No, that honor goes to Max Payne 3.
I didnt really like Max Payne 3 that much. I dunno what it was. Its like everything was technically fine, the movement was smooth, the shooting felt great, but it just lacked...something. It didnt have the same charm of the older games imo, and I was sort of sad that we didnt have a Mona Sax counterpart this time around. I liked Max's interactions with Mona, the woman he loves but at the same time isnt sure he can completely trust. And I loved the dynamic of him loving 2 women at once (his dead wife and Mona).
Also, I felt the color it was ok, cause u know, you're in brazil, but i missed the darker gloomy nature of the past games, and I wasnt a fan of the cinematography, with all the blurred scanlines and color diffusion. I understand why it was there and it made complete sense to add it, but I just felt it was a bit overbearing. Last but not least, the story was boring and the villains even more so. I think the reason I didnt click with this one was because the story wasnt about Max. It was some one else story, and Max just happened to be a part of it. In the other games, it all revolved around Max Payne and his mythos. This game it was your typical conspiracy theory that just happened to star Max Payne. It could have been any other person.
Oh yeah, it needed more comic book panels and less animated cutscenes :P
I know what you're saying, the game definitely pulled off some bold changes, some worked, some didn't, and ultimately, not all the fans will be happy. I also agree how the story pales in comparison with other Max Payne games, though I do think there was enough of the original dark atmosphere left, plenty of dark levels, including those two excellent New York missions.
However, the biggest reason why I love MP3 so much and consider it the best TPS this gen is because of the combat. The gunplay is almost perfect, it has everything, the sense of weight, gore, awesome body physics, tight controls, good use of slow motion, etc. Simply no TPS managed to match it (Gears came close, though), and I'm also very happy R* is including MP3 combat system into GTA V. That'll be a blast!
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