MARIA!!! MARIA!!! MARIA!!! lol give me a break.gears 2
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Killer avatar.'Gen is almost over and Gears of War 3 is still the best TPS'
See? I have opinions too :)
[QUOTE="Rocker6"]Max Payne 3 was so interrupted with cutscene up on cutscenes, how can it be the best TPS game?No, that honor goes to Max Payne 3.
That is the only issue I had with the game, and honestly, it's more of a nitpick than a major flaw. It can get a little annoying in a few instances, true, but when the actual shooting starts, I forgot all about it.
As far as I'm aware, TPS stands for third person shooter, so the best TPS game for me is the one with the best combat mechanics, and this gen, that's Max Payne 3.
Max Payne 3's Airport lvl = better than anything in Vanquish, when that music kicks in during the Airport shoot out it got my blood pumping.
(spoilers kinda. gameplay footage of the Airport scene)
You embarrassed yourself plenty around May of last yearThank you for proving to everybody that opinions can in fact be wrong. Stop embarassing yourselves.
Max Payne 3's Airport lvl = better than anything in Vanquish, when that music kicks in during the Airport shoot out it got my blood pumping.
(spoilers kinda. gameplay footage of the Airport scene)
Yeah, awesome stuff!
Still, for me, the best levels were the New York ones, the atmosphere was great, an excellent way to pay respect to the predcessors. They also really made me want to see older MP games remade on a modern engine with those awesome shooting mechanics, but that won't be happening.
Max Payne 3 was so interrupted with cutscene up on cutscenes, how can it be the best TPS game?[QUOTE="happyduds77"][QUOTE="Rocker6"]
No, that honor goes to Max Payne 3.
That is the only issue I had with the game, and honestly, it's more of a nitpick than a major flaw. It can get a little annoying in a few instances, true, but when the actual shooting starts, I forgot all about it.
As far as I'm aware, TPS stands for third person shooter, so the best TPS game for me is the one with the best combat mechanics, and this gen, that's Max Payne 3.
I personally like Vanquish fast pace and over the top boss fight way better than MP3. The story of MP3, while not as bad as Vanquish, was drawn out and forgettable. As far as core gameplay goes, the gameplay mechanics of Vanquish are arguably the best of this gen TPS. They way you bold the "shooter" thing makes me think you haven't played Vanquish.[QUOTE="Rocker6"]no. thats max payne 1 stillNot current gen, shut up.No, that honor goes to Max Payne 3.
[QUOTE="Rocker6"][QUOTE="happyduds77"]Max Payne 3 was so interrupted with cutscene up on cutscenes, how can it be the best TPS game?rjdofu
That is the only issue I had with the game, and honestly, it's more of a nitpick than a major flaw. It can get a little annoying in a few instances, true, but when the actual shooting starts, I forgot all about it.
As far as I'm aware, TPS stands for third person shooter, so the best TPS game for me is the one with the best combat mechanics, and this gen, that's Max Payne 3.
I personally like Vanquish fast pace and over the top boss fight way better than MP3. The story of MP3, while not as bad as Vanquish, was drawn out and forgettable. As far as core gameplay goes, the gameplay mechanics of Vanquish are arguably the best of this gen TPS. They way you bold the "shooter" thing makes me think you haven't played Vanquish. MP3 actually rewards precision aiming, I understand that's very hard for consoles though[QUOTE="rjdofu"][QUOTE="Rocker6"]I personally like Vanquish fast pace and over the top boss fight way better than MP3. The story of MP3, while not as bad as Vanquish, was drawn out and forgettable. As far as core gameplay goes, the gameplay mechanics of Vanquish are arguably the best of this gen TPS. They way you bold the "shooter" thing makes me think you haven't played Vanquish. MP3 actually rewards precision aiming, I understand that's very hard for consoles though I played MP3 on PC so I know what you mean. I'd say you're fvcked if you play Vanquish with keyboard also.That is the only issue I had with the game, and honestly, it's more of a nitpick than a major flaw. It can get a little annoying in a few instances, true, but when the actual shooting starts, I forgot all about it.
As far as I'm aware, TPS stands for third person shooter, so the best TPS game for me is the one with the best combat mechanics, and this gen, that's Max Payne 3.
Anybody notice the lack of good shooters on the Wii ?Lulu_Lulu
I notice a lack of good... anything on the Wii.
