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As far as canon goes Master Chief would fvck both of them up. He'd fvck up the zombies which are nothing compared to the Flood, and he'd fvck the Combine so hard they'd retreat and never come back, as the Covenent are much more powerful.In my opinion, from solid, good experience with all game franchises, I just find the silent protagonist to be better than the protagonists of both Halo and Uncharted franchises. Freeman can go through a town, fighting a bunch of zombies when no one could, but he did it anyway. Plus, he has a degree, which is better than treasure hunting skills. The hazard suit is also better than the spartan armor. But hey, I'm a good guy. You can vote who is the best game character out of the three right now.
Dey all 'Umies. I will krump 'em all like da rest of 'em. We 'Ave more Dakka, more choppa's, and we are dead 'Ard wez are. Dem 'Umie gitz got nofing on da boyz. Wez da Orkz, and wez fer fighn' and winning!WAAAAAAAAAAGH!!!!!!!!!!!
So it's obvious who I support:P
Gorgutz? Nah, Bluddflagg is much better.
Is Freeman's charming personality winning everyone over in here? I've always felt it was a bit...lacking.
Nothing wrong with a silent protagonist, but I think it's ridiculous to say he's an awesome character.
Frying pan > rolling pin > crow bar !! :twisted:Is Freeman's charming personality winning everyone over in here? I've always felt it was a bit...lacking.
Nothing wrong with a silent protagonist, but I think it's ridiculous to say he's an awesome character.
MC wins !! :P
what im saying is that he isn't a character. he has no personality, doesnt talk, we dont know anything about him. hes just an avatar there to give you a reason to shoot s*** he could be the damn easter bunny and it wouldnt have any effect on the story or gameplay[QUOTE="mems_1224"][QUOTE="Goyoshi12"]
Truth is...Gordon Freeman isn't really a brilliant scientist. Or that person before was lying. I heard word from a fourm some time ago that Gordon Freeman was actually just a lowlife janitor and everyone JOKED about the PhD stuff and when the aliens came they just said to hell with it and called him a scientist.
Still...I'm not sure that's correct. I think he was just making that up...not to sure.
It would damn well affect the story and gameplay! Yeah, fine, he's mute. Why the hell does that matter? How come games like DA:O, KOTOR, Baldur's Gate, Elder Scrolls games, and other such games get away with this? He has no personality? HE'S YOU. You GIVE him ther personaility. You develop his story along the way. You evolve him as a character.
I prefer non-talking characters over chitter-chattering characters out there like those found in Final Fantasy games.
he cant be a manifestation of me. i talk, i have emotion, i can think for myself and make my own decisions. DA, KOTOR and ES games all let you create your own character, decide what kind of person hes gonna be and give you dialogue options. gordon freeman isn't a character. he has no personality, no brain, no nothing.Master Chief is only as good as your imagination--designed so that the player takes the helm. People hating on him are hating on themselves.
Nathan Drake--I was surprised by the depth of the character. I didn't expect a 30-something with down to earth thoughts/emotions. Uncharted2 was hayped to death for me, and it exceeded it in every way. I think I'm one of the few that really enjoyed the character-centric story of Uncharted 3.
Freeman is rather lousy. One, he doesn't speak, so one cannot relate in the nathan drake sense of similarities. Two, he is too fleshed out to work in the Master Chief way. Three, the hipster look is just annoying.
I thought these threads were banned? Whatever.
Chief would tear out both of their spines and floss with them.
Gordon sucks hes a mute character with no personality except that which the other characters imply.
But I do love the replies of how hes more powerful than the other 2 *lie* or how master chief is just a generic space marine...except Freeman is just a dude in a power suit thats about it...
Nathan Drake, he has fabulous hair. Heil68
Plus he railed two girls in one game. Never been done before. (std ridden gta girls don't count, sorry)
[QUOTE="Heil68"]Nathan Drake, he has fabulous hair. Heirren
Plus he railed two girls in one game. Never been done before. (std ridden gta girls don't count, sorry)
Never played The Sims Eh ? :P[QUOTE="Heirren"]
[QUOTE="Heil68"]Nathan Drake, he has fabulous hair. SecretPolice
Plus he railed two girls in one game. Never been done before. (std ridden gta girls don't count, sorry)
Never played The Sims Eh ? :PWomen that dance like that aren't worth it, and do not count.
[QUOTE="yellosnolvr"]gordon. he's not that great of a character (coming from someone who's favorite game ever is hl2), but he sure as hell beats out the 2 generic, cliche, and somewhat annoying other characters.sts106matstraight away having the name gordon means he loses 10000 cool points & then he wears glasses so..... im not saying he's the best character ever. i'm saying that it was quite hard dealing with those other 2 as my protagonists-with an exception of master chief in the first halo; he had a very acceptable personality and didn't throw in overused/generic/cliche sayings over and over. i guess the lack of personality in gordon freeman leaves room for the user's interpretation. leaving that space for interpretation is usually a good thing in anything ranging from music to games. letting the player explore their mind and find reasoning behind certain design decisions can be a great way to immerse the player if set in an environment that allows for it. the lack of personality in gordon is also what makes any title of the half-life series a better game. just imagine gordon having one of those annoying, over-talkative, immersion-destroying personalities; half-life would NOT be the same great franchise. while the halo and uncharted environments and gameplay allow for their personalities to work with them, i just did not find the other two characters as appealing.
