen if they all look the same :, man this is sadMaybe its a test demo?
The graphics do seem better but overall I don't really like the UE3 engine at all. It has too many weird issues. Weird lighting problems and even the finsihed UE3 in use in Mass Effect still suffered from the lag in textures loading sometimes when you enter new areas and no doubt they are still present in Gears 2.
Other than Gears 2 looking a tad bit prettier but not significantly better I'm more dispapointed that the gameplay doesn't seem to be evolving. Sure they added human shields and chainsaw dueling but it doesn't look like the basic gameplay has changed at all. Marcus still had the same animations he had in the first and its still feels like you're firing peashooters instead of badass military weaponry. I'm more disapointed in the fact the targeting hasn't changed. Can't quite place it but aiming felt unnatural in the first. It feels like it lacks precision, probably tied into the fact shooting any weapon feels like the aforementioned peashooter.
[QUOTE="slothboyadvance"][QUOTE="Relys"][QUOTE="justforlotr2004"]Heres level 1 on casual.
Why is there a naked emblum of a human women on an alien space craft?... Nevermind, I don't want to know.
You silly goose! That's a COG Derrick that has been taken over by Locust.
omg that is utterly disgusting, all the locust look exactly the same, they shouldnt flaunt there stuff about saying how many people they can put on screen if they all look the same :, man this is sadYeah I know its not the best photoshop I could do, but you dont gotta be mean. :P
Anyway heres a Fenix comparison I tried to do, its not the best but I have only a limited amount of content to work with.
i agree except with the source engine... yes it is getting old but you guys should head over and check out some of the left for dead screens, it's pretty amazing. Unlike this thread however which is lackluster at best. Gears 2 will be awesome.... nuff said.gears2 isnt JUST about the graphics.
an besides, i dont see anything wrong if they used gears1 graphics...i think they still hold out great.
any improvement(graphical) comes out as a bonus.
and yes, the source engine does look dated now, but i would'nt say that for the unreal3 engine
ok now im starting to see the dfferencestereointegrity
Once we get some on foot gameplay Im sure it will be a lot easier for me to make a comparison. Besides all the fighting we are in for some good looking games this year and next; MGS4, Gears 2, KZ2, Fable 2, hell even LBP looks great.
I do have one final comparison though and its between the look of the two on rails gameplay of both games. They are the same type of gameplay so you can see how they handled different graphically.
Gears of War 1 train gameplay.
Gears 2 Convoy gameplay
[QUOTE="supras989"][QUOTE="slothboyadvance"][QUOTE="Relys"][QUOTE="justforlotr2004"][QUOTE="Bebi_vegeta"][QUOTE="insanejedi"]You do realise in Gears 2 there will be about a million locusts vs Gears 1's like 5 on one screen...justforlotr2004
Now that I'd like to see a picture!
Heres level 1 on casual.
Why is there a naked emblum of a human women on an alien space craft?... Nevermind, I don't want to know.
You silly goose! That's a COG Derrick that has been taken over by Locust.
omg that is utterly disgusting, all the locust look exactly the same, they shouldnt flaunt there stuff about saying how many people they can put on screen if they all look the same :, man this is sadYeah I know its not the best photoshop I could do, but you dont gotta be mean. :P
Anyway heres a Fenix comparison I tried to do, its not the best but I have only a limited amount of content to work with.
That's a big improvement, the new fenix model is clearly more detailed and cleaner...
Why are people trying to put this game down? and to people that say the gameplay ain't evolving, what do you want them to do, change the game completely? the cover gameplay in the first one is what made the game for me....
[QUOTE="justforlotr2004"][QUOTE="velocity99"][QUOTE="justforlotr2004"]Gears PC vs Gears 2
The model was updated? It doesn't look fundamentally better.
... one uses flat 2d chains while the other uses modeled 3d chains.
This is an expected upgrade. In general, the game looks dated though.
The game is probably in the top 10 or 5 best looking games, how can you say it looks dated? You probably have way too high standards.
Dude dont ya think your doin just a little nit picking?The games looks amazing,hell the first gears looks amazing.I still think gears 1 and cod 4 are the best looking games ever made,graphics wise.loudharley
lol dont say ever made or this thread will go on for another 10 pages of Crysis pictures.
Anyone else think gears 2 looks graphically far superior to anything killzone 2 has shown us?Mayhem48
As Ive said in other threads they both have their ups and downs so I don't think either look vastly superior over the other.
[QUOTE="velocity99"][QUOTE="justforlotr2004"][QUOTE="velocity99"][QUOTE="justforlotr2004"][QUOTE="velocity99"]So you're saying the art style is dated? Cause other than that you got no argument.
What i'm saying is that the graphics, if you don't consider adding chains to the new Brumak model, look too similar to the game released in 2006. It's sort of how the source engine looks good, but is starting to show it's age.
