Great games make great game machines.
For 80m PS4s, it's not much to be honest. Still sold well though relative to other exclusives.
From your logic, Multplats such as COD are a failure, especially when they only sell 10 mill within the first month.
For 80m PS4s, it's not much to be honest. Still sold well though relative to other exclusives.
There are 4 billion people with access to audio devices, an artist selling a million copies of an album in a week is not much to be honest.
Lol, this new method of damage control is quite entertaining
Percentage wise it's pretty shameful. This is the only business where capturing 5 million of your 80 million users is somehow a success.
Any other business that would be shameful and a downright failure.
NO wonder XB1x is a failure. Idiots like @Random_Matt and @Bread_or_Decide has some pretty dumb logic. According to them, Every single Multi plat that ever released on both PS3 and 360 are a failure and Every Multi Plat sold this gen between PS4 (80Mill) and XB1(30mill) is a total failure. heck according to these two idiots, every game that ever released is a total failure.
@daredevils2k: Fanboys never use logic, they go with their feelings and that's why they get owned all the time.
"? Bu...bu...bu....bu....bu.....but SP games are irrelevant!!1"
For 80m PS4s, it's not much to be honest. Still sold well though relative to other exclusives.
does anyone actually have any stats on precedents set when it comes to games sold vs user base size.
uncharted 3 sold 4 million in one day but what was the user base size of the ps3 at the time? halo 3 sold nearly 3 million in a day, but how many 360s were there at the time etc.
Wrong! Halo 3 sold 3.3 million in 12 days :
Compared to GOWs 3.1 million in first 3 days.
? F***ing REKT!
So GOW outsold Halo 5 lieftime sales in less than a month? LMFAO!!
halo 5? halo 3 babes.
i was asking does actually anyone have any precedents about sales vs userbase for other big selling games on different platforms because whenever a ps4 game sells well someone's always quick to point out it's not much compared to 80 million ps4s sold and my guess is that most big selling exclusive games regardless of platform would have a similar ratio.
but that - pro playstation - point seems to have escaped you and mongly1
For 80m PS4s, it's not much to be honest. Still sold well though relative to other exclusives.
does anyone actually have any stats on precedents set when it comes to games sold vs user base size.
uncharted 3 sold 4 million in one day but what was the user base size of the ps3 at the time? halo 3 sold nearly 3 million in a day, but how many 360s were there at the time etc.
Wrong! Halo 3 sold 3.3 million in 12 days :
Compared to GOWs 3.1 million in first 3 days.
Caught in his lie, I love it.
caught in my lie lol. what a drama queen. imagine my embarrassment that i got a sales figure slightly wrong. i'd read ages ago halo 3 made something like $2.8 mill in the first day which equated to nearly 3 million copies. i could've googled it to confirm but that wasn't the point i was making
@Macutchi: You got destroyed dude. I don't even know why you're still showing up in this thread after getting owned so badly. Halo 3 didn't sell 3 million in a day like you said.
Well deserved!!!
I bought the game on day 1 but haven't officially played it yet as I been way to busy with ni no kuni 2 ( the amount of ps4 exclusives I just can't keep up anymore)
Also literally bought Detroit but unlikely that I would play it till I finish all my backlog lol, Sony gets my support!!
That ratio attachment has got to be the most pathetic damage control I ever seen.
Yall getting so desperate, don't you see how pathetic this is.
' Infinity war is a flop because its only sold 250M tickets while there are 8 billion people in the world, that's less than 3%, infinity war is a flop.'
' Gta san andreas is a flop, only sold 14m when there was 155 Ps2s'
Lmao, I guess every product and services in existence is a flop, damn :lmao
GOW have made people lose their minds and brains. This is so pathetic. Just accept the PS4 has killed this gen. No other platforms can compete.
Uncharted 4: At least 12M by now
Horizon: 8 million in one year
GOW: 5 million in one month
GT sport: 6 million in a few months
BB - 3 million: fastest selling souls even though its on one platform
? Spiderman - This will be one of the biggest exclusives of all tie
? TlLOU 2 - This will be even bigger than U4/GOW
? DS- Another big one
? GOT- A niche weeb game sold 2M, this one is AAA.
But but sony needs to make some low budget shiity RTS mmos. :lol
Keep that shit on PC or another platforms, I don't want those on PS console. Thankfully Sony is focused on the best genre which is AAA Action- Adventure.
@Bread_or_Decide: The person you responded to, did you read what you quoted?
If you sell a million copies in the music industry youre considered a success. Even though there are billions of potential customers. In the movie industry they are happy if they sell 15-20 million blu rays even though there are 500+ million potential buyers.
Perfectly valid comparison that youre purposely avoiding. So heres an easier question, which exclusive was a sales success in your opinion? And what number of sales would GoW have had to move in order to be a success to you?
10% would be better on day one. 20% Lifetime sales.
