Anyone else not that impressed with its graphics? Looks like it could’ve came out in 2017 on pc. Not saying it’s bad just not “next gen’
Probably going to be a 60fps title. Looks ok but it's a launch title too. Could it also be a cross gen title as well?
I am not sure what people are expecting "next gen". The performance difference between the strongest consoles now to the next iteration is going to be the smallest leap in console generations.
Some decent hair for one...
Not this shit...
I thought it looked pretty damn good. Not sure why anyone would expect a huge leap over what we get on high end PCs. If it looks that good and runs at 60fps at a native 4K that is in line with what I'd expect from a next gen console.
If you are disappointed in God Fall you're probably going to be disappointed in the next-gen visuals, tbh.
I imagine they are going to get right what they should have been doing this gen; higher FPS, better detailed textures and effects, better physics, improved load times, and so on.
It won't be so much "next-gen" as it will be "current gen version 1.5"; the same, but better.
I am not sure what people are expecting "next gen". The performance difference between the strongest consoles now to the next iteration is going to be the smallest leap in console generations.
It's because everyone keeps over-hyping all the buzzwords being thrown around left & right. "8k this" "10k that", "NVMe", "double the specs". Look at this thread as well:
Oh and the "secret sauce" rumors have started as well.
Variable Rate Shading (VRS) technology will allow developers to get even more out of the Xbox Series X GPU
Reminds me of the time MisterXmedia was telling everyone that "Tiled Resources" was the Xbone's ace in the hole. good times..
The X1X does 4K/30 with Lower than low settings... You guys have any idea the power need to run a game at 4K/60FPS?...
The only games that will look a generation ahead of this generation will be the ones run games with ray tracing and those will undoubtedly running at 4K/30FPS or worse.
A $400-500 console with a NVME and a Navi GPU which uses way too much power to run at 150-180 watts so wont be more powerful than a 5700 which is not going to be a generational leap from what we have now especially when you compare it to X1X.
These consoles are 1.5 step in terms of GPU power which is pretty much all that matters since at 4K its a GPU bottleneck with even a first generation Zen 1600 CPU underclocked.
This generation is going to be all about the CPU/NVMe and Ray Tracing, pretty much catch-up to PC gaming and will be sorely underpowered.
That said you people can't see the difference between resolution/framerate or settings everytime PC is brought up so I guess the real question is why does it matter?...
@Grey_Eyed_Elf: WTF are you talking about? Its 12 tflops on RDNA. It is officially more powerful then a 5700 and even a 5700xt. I know you hermits were hoping for toasters this gen but it ain't happening.
Actually, we want the consoles to be as powerful as possible. That way they are not holding back multi-plats as much.
@BassMan: well maybe you do but alot of hermits on here seem to be in denial. This thing is officially 23% more powerful then a 5700xt and hes saying it wont beat a 5700? Lol what? I'm not even a huge Xbox fan but these specs are outstanding and about the best any console fanboy could hope for.
@BassMan: well maybe you do but alot of hermits on here seem to be in denial. This thing is officially 23% more powerful then a 5700xt and hes saying it wont beat a 5700? Lol what? I'm not even a huge Xbox fan but these specs are outstanding and about the best any console fanboy could hope for.
Wait, you're saying hermits are in denial, but you aren't? And you say shit like that? Wow. Lol
now consoles are just pre built PC's with a locked down OS.
That's kind of what they have always been, but usually they would have to cut hardware to make it small and compact. MS said screw that, were just gonna make it like a PC and pack it with power.
I'm totally down with this, I game on PC but to a minimum, i need it for work and adobe software, its nice to have a separate box just for the games.
The consoles vs PC debate really isnt much of an argument at this point, they are both good for games, but PCs can do alot more than just play games and watch movies.
If they sell this thing for 500-600 bucks its a good alternative to spending 1300-1500 on a great rig, if all you care about is gaming and netflix. Different strokes for different folks.
now consoles are just pre built PC's with a locked down OS.
That's kind of what they have always been, but usually they would have to cut hardware to make it small and compact. MS said screw that, were just gonna make it like a PC and pack it with power.
I'm totally down with this, I game on PC but to a minimum, i need it for work and adobe software, its nice to have a separate box just for the games.
The consoles vs PC debate really isnt much of an argument at this point, they are both good for games, but PCs can do alot more than just play games and watch movies.