Max Payne 3 was so interrupted with cutscene up on cutscenes, how can it be the best TPS game?[QUOTE="happyduds77"][QUOTE="Rocker6"]
No, that honor goes to Max Payne 3.
That is the only issue I had with the game, and honestly, it's more of a nitpick than a major flaw. It can get a little annoying in a few instances, true, but when the actual shooting starts, I forgot all about it.
As far as I'm aware, TPS stands for third person shooter, so the best TPS game for me is the one with the best combat mechanics, and this gen, that's Max Payne 3.
It was a major flaw for me. Yeah when the shooting starts it's fun, very satisfying, but it roughly lasts five minutes until the next cutscene loads up. And the thing is many of the cutscenes should have been gameplay. The game dictates the player for no reason at all. And when it comes down to combat mechanics, The Last Of Us takes the cake, for many reasons.[QUOTE="Rocker6"][QUOTE="happyduds77"]Max Payne 3 was so interrupted with cutscene up on cutscenes, how can it be the best TPS game?happyduds77
That is the only issue I had with the game, and honestly, it's more of a nitpick than a major flaw. It can get a little annoying in a few instances, true, but when the actual shooting starts, I forgot all about it.
As far as I'm aware, TPS stands for third person shooter, so the best TPS game for me is the one with the best combat mechanics, and this gen, that's Max Payne 3.
It was a major flaw for me. Yeah when the shooting starts it's fun, very satisfying, but it roughly lasts five minutes until the next cutscene loads up. And the thing is many of the cutscenes should have been gameplay. The game dictates the player for no reason at all. And when it comes down to combat mechanics, The Last Of Us takes the cake, for many reasons. huh? What's so awesome about TLOU gunplay?[QUOTE="Rocker6"][QUOTE="happyduds77"]Max Payne 3 was so interrupted with cutscene up on cutscenes, how can it be the best TPS game?happyduds77
That is the only issue I had with the game, and honestly, it's more of a nitpick than a major flaw. It can get a little annoying in a few instances, true, but when the actual shooting starts, I forgot all about it.
As far as I'm aware, TPS stands for third person shooter, so the best TPS game for me is the one with the best combat mechanics, and this gen, that's Max Payne 3.
It was a major flaw for me. Yeah when the shooting starts it's fun, very satisfying, but it roughly lasts five minutes until the next cutscene loads up. And the thing is many of the cutscenes should have been gameplay. The game dictates the player for no reason at all. And when it comes down to combat mechanics, The Last Of Us takes the cake, for many reasons.The animations are far better in Max Payne 3. Nothing beats Euphoria.
Yeah I agree Vanquish felt the most different and satisfying. I wish they made a sequel for next gen, but I fear that will never happen.
[QUOTE="Rocker6"]Max Payne 3 was so interrupted with cutscene up on cutscenes, how can it be the best TPS game? I thought this was a huge issue with MP3 as well. The arcade modes were unplayable becauss of it and the campaign suffered too.I guess it was to hide loading, because no way R* thought a cutscene every time Max opened a door was good design.No, that honor goes to Max Payne 3.
[QUOTE="happyduds77"][QUOTE="Rocker6"]It was a major flaw for me. Yeah when the shooting starts it's fun, very satisfying, but it roughly lasts five minutes until the next cutscene loads up. And the thing is many of the cutscenes should have been gameplay. The game dictates the player for no reason at all. And when it comes down to combat mechanics, The Last Of Us takes the cake, for many reasons. huh? What's so awesome about TLOU gunplay?That is the only issue I had with the game, and honestly, it's more of a nitpick than a major flaw. It can get a little annoying in a few instances, true, but when the actual shooting starts, I forgot all about it.
As far as I'm aware, TPS stands for third person shooter, so the best TPS game for me is the one with the best combat mechanics, and this gen, that's Max Payne 3.
Man, ya gotta remember that you're arguing with a bunch of trend following children. They don't know true quality. They just go after whatever is new and popular. Picture them as teenage girls who only listen to music sung by a guy they think is attractive.
[QUOTE="Rocker6"][QUOTE="happyduds77"]Max Payne 3 was so interrupted with cutscene up on cutscenes, how can it be the best TPS game?rjdofu
That is the only issue I had with the game, and honestly, it's more of a nitpick than a major flaw. It can get a little annoying in a few instances, true, but when the actual shooting starts, I forgot all about it.
As far as I'm aware, TPS stands for third person shooter, so the best TPS game for me is the one with the best combat mechanics, and this gen, that's Max Payne 3.
