@StrongBlackVine said:
You might think Gears has a better gameplay, but I'm not a huge fan of the hide behind cover, slow, moving whack-a-mole shooting which is exactly what we saw at E3. So scary....
Uncharted 4 gameplay looks so much much varied. Vehicles, multiple routes, stealth, traversal and using the environment in combat.
And we already know the writing and production values will be better in Uncharted. There is a reason Uncharted 4 is way up on most anticipated games lists and Gears is basically an afterthought to every one but hardcore lems right now.So if you think that unproven studio is going to outdo Naughty Dog keep dreaming.
I know I must be buzzkill for you when I call you out on your bullshit. That's not whining btw. You literally have zero reason to be confident that Gears 4 will be a better game than Uncharted 4 at this point int time. Being a delusional lemming just compels you to choose any Xbox associated game.
Let's get down to brass tacks here, I'm sick of beating around the bush with the likes of you.
First off, stop peddling your short-sighted neanderthal views around like they're some kind of fact, "I'm not a huge fan" should never directly translate as 'this is better than that', and that's exactly what you do with your infinitely ignorant and arrogant approach to everything.
This is the stupid shit I am talking about... How do you know the production values and writing in Uncharted 4 will be better? Do you have a time machine? Are you omnipotent? Are you working on these games? No, you're not, so stop acting like you have some semblance of a clue what you're talking about, you peddle speculation and assumption as fact and I'm sick of it, you're a joke.
Uncharted 4 is one of the "most anticipated games" because you people won't stop bringing it up, it's your source of life, it's your oxygen, you bring relevance to the table it doesn't actually hold by forcing it into the spotlight constantly. It's a big release, it's a big deal, but you magnify its impact on the community ten fold what it should be... Ever since it was announced you people try to throw it in any discussion you can, for two years, you kept bringing it up when it held zero relevance to anything, it's been forced hype and anticipation predicated on a bevy of largely mediocre releases for the last 28 months and you've been starving.
Why would we really need to be talking about Gears of War 4 or hyping it? It's the beginning of March, it doesn't come out for another 5 to 8 months, nothing needs to be said beyond that, it's a half a year away...
Why does them being an "unproven studio" immediately make this game have a negative connotation? It's got just as much reason to be excellent as it does not, you're intentionally focusing on negativity and fanboyism to float your stupid agenda. They're clearly a talented development team, and just because they're new on the block doesn't mean they're not capable of creating an amazing game.
You think I'm a lemming or something, the reality is I'm just a gamer who will relentlessly attack idiocy in all of its forms, the hitch is it seems to primarily stem from the PlayStation side of this community and their complete inability to approach things honestly or rationally.
You have absolutely nothing of worth to say, you have absolutely nothing of worth to add to this thread, this forum, or the gaming community at large. You are an intruder, a cancer that is festering and rotting the core of what it means to be a gamer, your habitually reckless attitude and delusions of grandeur are nothing but a whiny annoyance and reflection on just how terribly low standards have fallen and how shallow people are these days...
I suggest you do some soul searching, you are a sad excuse for someone who leads on that he's one of us, all I see is corporate branding burned into what you like to refer to as your "brain".
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