My fav game of all time. I say this after the honeymoon fase.
Santa monica deserves all the money they can get for this. Rockstar better come with some serious fire if they want RDR2 get GOTY this year.
@Bread_or_Decide: so, if Mario Galaxy was a failure despite selling 10m copies, why did it had a sequel?
By your logic, no game is a success.
Few games are a success. Hence why fewer games come out from big devs. It's all indies or AAA, nothing inbetween anymore.
@Bread_or_Decide: what a load of nonsense.
It's not you but the devs and the market that decides what is a success or not.
Give up, you lost the discussion long time ago.
Production cost - profits are what decide financial success.
I don't think anyone spends 5 years making a game to sell a measly 5 million copies.
@Bread_or_Decide: This thread isnt going well for you. I still like you tho.
:) Aw, thanks.
@Bread_or_Decide: This thread isnt going well for you. I still like you tho.
I agree. I agree with him on quite a few things, but not this.
Most games don't have a good attach rate on successful consoles. The general rule is that the higher your attach rate is, the more niche your console is. The reason is because most people who bought the console, only bought it for said game(s). Like the Wii U. The attach rate is higher because most people bought it for Mario and Mario Kart; hence Mario Kart has a 62% attachment rate and the Mario games have a 43% attachment rate.
The Wii is the only exception because Wii Sports was just that popular. The 2nd best selling Wii game has an attach rate of less than 40 percent.
@Bread_or_Decide: How many mames sold that well on the Nintendo Wii and Xbox 360 in a month?
You don't want to play this game with the Wii dude. Just walk away before you get hurt.
Lol, let's go to the facts:
Wii Sports was bundled with the console.
Mario Kart Wii sold about 3.3 million in the first month (according to the link provided by you).
Wii Sports Resort was bundled with an accessory that was necessary to play a few of the biggest games on the later half of the console lifespan
Wii Play was bundled with the Wii Mote
New Super Mario Bros Wii sold about 5,6 million on it's first month.
Wii Fit came with an enourmous physical add-on for exercising and even then it only sold about 700k on it's first month in Japan
Super Mario Galaxy sold 2.4 million in the first worldwide month+the first two weeks of Japan Only sales
Should I keep going?
The bundles are reaching. Wii Sports was the reason people even bought the console, so I would count it. Wii Sports Resort was still popular on its own merit since many of the games it needed motion plus for, besides Wii Sports Resort and Wii Play, weren't popular with casual gamers. Besides, motion plus was bundled with a few other games and it didn't help them sell.
Mcdonald's quarter pounder with cheese sells close to 1 million units per week. That shit is AAAA. I'd take that over GoW any day. Gives you coronary artery disease and fills your taste buds.
@luxuryheart: attach rate is not a success measure. He's just trying to create a narrative to say GOW is a failure and by doing so, he's saying that all multiplats are failures. He's saying even GTA V, the game that has been on top 10 sales list for over 5 years is a failure.
@luxuryheart: attach rate is not a success measure. He's just trying to create a narrative to say GOW is a failure and by doing so, he's saying that all multiplats are failures. He's saying even GTA V, the game that has been on top 10 sales list for over 5 years is a failure.
It typically is. When a console is unpopular, then people typically only buy it for one or more exclusive game(s). The only exception is Wii Sports since the game itself was mainstream. Though usually, when a console has a high attach rate, like 40% or more, then it's a sign that it's pretty niche.
@luxuryheart: well, when you put it that way, I can agree, but the way Lems and hermits do it here, is not.
PC games have a low attachment rate, so not sure why they'd argue that to be honest. They probably have like a 3% attach rate on the best selling games of all time. There are over a billion PC gamers in the world. Unless they're talking about Steam in general which has like 67 monthly active users.
@luxuryheart: well, when you put it that way, I can agree, but the way Lems and hermits do it here, is not.
User base was always an idiotic argument because it suggests that EVERY one who owns a system has to like, buy and play the same game. (generalizing Millions of people)
It's so idiotic it's mind numbing but looking at the users who created it, it's not surprising.
Lemmings said this would flop. They said changing the camera was bad, and having a father-son story was bad.
Meanwhile Sea of Thieves and whatever forgettable X1 game that came out recently are already out of the conversation, and the X1 is getting outsold by the Switch, which isn't even releasing big games now.
Lemmings said this would flop. They said changing the camera was bad, and having a father-son story was bad.
Meanwhile Sea of Thieves and whatever forgettable X1 game that came out recently are already out of the conversation, and the X1 is getting outsold by the Switch, which isn't even releasing big games now.
Lems are the jokes of SW. Basically everything they've predicted this gen hasn't worked out for them. From Clouds to DX12 to the XBoneX everything they've predicted would give them a leg up over PS4 has failed. You'd think by now they would stop trying to be Nostradamus disciples and just game but no they never learn.
Lemmings said this would flop. They said changing the camera was bad, and having a father-son story was bad.
Meanwhile Sea of Thieves and whatever forgettable X1 game that came out recently are already out of the conversation, and the X1 is getting outsold by the Switch, which isn't even releasing big games now.
Which "lemmings" are you referring to exactly? I don't remember many (if any) saying that it would "flop". Sounds like made up bullsh*t to me.
Lemmings said this would flop. They said changing the camera was bad, and having a father-son story was bad.
Meanwhile Sea of Thieves and whatever forgettable X1 game that came out recently are already out of the conversation, and the X1 is getting outsold by the Switch, which isn't even releasing big games now.
Lems are the jokes of SW. Basically everything they've predicted this gen hasn't worked out for them. From Clouds to DX12 to the XBoneX everything they've predicted would give them a leg up over PS4 has failed. You'd think by now they would stop trying to be Nostradamus disciples and just game but no they never learn.