It looks just like Gears in 2006 because it has the same art direction and somewhat same settings, not because its getting less detail or up to date rendering techniques.
I know, I really dont know what people expect. People kept saying Halo 3 was just Halo 2 but with better shadows, textures and lighting and in HD! lol. Maybe they should have give Marcus Fenix a set of bright pink armor, that would change things up a bit lol.
Many sequels aren't dramatically upgraded in terms of graphics but offer more gameplay improvements. That may be the very case of GoW2 because, even though GoW was great, it got a little repetitive later on.Adversary16
I didnt feel it was quite long enough to become repetitive. If it had been a couple more hours longer then it would have. I do agree the gameplay does need more variety. I think this is a game where, 'more of the same' will mean boredom.
This shot really shows off the new lighting and more vibrant colour palate. I liked it so much that I made a sig out of it as you can see. :P
[QUOTE="justforlotr2004"]This shot really shows off the new lighting and more vibrant colour palate. I liked it so much that I made a sig out of it as you can see. :P
That screen is from the recent Xbox 360 Magazine.
Here is a screen of the double chainsaw.
[QUOTE="LordoftheVacas"][QUOTE="justforlotr2004"]This shot really shows off the new lighting and more vibrant colour palate. I liked it so much that I made a sig out of it as you can see. :P
That screen is from the recent Xbox 360 Magazine.
[QUOTE="justforlotr2004"][QUOTE="LordoftheVacas"][QUOTE="justforlotr2004"]This shot really shows off the new lighting and more vibrant colour palate. I liked it so much that I made a sig out of it as you can see. :P
That screen is from the recent Xbox 360 Magazine.
[QUOTE="o0phantom0o"]i agree except with the source engine... yes it is getting old but you guys should head over and check out some of the left for dead screens, it's pretty amazing. Unlike this thread however which is lackluster at best. Gears 2 will be awesome.... nuff said.gears2 isnt JUST about the graphics.
an besides, i dont see anything wrong if they used gears1 graphics...i think they still hold out great.
any improvement(graphical) comes out as a bonus.
and yes, the source engine does look dated now, but i would'nt say that for the unreal3 engine
i've got nothin against the source engine...i mean, how many current gen engines can run games on a p3(by this i mean an 800mhz pentium 3)'s pretty efficient.
however, all im sayin is, it's lighting and mapping isnt really state of the art, but it's satisfactory.
however, i do remember playin a HDR demo by valve that seemed pretty cool
[QUOTE="velocity99"][QUOTE="justforlotr2004"][QUOTE="velocity99"][QUOTE="justforlotr2004"][QUOTE="velocity99"]So you're saying the art style is dated? Cause other than that you got no argument.
What i'm saying is that the graphics, if you don't consider adding chains to the new Brumak model, look too similar to the game released in 2006. It's sort of how the source engine looks good, but is starting to show it's age.
It looks just like Gears in 2006 because it has the same art direction and somewhat same settings, not because its getting less detail or up to date rendering techniques.
do you know what the word sequel means
Since it seem like ur IQ don't seem to be to high i saved you the trouble of looking it up.
A sequel is a work of fiction in literature, film, and other creative media, that is produced after a completed work, and set in the same "universe", usually following the events of the original. It continues elements of the original story, often with the same characters and settings. A sequel is similar to a series, in which the same character appears in a number of stories, although the distinction is arbitrary, and some media franchises have enough sequels to effectively become a series, whether originally planned as such or not.
Sequels are attractive to creators and to publishers because there is less risk involved in returning to a story with known popularity rather than developing new and untested characters and settings. Audiences are sometimes eager for more stories about popular characters or settings, making the production of sequels financially appealing.
[QUOTE="justforlotr2004"][QUOTE="velocity99"][QUOTE="justforlotr2004"][QUOTE="velocity99"][QUOTE="justforlotr2004"][QUOTE="velocity99"]So you're saying the art style is dated? Cause other than that you got no argument.
What i'm saying is that the graphics, if you don't consider adding chains to the new Brumak model, look too similar to the game released in 2006. It's sort of how the source engine looks good, but is starting to show it's age.
It looks just like Gears in 2006 because it has the same art direction and somewhat same settings, not because its getting less detail or up to date rendering techniques.
do you know what the word sequel means
Since it seem like ur IQ don't seem to be to high i saved you the trouble of looking it up.
A sequel is a work of fiction in literature, film, and other creative media, that is produced after a completed work, and set in the same "universe", usually following the events of the original. It continues elements of the original story, often with the same characters and settings. A sequel is similar to a series, in which the same character appears in a number of stories, although the distinction is arbitrary, and some media franchises have enough sequels to effectively become a series, whether originally planned as such or not.