Let's face it, all these PS4 users are just watching Netflix. They're not buying these OMG EXCLUSIVES everyone keeps bragging about. Switch sold ONE TO ONE with BOTW. ONE TO MUTHAFUKIN ONE. Now that's how a game should sell.
I personally find sales of exclusives more interesting than multi-platform games like Grand Theft Auto V.
Can God of War reach ten million copies worldwide and reach Gran Turismo sales levels?
Uncharted 4, an even more mainstream title than GOW, peaked at 10.
@Macutchi: no, they do not, because success is not measured by user base, this is a narrative that Lems and hermits are trying to push, but they're failing as usual.
Until you look at games like MK8 on Wii U, selling 8 million, to a far smaller user base.
But sure, keep pretending 5 million of 80 is somehow a great number.
Uncharted 4: At least 12M by now
Horizon: 8 million in one year
GOW: 5 million in one month
GT sport: 6 million in a few months
BB - 3 million: fastest selling souls even though its on one platform
? Spiderman - This will be one of the biggest exclusives of all tie
? TlLOU 2 - This will be even bigger than U4/GOW
? DS- Another big one
? GOT- A niche weeb game sold 2M, this one is AAA.
But but sony needs to make some low budget shiity RTS mmos. :lol
Keep that shit on PC or another platforms, I don't want those on PS console. Thankfully Sony is focused on the best genre which is AAA Action- Adventure.
Death Stranding is too weird. It'll probably sell 1-3 at launch and then fall off really quick afterward. Unless it has a really cool MP component.
@Bread_or_Decide: How many mames sold that well on the Nintendo Wii and Xbox 360 in a month?
You don't want to play this game with the Wii dude. Just walk away before you get hurt.
I've been excited to play this and just picked it up a few days ago, been too busy lately. I'm pretty disappointed so far. It feels SO linear. The story is solid so far, graphics great, combat is good, but man it's like walking in a mansion with tight hallways and tiny rooms. The puzzles were cool at first, but they get old pretty quickly. Too many of them. QTE sucks
I've been excited to play this and just picked it up a few days ago, been too busy lately. I'm pretty disappointed so far. It feels so linear. The story is solid so far, graphics great, fighting pretty solid, but man it's like walking in a mansion with tight hallways and tiny rooms.
That.. changes.. pretty early on.
I've been excited to play this and just picked it up a few days ago, been too busy lately. I'm pretty disappointed so far. It feels so linear. The story is solid so far, graphics great, fighting pretty solid, but man it's like walking in a mansion with tight hallways and tiny rooms.
That.. changes.. pretty early on.
How early? I'm deep in Alfheim now.
I've been excited to play this and just picked it up a few days ago, been too busy lately. I'm pretty disappointed so far. It feels so linear. The story is solid so far, graphics great, fighting pretty solid, but man it's like walking in a mansion with tight hallways and tiny rooms.
That.. changes.. pretty early on.
How early? I'm deep in Alfheim now.
Even though Kratos bitches about exploring, just do it. There's neat stuff in Alfheim, too. Not a lot, at least the first go, but it's there.
I've been excited to play this and just picked it up a few days ago, been too busy lately. I'm pretty disappointed so far. It feels so linear. The story is solid so far, graphics great, fighting pretty solid, but man it's like walking in a mansion with tight hallways and tiny rooms.
That.. changes.. pretty early on.
How early? I'm deep in Alfheim now.
Even though Kratos bitches about exploring, just do it. There's neat stuff in Alfheim, too. Not a lot, at least the first go, but it's there.
Thanks, I am exploring everything I can get into. My fault I guess, some people described this as an open world game, but it isn't. You literally walk on narrow paths into numerous small areas. Just not what I was expecting and a bit boring in that way.
For 80m PS4s, it's not much to be honest. Still sold well though relative to other exclusives.
There are 4 billion people with access to audio devices, an artist selling a million copies of an album in a week is not much to be honest.
Lol, this new method of damage control is quite entertaining
Percentage wise it's pretty shameful. This is the only business where capturing 5 million of your 80 million users is somehow a success.
Any other business that would be shameful and a downright failure.
Are you sure? Have you ever thought about the number of DVD players in the world vs the number of copies of each movie sold?
5 million copies in one month is not's insane, especially considering the console has over 2000 other games available (according to metacritic).
Thanks, I am exploring everything I can get into. My fault I guess, some people described this as an open world game, but it isn't. You literally walk on narrow paths into numerous small areas. Just not what I was expecting and a bit boring in that way.
caught in my lie lol. what a drama queen. imagine my embarrassment that i got a sales figure slightly wrong. i'd read ages ago halo 3 made something like $2.8 mill in the first day which equated to nearly 3 million copies. i could've googled it to confirm but that wasn't the point i was making
You won't find any cuz that info doesn't exist. Halo 3 sold in 3.3 mil. in 12 days. You were caught in your own bullshit. Cheers!
The irony is that this game had so much hate from reveal to launch. So much hate over the change in setting , the camera position, the character redesign, the boi, and the plot. And look at its success.
