Sales and scores. Just wait and see. ND are taking on too much for a 2 year cycle. Drake's Deception is not gonna live up to the expectations we all have. It's just too astronomical and unrealistic to follow up on Uncharted 2. Since Gears 2 was a disappointment, Epic can only go UP with Gears 3. Can U3 match all of those GOTY awards? Repeat, or top the 96 on Metacritic. Heck naw.
Drake won't be able to barely escape with his life in this set piece battle against the COGs. He will be torn asunder by the rawness of Gears 3, and by the lancer up his *** (that's a censor bypass for butt, in case you didn't know). Uncharted 3 will have better story-telling (because the story in Uncharted games aren't that amazing, it's the characters and how the story is told that are outstanding), and better single player graphics admittedly. Gears 3 simply provides more satisfaction. Better sound design (much better). Better weapon/killing feedback. No BB gun and air rifle action here, please. We shoot real guns in Gears, homie!
Gears 3 has more enemy types to prevent redundancy. Co-op Arena got boring quick in the U3 Beta (not just because of the low map count). You face the same enemy types over and over. Also, Why the hell would I want to unlock new taunts when I can unlock new ways to kill my opponent while they are helplessly crawling to safety on their knees, and gushing excessive puddles of blood? Executions rock the socks off of lame taunts. Plus, there's more replay value with 4 player campaign co-op, bots in multiplayer, Beast Mode, ad Horde 2.0. Not to mention it's been in development for 3 years. Oh, sure, there's the innovative cinematic level design in Uncharted 3 multiplayer, but what good is that new feature when it's not consistent throughout every map? Airstrip is nice, nothing like that on the market! Chateau, only a room cathes on fire, which is weak. Killzone 2 and Gears of War 2 both had environmental kills/changes years ago. And Yemen? There's nothing cinematic about it.
The cover system is better in Gears 3 as well. If you take a look at the majority of battles in Uncharted 3, cover is mostly used only to regain health. You rarely shoot from cover. And if you do, you'd end up screwed by someone from a high vantage point, or a stealth kill. It's cumbersome and too slow to detach yourself from cover (especially when a grenade is thrown your way, they blow within 2 seconds!). Too slow to pop out and aim compared to Gears. It's simply more responsive and snappier in Gears 3. Cover in Gears 3 feels like a true component to the game and a necessary mechanic to win a match. Most of the firefights in Uncharted 3 are just chumps standing in front of each other while ADS. Don't believe me? Watch the top plays of the week. Oh, and the detestable melee system. It's almost like Halo (except Reach's melee system actually works). People ignore cover, run up to one another shooting from the hip, followed by a gun butt (which has a laughable, goofy animation to begin with). The lunging is sometimes as bad as COD.
Gears 3 keeps it pure. No killstreaks, no kickbacks, no boosters, no armor abilities, no melee lunging, no perks, and no weapon mods. Symmetrical maps designed for optimal use of cover. Just straight gun-on-gun with chess-like strategy. Oh, and Gears 3 will have dedicated servers, Uncharted 3 will not. Boom. That's funny, aren't PS3 exclusive touted for their dedicated servers?
Can Naughty Dog even polish the huge game they are attempting to create? *sniff* *sniff* I smell another Resistance 2. Impressive and huge feature set, but too much left unpolished due to time constraints. The outcome may be worse than Gran Turismo 5 VS Forza 3, and we know how that turned out :/.
Sure, this argument may be a little one-sided, but I don't care. This is System Wars. My opinion is above yours.
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