I personally like Vanquish fast pace and over the top boss fight way better than MP3. The story of MP3, while not as bad as Vanquish, was drawn out and forgettable. As far as core gameplay goes, the gameplay mechanics of Vanquish are arguably the best of this gen TPS. They way you bold the "shooter" thing makes me think you haven't played Vanquish.And... you'd be correct. While you could say it's a bit unfair of me to put MP3 on a pedestal above the game I never even played, I did have plenty of chances, but it simply doesn't look like my kind of a shooter, looks too... chaotic for my taste.
Still, if I end up getting a new PS3, guess I should give Vanquish a try, but I don't expect for my opinion to change much.
Lol japanese FPS/TPS games.NationProtector
The greatest TPS and FPS of all time, Resident Evil 4 and Metroid Prime, are both Japanese. Yeah, eat it.
[QUOTE="Rocker6"][QUOTE="happyduds77"]Max Payne 3 was so interrupted with cutscene up on cutscenes, how can it be the best TPS game?happyduds77
That is the only issue I had with the game, and honestly, it's more of a nitpick than a major flaw. It can get a little annoying in a few instances, true, but when the actual shooting starts, I forgot all about it.
As far as I'm aware, TPS stands for third person shooter, so the best TPS game for me is the one with the best combat mechanics, and this gen, that's Max Payne 3.
It was a major flaw for me. Yeah when the shooting starts it's fun, very satisfying, but it roughly lasts five minutes until the next cutscene loads up. And the thing is many of the cutscenes should have been gameplay. The game dictates the player for no reason at all. And when it comes down to combat mechanics, The Last Of Us takes the cake, for many reasons.I didn't play TLoU, so can't comment on that, but from what I gathered in the reviews, it doesn't look like a straight TPS, so don't think it should be directly compared to the likes of MP3. Also, I heard plenty of complaints about the gunplay, people saying the game is at its worst when you're forced to shoot your way out of a situation.
Indeed. But the thing I really didn't like about the weapons were the upgrades that didn't add functional differences (the Power upgrades). It unbalances the gameplay, its like they didn't have faith in the combat, so they added stuff, that made your weapons, Faster, Stronger or More ammo to compensate for a problem that isn't even there, Bioshock did the samething. I hate it when games do that.this award goes to tomb raider 2013
[QUOTE="happyduds77"][QUOTE="Rocker6"]It was a major flaw for me. Yeah when the shooting starts it's fun, very satisfying, but it roughly lasts five minutes until the next cutscene loads up. And the thing is many of the cutscenes should have been gameplay. The game dictates the player for no reason at all. And when it comes down to combat mechanics, The Last Of Us takes the cake, for many reasons. huh? What's so awesome about TLOU gunplay?It has a great balance of realism and fantasy. The guns feel heavy and intimidating when shooting, and I love how the reticle expands when the player is mobile. And there is also the AI and the melee which in my opinion has no competition.That is the only issue I had with the game, and honestly, it's more of a nitpick than a major flaw. It can get a little annoying in a few instances, true, but when the actual shooting starts, I forgot all about it.
As far as I'm aware, TPS stands for third person shooter, so the best TPS game for me is the one with the best combat mechanics, and this gen, that's Max Payne 3.
That's how I feel about Vanquish. It had great graphics (just look at the bosses and the suit, the explosions, and the scale of the game), the gameplay is good, but I definitely wouldn't consider it "best" of anything. It is damn fun however. On another note, Binary domain wasn't too bad either.It's one of the most fun I've played for a long, long time. However "best" might be a bit too much. For all the things the gameplay did right, there things were the game just didn't live up in any way or shape.
It was a major flaw for me. Yeah when the shooting starts it's fun, very satisfying, but it roughly lasts five minutes until the next cutscene loads up. And the thing is many of the cutscenes should have been gameplay. The game dictates the player for no reason at all. And when it comes down to combat mechanics, The Last Of Us takes the cake, for many reasons.[QUOTE="happyduds77"][QUOTE="Rocker6"]
That is the only issue I had with the game, and honestly, it's more of a nitpick than a major flaw. It can get a little annoying in a few instances, true, but when the actual shooting starts, I forgot all about it.
As far as I'm aware, TPS stands for third person shooter, so the best TPS game for me is the one with the best combat mechanics, and this gen, that's Max Payne 3.
