Have not played Portal 2 yet but The Witcher 2 and Deus Ex feels so small. Sure you can get some hours from them but the game world is so tiny compared to Skyrim, that reason alone make them fail GOTY imo.
Just because its big does not mean it's better. Look at oblivion. Saw what they did there? Copy paste, copy paste, copy and paste. Not so much thing to do on that game. Deus Ex was just enough for the enviroment size. It has alot of content in it and the environment feels alive. Same goes to TW2. Portal2 was spot on as a puzzle game.
Oblivion felt great, yeah they copy pasted some caves etc but still the world felt alive. Was amazing experience to explore that non-linear game.
Not so much to do in Oblivion?? man did we really play the same game???
Have the GOTY edition because I thought it was really the game of the year. And it sucks man. I even tried the DLCs in it hoping it would change my view on that game. It sucked. Skyrim will be better than Oblivion I know(only the graphics haha). So that makes it none GOTY material. Portal2, TW2, and Deus Ex were BEAST!!!
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