Sequels are attractive to creators and to publishers because there is less risk involved in returning to a story with known popularity rather than developing new and untested characters and settings. Audiences are sometimes eager for more stories about popular characters or settings, making the production of sequels financially appealing.
Is that directed at me? Cause Im not too sure what you're trying to achieve with that post.
[QUOTE="Pro_wrestler"][QUOTE="justforlotr2004"]Gears PC vs Gears 2
Wow, the fastest "/thread" I have ever seen :shock:
Uh no, a small ass screenshot like that proves nothing rofl, and try using a pic of the PC version that's on max settings. Thx.
Ive provided other shots throughout the thread so feel free to browse. That shot is on max from the PC version - unless you're triyng to say Epic releases screenshots on low settings.
[QUOTE="Pro_wrestler"][QUOTE="justforlotr2004"]Gears PC vs Gears 2
Wow, the fastest "/thread" I have ever seen :shock:
Uh no, a small ass screenshot like that proves nothing rofl, and try using a pic of the PC version that's on max settings. Thx.
I think you can't really make a chain looking 3D by cranking up the graphical settings on the PC version.
The only way for Gears 2 to look leaps and bounds better then the original is if Epic used UE4. Imo, Id rather have a bigger and better running game over nutso eye candy that can only be ran in Gears 1 type enviroments.7thSIN
sooo...if epic simply renames the unreal3.5 to the unreal4.0 engine....ud be satisfied?
[QUOTE="remiks00"][QUOTE="justforlotr2004"][QUOTE="velocity99"][QUOTE="justforlotr2004"][QUOTE="velocity99"][QUOTE="justforlotr2004"][QUOTE="velocity99"]So you're saying the art style is dated? Cause other than that you got no argument.
What i'm saying is that the graphics, if you don't consider adding chains to the new Brumak model, look too similar to the game released in 2006. It's sort of how the source engine looks good, but is starting to show it's age.
It looks just like Gears in 2006 because it has the same art direction and somewhat same settings, not because its getting less detail or up to date rendering techniques.
do you know what the word sequel means
Since it seem like ur IQ don't seem to be to high i saved you the trouble of looking it up.
A sequel is a work of fiction in literature, film, and other creative media, that is produced after a completed work, and set in the same "universe", usually following the events of the original. It continues elements of the original story, often with the same characters and settings. A sequel is similar to a series, in which the same character appears in a number of stories, although the distinction is arbitrary, and some media franchises have enough sequels to effectively become a series, whether originally planned as such or not.
Sequels are attractive to creators and to publishers because there is less risk involved in returning to a story with known popularity rather than developing new and untested characters and settings. Audiences are sometimes eager for more stories about popular characters or settings, making the production of sequels financially appealing.
Is that directed at me? Cause Im not too sure what you're trying to achieve with that post.
He's basically telling you WIKIPEDIA that bizznitch!! lol
oh and much daps to justforlotr2004 for changing my mind a bit about Gears of War 2 not being a BIG upgrade, your screenshot comparison really changed my opinion lol. Your the first person in System Wars to do that!!
[QUOTE="justforlotr2004"][QUOTE="velocity99"][QUOTE="justforlotr2004"][QUOTE="velocity99"][QUOTE="justforlotr2004"][QUOTE="velocity99"]So you're saying the art style is dated? Cause other than that you got no argument.
What i'm saying is that the graphics, if you don't consider adding chains to the new Brumak model, look too similar to the game released in 2006. It's sort of how the source engine looks good, but is starting to show it's age.
It looks just like Gears in 2006 because it has the same art direction and somewhat same settings, not because its getting less detail or up to date rendering techniques.
do you know what the word sequel means
Since it seem like ur IQ don't seem to be to high i saved you the trouble of looking it up.
A sequel is a work of fiction in literature, film, and other creative media, that is produced after a completed work, and set in the same "universe", usually following the events of the original. It continues elements of the original story, often with the same characters and settings. A sequel is similar to a series, in which the same character appears in a number of stories, although the distinction is arbitrary, and some media franchises have enough sequels to effectively become a series, whether originally planned as such or not.
Sequels are attractive to creators and to publishers because there is less risk involved in returning to a story with known popularity rather than developing new and untested characters and settings. Audiences are sometimes eager for more stories about popular characters or settings, making the production of sequels financially appealing.
I like how you tried to be clever and made a comment that was completely irrelevant.
oh and much daps to justforlotr2004 for changing my mind a bit about Gears of War 2 not being a BIG upgrade, your screenshot comparison really changed my opinion lol. Your the first person in System Wars to do that!!
Many people grab random shots and try to compare them when the shots really have nothing in common, and a lot of the times they pick one great one for the game they like and horrible one of the one they dont. I always try to get fair and very identical shots of both games, and even when I cant get the best shot of one game or the other I will say so.