LMAO I think I just wet myself!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Lemmings said this would flop. They said changing the camera was bad, and having a father-son story was bad.
Meanwhile Sea of Thieves and whatever forgettable X1 game that came out recently are already out of the conversation, and the X1 is getting outsold by the Switch, which isn't even releasing big games now.
Which "lemmings" are you referring to exactly? I don't remember many (if any) saying that it would "flop". Sounds like made up bullsh*t to me.
Lemmings said this would flop. They said changing the camera was bad, and having a father-son story was bad.
Meanwhile Sea of Thieves and whatever forgettable X1 game that came out recently are already out of the conversation, and the X1 is getting outsold by the Switch, which isn't even releasing big games now.
Lems are the jokes of SW. Basically everything they've predicted this gen hasn't worked out for them. From Clouds to DX12 to the XBoneX everything they've predicted would give them a leg up over PS4 has failed. You'd think by now they would stop trying to be Nostradamus disciples and just game but no they never learn.
LMAO I think I just wet myself!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Of course you would, that's what clowns do. That's why we are laughing at you and not with you ?
What kind of grown man pisses himself?
Lemmings said this would flop. They said changing the camera was bad, and having a father-son story was bad.
Meanwhile Sea of Thieves and whatever forgettable X1 game that came out recently are already out of the conversation, and the X1 is getting outsold by the Switch, which isn't even releasing big games now.
Which "lemmings" are you referring to exactly? I don't remember many (if any) saying that it would "flop". Sounds like made up bullsh*t to me.
Lemmings said this would flop. They said changing the camera was bad, and having a father-son story was bad.
Meanwhile Sea of Thieves and whatever forgettable X1 game that came out recently are already out of the conversation, and the X1 is getting outsold by the Switch, which isn't even releasing big games now.
Lems are the jokes of SW. Basically everything they've predicted this gen hasn't worked out for them. From Clouds to DX12 to the XBoneX everything they've predicted would give them a leg up over PS4 has failed. You'd think by now they would stop trying to be Nostradamus disciples and just game but no they never learn.
LMAO I think I just wet myself!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Of course you would, that's what clowns do. That's why we are laughing at you and not with you ?
What kind of grown man pisses himself?
It happens sometimes when a person reads something that is so ridiculously stupid and hypocritical that you just can't help but burst into uncontrollable laughter.
Lemmings said this would flop. They said changing the camera was bad, and having a father-son story was bad.
Meanwhile Sea of Thieves and whatever forgettable X1 game that came out recently are already out of the conversation, and the X1 is getting outsold by the Switch, which isn't even releasing big games now.
Which "lemmings" are you referring to exactly? I don't remember many (if any) saying that it would "flop". Sounds like made up bullsh*t to me.
Lems are the jokes of SW. Basically everything they've predicted this gen hasn't worked out for them. From Clouds to DX12 to the XBoneX everything they've predicted would give them a leg up over PS4 has failed. You'd think by now they would stop trying to be Nostradamus disciples and just game but no they never learn.
LMAO I think I just wet myself!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Of course you would, that's what clowns do. That's why we are laughing at you and not with you ?
What kind of grown man pisses himself?
It happens sometimes when a person reads something that is so ridiculously stupid and hypocritical that you just can't help but burst into uncontrollable laughter.
? Never change my lemming friend, never change.
Laughter is good for the soul and it's why I visit SW. ? You lems provide me with a lot of epic lulz.
@quadknight: Same for me with you cows :)
The only problem is that Lems are the only ones that gets laughed at nowadays...
Lol... you're sadly mistaken there :)
@quadknight: Same for me with you cows :)
The only problem is that Lems are the only ones that gets laughed at nowadays...
Lol... you're sadly mistaken there :)
Well, I know you lems try and pretend otherwhise, but, you know... 30 million sales, low attach rate, games flopping up and down on MC and sales, no recognition whatsoever outside the US(and even faling on its home market).
Plenty of reasons to laugh at you.
For 80m PS4s, it's not much to be honest. Still sold well though relative to other exclusives.
There are 4 billion people with access to audio devices, an artist selling a million copies of an album in a week is not much to be honest.
Lol, this new method of damage control is quite entertaining
Percentage wise it's pretty shameful. This is the only business where capturing 5 million of your 80 million users is somehow a success.
Any other business that would be shameful and a downright failure.
so delusional, cant even accept facts xD Sad ppl
I wonder what game will have those numbers in the first month for MS. Halo use to be that game, but this gen it has shown that it failed at doing so, Gear of War use to be that game, but once again failed do so this gen,
I can't beileve this "low attach rate" is a thing... are ya'll mentally retarded?
.....The damage control, i really don't see how it can get any worse, that's literally bottom of the barrel, if people are genuinely calling a video game that sold 5 million in one month a failure and not a sucess, just because it's not on your "prefered" system of choice.
Iv'e been on system wars for 10 years now, and iv'e seen some pretty dumb shit...but never have i ever seen such a weak ass and outright desperate form of damage control and justification.
And the sad thing is, ya'll are dead serious, that shit lacks any sort of logic or reason...this level of stupidity is seriously embarrasing for the gaming community as a whole.
My 0.2$
Congratulations to sony, brilliant franchise and game. I'm one of those sales.
@TorqueHappens08: Lems have reached a new low.
MS really needs to give them something this E3 or I'm afraid they'll become extinct. The lack of games and Sony completely murdering the Xbone has them coming up with some really stupid shit to help themselves sleep at night and cope with the pain.
Halo5 and Gears4 are better games than those walking simulator games.
Online multiplayer provides more replay value then those linear sp only snoozefest sony games.
Halo5 and gears4 are a much more complete game
I'm sure the 10 people still playing those games will agree with you.
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