If they sell this thing for 500-600 bucks its a good alternative to spending 1300-1500 on a great rig, if all you care about is gaming and netflix. Different strokes for different folks.
Well, your PC cost is inflated. You can build a better system for 1k, but yeah, your point still stands as a good alternative.
@DragonfireXZ95: What am I in denial about exactly? The specs have been released and they are impressive. So please point out what I said is delusional?
For one, those specs aren't exactly outstanding. Secondly, depending on the cooling solution they use, the parts could be clocked down due to heat dispersion. Not taking these specs with a grain of salt is completely delusional, and you're setting yourself up for failure.
When they say that it's 10% more powerful than a 2070, don't assume that it's an overall measure of power. Assume that it's just one test. In other words, put an asterisk on everything as far as marketing goes.
@DragonfireXZ95: What are you talking about?
These are the actual specs.
Compare that to AMD cards on the same architecture. How is that not impressive? Your looking at a $1500 pc range to rival that. I'm not talking about supposed performance test.
@DragonfireXZ95: What are you talking about?
These are the actual specs.
Compare that to AMD cards on the same architecture. How is that not impressive? Your looking at a $1500 pc range to rival that. I'm not talking about supposed performance test.
Okay, answer me this.
Processor | Custom AMD Zen 2-based CPU (8x @ 3.6 GHz) |
Graphics | Custom AMD Navi-based GPU (12 TF RDNA) |
Memory | 16GB GDDR6 RAM (13GB guaranteed for game developers) |
Storage | NVMe SSD (we've heard read speeds of anywhere up to 2GB/s) |
Video output | 8K, 4K @ 120Hz |
Optical drive | 4K Blu-ray |
Ports | Unknown |
Color | Matte Black |
Price | Unknown |
Release date | Holiday 2020 |
Processor: Is this single threaded speed or multi threaded? Is it hyperthreaded or not? Do you know?
Graphics: LOL @ the non specific specs. So, what's the GPU used in it?
Memory: AMD based processor but GDDR6 ram? What?
And no, I posted a build that's stronger in the post right above yours for 1k. I'll post it again because you're blind.
@Grey_Eyed_Elf: WTF are you talking about? Its 12 tflops on RDNA. It is officially more powerful then a 5700 and even a 5700xt. I know you hermits were hoping for toasters this gen but it ain't happening.
Who said 12Tflops?
Phil said the GPU will be twice as powerful as a X1X, he didn't mention TFLOPs and for a good reason two a 5700XT uses 225w and just breaks 10TFLOPS with 80-90c in temps.
You people are delusional.
If they had a 12TFLOP console it would be plastered all over their reveal.
AND a little heads up to you a 5700 gives you 2x the gaming performance(framerate) to a RX 590.
12 TFLOPs on Navi... You people are the reason why they are not mentioning teraflops, you have no idea what you are talking about.
@DragonfireXZ95: What are you talking about?
These are the actual specs.
Compare that to AMD cards on the same architecture. How is that not impressive? Your looking at a $1500 pc range to rival that. I'm not talking about supposed performance test.
Quotes from the article:
"The Xbox Series X hasn't been fully detailed in terms of specs, but Microsoft has offered us some target comparisons, and we've had some leaks of our own that suggest this is a truly beastly system. Ultimately, Microsoft is generalizing the power increase as "four times" higher than the Xbox One X, given that direct comparisons are difficult due to the sheer volume of custom tech going into this system."
"Here's what it's looking like so far, based on the latest information, combined with our own sourcing, until we get official confirmation."
What are you talking about with "these are the ACTUAL specs"?...
@DragonfireXZ95: What are you talking about?
These are the actual specs.
Compare that to AMD cards on the same architecture. How is that not impressive? Your looking at a $1500 pc range to rival that. I'm not talking about supposed performance test.
Okay, answer me this.
Processor | Custom AMD Zen 2-based CPU (8x @ 3.6 GHz) |
Graphics | Custom AMD Navi-based GPU (12 TF RDNA) |
Memory | 16GB GDDR6 RAM (13GB guaranteed for game developers) |
Storage | NVMe SSD (we've heard read speeds of anywhere up to 2GB/s) |
Video output | 8K, 4K @ 120Hz |
Optical drive | 4K Blu-ray |
Ports | Unknown |
Color | Matte Black |
Price | Unknown |
Release date | Holiday 2020 |
Processor: Is this single threaded speed or multi threaded? Is it hyperthreaded or not? Do you know?