Anyway Ill make better comparisons once they release some on foot gameplay that has identical environments to Gears 1. We got a few from the magazines but they are far too low res to make a realistic comparison since smaller images usually mask imperfections or possibly limit the amount of real detail that went into the enviroment/models.
[QUOTE="I_Helios_I"]oh and much daps to justforlotr2004 for changing my mind a bit about Gears of War 2 not being a BIG upgrade, your screenshot comparison really changed my opinion lol. Your the first person in System Wars to do that!!
Many people grab random shots and try to compare them when the shots really have nothing in common, and a lot of the times they pick one great one for the game they like and horrible one of the one they dont. I always try to get fair and very identical shots of both games, and even when I cant get the best shot of one game or the other I will say so.
Anyway Ill make better comparisons once they release some on foot gameplay that has identical environments to Gears 1. We got a few from the magazines but they are far too low res to make a realistic comparison since smaller images usually mask imperfections or possibly limit the amount of real detail that went into the enviroment/models.
Do what you do man lol, The screen that really won me over was the behind the back Marcus Fenix shot (which was genius by the way) because it really showed the increased amount of detail in the character models.
To me right now Uncharted has the best visuals on consoles but Gears 2, Killzone 2, Fable 2, MGS4 and Resistance 2 all look like games that will give it a run for its money .
[QUOTE="istreakforfood"][QUOTE="Pro_wrestler"][QUOTE="justforlotr2004"]Gears PC vs Gears 2
Wow, the fastest "/thread" I have ever seen :shock:
yea seriously.Are you fanboys serious?The chains not being 3D in the first one was out of pure lazyness, also, the model in Gears 2 lacks the spikes and all the other features of the model shown in the first, it's just a plain white creature with chains and veins, call that improvement?
I was about to say that. It's not even a good comparison. One is a zoomed in picture on the texture in Gears 1 and the second is a zoomed out version of the creature in Gears 2. The model isn't even an improvement. It's a different model altogether.
Hey guys, downgrade confirmed.
360 fanboys owned.
[spoiler] See what I did there? [/spoiler]
[QUOTE="justforlotr2004"][QUOTE="Bebi_vegeta"][QUOTE="insanejedi"]You do realise in Gears 2 there will be about a million locusts vs Gears 1's like 5 on one screen...AdobeArtist
Now that I'd like to see a picture!
Heres level 1 on casual.
Sweet!! Now show us that level on Insane difficulty :D
[QUOTE="Bebi_vegeta"][QUOTE="insanejedi"]You do realise in Gears 2 there will be about a million locusts vs Gears 1's like 5 on one screen...justforlotr2004
Now that I'd like to see a picture!
Heres level 1 on casual.
They look very similar... but yeah, that's still more then gears of 1.
gears 2 looks like gears 1.5. same game with a greater scope
should be great but in no way does it look like a GOTY contender
[QUOTE="supras989"][QUOTE="slothboyadvance"][QUOTE="Relys"][QUOTE="justforlotr2004"]Heres level 1 on casual.
Why is there a naked emblum of a human women on an alien space craft?... Nevermind, I don't want to know.
You silly goose! That's a COG Derrick that has been taken over by Locust.
omg that is utterly disgusting, all the locust look exactly the same, they shouldnt flaunt there stuff about saying how many people they can put on screen if they all look the same :, man this is sadYeah I know its not the best photoshop I could do, but you dont gotta be mean. :P
Anyway heres a Fenix comparison I tried to do, its not the best but I have only a limited amount of content to work with.
That doesn't look like very high settings on the right... or the jpeg format busted the picture.
[QUOTE="justforlotr2004"]Gears PC vs Gears 2
The model was updated? It doesn't look fundamentally better.
Are you dumb? Why would Gear 2 look that much better than gears on PC? Why? Gears 2 is on 360...the original was on 360..the original is the best looking 360 the MATHS.
Wow TC got owned. Good work guys.HolyHandGrenad3
yet more good work in the feild of cow owning :D
they always make stupid argumnets like this.
gears 2 looks like gears 1.5. same game with a greater scope
should be great but in no way does it look like a GOTY contender
WTF? What makes a game a true sequel then? Because from what we have seen so far from Gears 2 there is A LOT added to the game. And I am sure we still haven't seen all of the new features. Foolish statement. It is a sequel so of course it will look like the previous game.
[QUOTE="justforlotr2004"][QUOTE="velocity99"]This is an expected upgrade. In general, the game looks dated though.
That type of detail is all over the game now so I dont know what you are talking about.
How many times do i have to say it? Despite new details, it still looks very much like gears 1 in general, which is in my opinion, a little dated by this time.
lol wtf? its called a sequel, obviously it has to look the same but with added detail...
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