Gears is ok, but is very shortand over-rated. I think it has possibly the worst community of any Xbox Live game online, and this thread isn't doing much to convince me otherwise. In my opinion, if this game didn't look the way it does, it would have died in a bargain bin somewhere. Don't get me wrong, I love my 360 and I was hyped up about Gears, but it's so shallow and really was a let down.
On System Wars and Gamespot it was a success and a great tool of 'ownage', but in reality there are a lot of people that think the game flat out sucks. I honestly do not care what awards Gears won - it doesn't make it the best (Citizen Kane didn't win any awards when it was released) - it's glaringly obvious that if it didn't look the way it does, not only would a lot of people not bothered to pick it up in the first place, but reviews wouldn't have been so favourable. At the time it was a kick in the nuts because it looked so damn good, and reviews got caught up with that. More sensible reviewers looked at the gameplay first and proceeded to be underwhelmed, which was then lauded by the general gamer as 'biased'.
The test for me came when I first bought Gears - I didn't have a HDTV then, just a 14" standard definition small TV. I played Gears right through to the finish, first time of playing (of course on hardcore mode, as I had heard Casual was way too easy), and came out of it thinking 'all this wait, for that?'. So I jumped into multiplayer, hoping for a true classic. After about 10 rounds of Shotgun blasts not hitting people right next to me, people tagging me from miles away, chainsaw animations glitching and people not dying after being chainsawed, I got very fed up. I carried on playing it, but aside from one game on canals where we all banned Shotgun use, I've never enjoyed a single game of Gears online. I can happily come in the top couple of players - I'm not crap - but it's just not really fun. I can't help but get the feeling that the people I kill have had shots straight at me that missed, and in a game that wasn't completely broken online, would have beaten me. It never feels fair, whether I win, lose or draw. There are glitches all over the place, the host advantage is truly sickening, the gametype selection (even with the lame domination gametype thrown in) is stupidly paltry, voice chat is sketchy at best (plug a mic into controller 2 and you used to be able to hear the other team talking during the game) and the code in terms of shots and weapon contact is laughable at best.
I now have a 37" HDTV and put Gears on it when I first bought it - the graphics blew me away, and I sat there thinking 'woah, this is what I was missing!' I finished the single player again, and after the initial graphical impact had worn off, I was left with the same hollow shell of a game, devoid of any soul, skill or enjoyment. If it wasn't for using the graphics to show off my 360 to people, I would have thrown Gears into the garbage of Ebay a long time ago.
And the truth is that I'm no Playstation fanboy or 'Cow'. I have very little patience with my PS3 at the moment due to Sony being awful about it, and seek solstice with my beloved white curvy box next to the TV. I adore Forza 2, Halo 2 and 3 beta, and Guitar Hero 2, and Rainbow Six Vegas is absolutely tremendous. And I still think Gears is massively over-rated and a game made solely for the 'ADD' generation of dumb muscleheads. And that isn't aimed at anyone in particular, more an observation of the community.
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