I didn't play TLoU, so can't comment on that, but from what I gathered in the reviews, it doesn't look like a straight TPS, so don't think it should be directly compared to the likes of MP3. Also, I heard plenty of complaints about the gunplay, people saying the game is at its worst when you're forced to shoot your way out of a situation.
Yeah I agree The Last Of Us is not an ordinary TPS game. And who the hell is complaining about the gunplay in The Last Of Us. In my opinion the game is at it's best in combat. To be honest The Last Of Us is a bit underwhelming in stealth, because there are some minor AI fails, which break the tension.It was a major flaw for me. Yeah when the shooting starts it's fun, very satisfying, but it roughly lasts five minutes until the next cutscene loads up. And the thing is many of the cutscenes should have been gameplay. The game dictates the player for no reason at all. And when it comes down to combat mechanics, The Last Of Us takes the cake, for many reasons.[QUOTE="happyduds77"][QUOTE="Rocker6"]
That is the only issue I had with the game, and honestly, it's more of a nitpick than a major flaw. It can get a little annoying in a few instances, true, but when the actual shooting starts, I forgot all about it.
As far as I'm aware, TPS stands for third person shooter, so the best TPS game for me is the one with the best combat mechanics, and this gen, that's Max Payne 3.
The animations are far better in Max Payne 3. Nothing beats Euphoria.
Who brought up animations? Anyway though I think The Last Of Us has superior animations.[QUOTE="Master_ShakeXXX"][QUOTE="Lulu_Lulu"]Anybody notice the lack of good shooters on the Wii ?Lulu_Lulu
I notice a lack of good... anything on the Wii.
lol, The Cold Hard Truth. I do wana play Legend Of Zelda though. What? It's got plenty of great games.[QUOTE="Lulu_Lulu"][QUOTE="Master_ShakeXXX"]lol, The Cold Hard Truth. I do wana play Legend Of Zelda though. What? It's got plenty of great games. ...Coming out next yearI notice a lack of good... anything on the Wii.
lol no. Vanquish is only a little bit better in it's movement mechanics, and even that is just a matter of preference since both games are a very different approach to TPS. What isn't a matter of preference, is everything around that. Gears 3 has more and better weapons, more and better enemy types, more and better gameplay modes, and competitive and co-op multiplayer. It's by far the better package, even on the gameplay front.[QUOTE="Vaasman"]
[QUOTE="cain006"]Except gameplay which is kinda by far the most important thing in a video game.
Totally disagree with that. The disc launcher and homing laser rifle thingy and the gun that shoots energy through walls thing are way more original and fun to use than any weapon in Gears. And the enemies in Vanquish = way crazier and far more agressive. Did you even play it on the higher difficulties?
Sorry but that aint true. All of those weapons have the impact of shooting a bb gun at a tank, even after leveling them. They aren't fun because they do no damage and have awful feedback.As for the enemies, more aggressive =/= better. They can throw 8000 robots at you at once, but at the end of the day you're still just fighting a generic horde of robots. That's perfectly fine for a few hours, but beyond that they needed some actual enemy variety.
Would probably still go with Uncharted 2. jg4xchampThe Uncharted games have pretty mediocre shooting and gunplay
[QUOTE="jg4xchamp"]Would probably still go with Uncharted 2. princeofshapeirThe Uncharted games have pretty mediocre shooting and gunplay 1 and 3? sure. 2? Not really. The guns have good feedback, the aiming is quick and snappy, Drake's movement isn't all that sluggish or stiff. Plus I'm not saying it has the best shooting mechanics. Vanquish and Max Payne 3 are better in that regard. Hell the gears of war franchise is better mechanically(would still give the movement to Uncharted though).
[QUOTE="Master_ShakeXXX"][QUOTE="NationProtector"]Lol japanese FPS/TPS games.jg4xchamp
The greatest TPS and FPS of all time, Resident Evil 4 and Metroid Prime, are both Japanese. Yeah, eat it.
>Metroid Prime >Retro Studios who is in Texas >Japanese F*cking Christ Shake^This, or is Master Shake trolling?
[QUOTE="Lulu_Lulu"]Anybody notice the lack of good shooters on the Wii ?cain006
I notice a lack of good... anything on the Wii.
Wii has great rail gun shooters, platformers, and jrpgs. It's pretty unique compared to the 360 and ps3. I an easy guy to please, Say "Local multiplayer" and I'm in.Please Log In to post.
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