Which shows, that you have to stick with your guts as a developer. Feedback is good and can be helpful/useful, but if you have conviction in your product, don't waiver. Many times, consumers don't know what they want.
caught in my lie lol. what a drama queen. imagine my embarrassment that i got a sales figure slightly wrong. i'd read ages ago halo 3 made something like $2.8 mill in the first day which equated to nearly 3 million copies. i could've googled it to confirm but that wasn't the point i was making
You won't find any cuz that info doesn't exist. Halo 3 sold in 3.3 mil. in 12 days. You were caught in your own bullshit. Cheers!
you're absolutely right mongli, it was something like $170mill in a day (us sales alone). still you miss the point i was trying to make, obviously a bit too taxing for the dribbling fanboy types like yourself who are so easily confused by the presence of an xbox title in a post. toodlepip
caught in my lie lol. what a drama queen. imagine my embarrassment that i got a sales figure slightly wrong. i'd read ages ago halo 3 made something like $2.8 mill in the first day which equated to nearly 3 million copies. i could've googled it to confirm but that wasn't the point i was making
You won't find any cuz that info doesn't exist. Halo 3 sold in 3.3 mil. in 12 days. You were caught in your own bullshit. Cheers!
you're absolutely right mongli, it was something like $170mill in a day (us sales alone). still you miss the point i was trying to make, obviously a bit too taxing for the dribbling fanboy types like yourself who are so easily confused by the presence of an xbox title in a post. toodlepip
If i'm a fanboy, WTF are you then? According to your logic - 170/60 are 2.8. So, you think game sold almost 3 mil. in 1 day. LOL! Nope, that's not how things works. Really wrong calculation. So, Halo 3 were sold in 500k in next 10 days. What a huge drop
For 80m PS4s, it's not much to be honest. Still sold well though relative to other exclusives.
There are 4 billion people with access to audio devices, an artist selling a million copies of an album in a week is not much to be honest.
Lol, this new method of damage control is quite entertaining
Percentage wise it's pretty shameful. This is the only business where capturing 5 million of your 80 million users is somehow a success.
Any other business that would be shameful and a downright failure.
The tears are real
@Bread_or_Decide: "Percentage wise it's pretty shameful. This is the only business where capturing 5 million of your 80 million users is somehow a success.
Any other business that would be shameful and a downright failure."
Good to know that super Mario Galaxy 1 and 2 were failures then.
@Bread_or_Decide: "Percentage wise it's pretty shameful. This is the only business where capturing 5 million of your 80 million users is somehow a success.
Any other business that would be shameful and a downright failure."
Good to know that super Mario Galaxy 1 and 2 were failures then.
Compared to Mario kart Wii and other 30 million-plus sellers on Wii, hell yeah it was.
3D Mario is lagging behind. New Super Mario Bros. Wii kicked its butt in sales.
@Bread_or_Decide: How many mames sold that well on the Nintendo Wii and Xbox 360 in a month?
You don't want to play this game with the Wii dude. Just walk away before you get hurt.
Lol, let's go to the facts:
Wii Sports was bundled with the console.
Mario Kart Wii sold about 3.3 million in the first month (according to the link provided by you).
Wii Sports Resort was bundled with an accessory that was necessary to play a few of the biggest games on the later half of the console lifespan
Wii Play was bundled with the Wii Mote
New Super Mario Bros Wii sold about 5,6 million on it's first month.
Wii Fit came with an enourmous physical add-on for exercising and even then it only sold about 700k on it's first month in Japan
Super Mario Galaxy sold 2.4 million in the first worldwide month+the first two weeks of Japan Only sales
Should I keep going?
Different games from different genres sell to different demographics. Just because 80 mil. people bought a PS4, versus the 36 million that bought a Xbone, that doesn’t mean the percentages for each demographic are going to be the same. Raw numbers are the only relevant measure, otherwise we’d be calling the Wii U a massive success. By attach ratio logic, Halo 4 on 360 should’ve sold 4 times as many copies as Halo 3, Right, Xbone fans? Right! You tried!
Xbone fans trying so hard to prove something and they failed in the last 5 years.
@Bread_or_Decide: compared to? No, it were failures. Period.
I'm agreeing with you. Selling 30 million like Mario kart Wii is what you should sell with an absurdly high user base.
@Bread_or_Decide: compared to? No, it were failures. Period.
I'm agreeing with you. Selling 30 million like Mario kart Wii is what you should sell with an absurdly high user base.
Too bad it sold less than GOW in it's first month
@Bread_or_Decide: How many mames sold that well on the Nintendo Wii and Xbox 360 in a month?
You don't want to play this game with the Wii dude. Just walk away before you get hurt.
**** so cording to you Wii was very disappointing console for a lot of good games. Switch Fit, Switch Sports lets go Nintendo. Let MP4 cook a bit longer.
At this point I'm putting Bread or Decide and TryIt in the same group of special mental health cases in this forum.
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