Graphics: LOL @ the non specific specs. So, what's the GPU used in it?
Memory: AMD based processor but GDDR6 ram? What?
And no, I posted a build that's stronger in the post right above yours for 1k. I'll post it again because you're blind.
@DragonfireXZ95: What are you talking about?
These are the actual specs.
Compare that to AMD cards on the same architecture. How is that not impressive? Your looking at a $1500 pc range to rival that. I'm not talking about supposed performance test.
Quotes from the article:
"The Xbox Series X hasn't been fully detailed in terms of specs, but Microsoft has offered us some target comparisons, and we've had some leaks of our own that suggest this is a truly beastly system. Ultimately, Microsoft is generalizing the power increase as "four times" higher than the Xbox One X, given that direct comparisons are difficult due to the sheer volume of custom tech going into this system."
"Here's what it's looking like so far, based on the latest information, combined with our own sourcing, until we get official confirmation."
What are you talking about with "these are the ACTUAL specs"?...
Anyone else not that impressed with its graphics? Looks like it could’ve came out in 2017 on pc. Not saying it’s bad just not “next gen’
I'm not impressed with it graphically hopefully the gameplay makes up for it but yeah it's not wowing me in the graphical department.
@DragonfireXZ95: What are you talking about?
These are the actual specs.
Compare that to AMD cards on the same architecture. How is that not impressive? Your looking at a $1500 pc range to rival that. I'm not talking about supposed performance test.
Okay, answer me this.
Processor | Custom AMD Zen 2-based CPU (8x @ 3.6 GHz) |
Graphics | Custom AMD Navi-based GPU (12 TF RDNA) |
Memory | 16GB GDDR6 RAM (13GB guaranteed for game developers) |
Storage | NVMe SSD (we've heard read speeds of anywhere up to 2GB/s) |
Video output | 8K, 4K @ 120Hz |
Optical drive | 4K Blu-ray |
Ports | Unknown |
Color | Matte Black |
Price | Unknown |
Release date | Holiday 2020 |
Processor: Is this single threaded speed or multi threaded? Is it hyperthreaded or not? Do you know?
Graphics: LOL @ the non specific specs. So, what's the GPU used in it?
Memory: AMD based processor but GDDR6 ram? What?
And no, I posted a build that's stronger in the post right above yours for 1k. I'll post it again because you're blind.
@DragonfireXZ95: What are you talking about?
These are the actual specs.
Compare that to AMD cards on the same architecture. How is that not impressive? Your looking at a $1500 pc range to rival that. I'm not talking about supposed performance test.
Quotes from the article:
"The Xbox Series X hasn't been fully detailed in terms of specs, but Microsoft has offered us some target comparisons, and we've had some leaks of our own that suggest this is a truly beastly system. Ultimately, Microsoft is generalizing the power increase as "four times" higher than the Xbox One X, given that direct comparisons are difficult due to the sheer volume of custom tech going into this system."
"Here's what it's looking like so far, based on the latest information, combined with our own sourcing, until we get official confirmation."
What are you talking about with "these are the ACTUAL specs"?...
And let's be for real here. No way in hell MS or Sony is going to shell out $1,000 for a next-gen console and they gotta keep the console as cheap as possible. $500/$600 is all your going to get out of these next-gen consoles. (And this isn't taking into account you gotta pay online fees)
I wasn't impressed by a single trailer at the vgas. Everything looked meh.
No gameplay footage, just cutscenes of future poorly told stories with underdeveloped characters...
Seriously tho, what business does a new IP have showing a cutscene? Do they think I'm going to buy the game because eif the way the characters voice sounds? Or the color of the armor during a cutscene? If you have ant to sell your new ip, then show it to me, don't ask me to care about characters I know nothing about.
@Grey_Eyed_Elf: They wouldn't plaster 12 tf all over the console. To a general consumer it seems just 2x as powerful they wouldn't find that impressive. If it is 12 TF on RDNA my point stands it smokes a 5700. If its twice as powerful ( and windows central assumed 12tf) then their morons . As RDNA and GCN TF do not scale the same. Regardless it could be around 9tf on RDNA and still be twice as powerful as a X1X but your still not even comparing the correct generation of GPU's.
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