im not saying he's the best character ever. i'm saying that it was quite hard dealing with those other 2 as my protagonists-with an exception of master chief in the first halo; he had a very acceptable personality and didn't throw in overused/generic/cliche sayings over and over. i guess the lack of personality in gordon freeman leaves room for the user's interpretation. leaving that space for interpretation is usually a good thing in anything ranging from music to games. letting the player explore their mind and find reasoning behind certain design decisions can be a great way to immerse the player if set in an environment that allows for it. the lack of personality in gordon is also what makes any title of the half-life series a better game. just imagine gordon having one of those annoying, over-talkative, immersion-destroying personalities; half-life would NOT be the same great franchise. while the halo and uncharted environments and gameplay allow for their personalities to work with them, i just did not find the other two characters as appealing.[QUOTE="yellosnolvr"][QUOTE="sts106mat"] straight away having the name gordon means he loses 10000 cool points & then he wears glasses so.....sts106mat
i was actually only joking.
master chief isn't really a character, he rarely speaks which i like. with FPS games, i prefer the halo / Half life approach , i like it to be me thats in the game. having an actual character works much better for third person games as you are looking at them and seeing things happen to them, rather than to you.
thats why i enjoyed farcry and fallout 3, you were never shown your appearance or taken out of the first person view, the immersion factor is a huge deal for me in long - first person games.
master chief does have some bad ass one liners. dude is like the perfect sci fi action hero. her rarely talks but when he does its awesome lol.[QUOTE="lordreaven"]
Dey all 'Umies. I will krump 'em all like da rest of 'em. We 'Ave more Dakka, more choppa's, and we are dead 'Ard wez are. Dem 'Umie gitz got nofing on da boyz. Wez da Orkz, and wez fer fighn' and winning!WAAAAAAAAAAGH!!!!!!!!!!!
So it's obvious who I support:P
Gorgutz? Nah, Bluddflagg is much better.
I agree, I just pulled up Gorgutz becasue he was the first Ork pic I saw. Bluddflag is the greatest warboss ever. And probebly the one the most interesting characters I've seen too. Orks can have great stories if people actually tried to write for them.Why do people complain about Gordon Freeman? Runner-up for best video game hero here on Gamespot was Mario... you gonna bring up the 'has no writing' card when your sorry butt voted for Mario? Some Mexican plumber that grows dope and shrooms in his backyard, pretending they're radishes, going on acid trips where he dreams about being able to fly off into space and jump on flying turtles' heads? Please.
Short-a** bastard's probably not even a real plumber. More like the lawn mower guy. yeah... shrubs be the only thing his ass is 'fixin', huehuehue...
Gordon Freeman isn't much of a character; he's more of a symbol. You never really know what his motives are, what he's feeling, or who he is other than the game world's impression of him as some heroic figure that saved the world.
I voted for Master Chief solely because he's a fairly silent protagonist, but you at least he has some character and personality revealed to the player. The most I ever saw of Gordon Freeman was in the artwork for Half-Life 1 and 2.
Nathan Drake is a total a-hole and an arrogant, annoying character. I legitimately enjoy making him jump to his death off mountains and ledges because his snide remarks and cliched one-liners are infinitely grating. I don't understand how anyone can enjoy him as an individual, or actually think the Uncharted games have good, believable, and unique characters.
Basically: this poll has crappy choices.
Gordon Freeman isn't much of a character; he's more of a symbol. You never really know what his motives are, what he's feeling, or who he is other than the game world's impression of him as some heroic figure that saved the world.
I voted for Master Chief solely because he's a fairly silent protagonist, but you at least he has some character and personality revealed to the player. The most I ever saw of Gordon Freeman was in the artwork for Half-Life 1 and 2.
Nathan Drake is a total a-hole and an arrogant, annoying character. I legitimately enjoy making him jump to his death off mountains and ledges because his snide remarks and cliched one-liners are infinitely grating. I don't understand how anyone can enjoy him as an individual, or actually think the Uncharted games have good, believable, and unique characters.
Basically: this poll has crappy choices.
It takes some seriously horrible childhood / teenage events to turn someone into the type of person that would have that sort of opinion on Nathan Drake.
Gordon Freeman isn't much of a character; he's more of a symbol. You never really know what his motives are, what he's feeling, or who he is other than the game world's impression of him as some heroic figure that saved the world.
I voted for Master Chief solely because he's a fairly silent protagonist, but you at least he has some character and personality revealed to the player. The most I ever saw of Gordon Freeman was in the artwork for Half-Life 1 and 2.
Nathan Drake is a total a-hole and an arrogant, annoying character. I legitimately enjoy making him jump to his death off mountains and ledges because his snide remarks and cliched one-liners are infinitely grating. I don't understand how anyone can enjoy him as an individual, or actually think the Uncharted games have good, believable, and unique characters.
Basically: this poll has crappy choices.
It takes some seriously horrible childhood / teenage events to turn someone into the type of person that would have that sort of opinion on Nathan Drake.
That was a bit of an exaggeration, but the point still stands that Drake is a cliched, one-dimensional character who is ripped entirely from Hollywood action movies.Please Log In to post.
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