[QUOTE="Verge_6"][QUOTE="Meu2k7"][QUOTE="Verge_6"][QUOTE="Meu2k7"] They showed stuff like this of UT3 before release, I dont see any of it implemented into the game, like the PhysX destructable enviroments.
And I dont believe for a second that there will be 10 let alone 100 locust on screen ... that are INTERACTIVE... just a bunch of empty models running past, or perhaps they ragdoll die from explosives/gun fire.
I dont believe it for a second. Tech demo, completely.
Mark Rein said they would be implemented...
Yes to a minor degree they will be, I believe that the organic/Destructions aspects will be, so will the rushing armies ... the later 2 for about 10 seconds of gameplay.
And Mark Rein! Mark Rein! cmon he says whatever to whoever hes speaking to at the time.
Wasn't that the majority of the presentation? And why couldn't the lighting be implemented?
I didnt mention the lighting because that was a given!.
The same logic can apply to anything, more lighting, more models, more Liquid emulated effects, Destrucbility on a game that already struggled to stay at 30 FPS.
3.5 UE will not magically make it possibel to have 100s of enemies fighting, like the lie that was told from Bungie .... ( If im remembering correctly ) they said something similar ... when at most it was 10-15.
No ammount of optmization is going to achieve that. unless they are completely hollow. ( by definition not literal meaning )
Uh no. The vaste majority of processing power is used up rendering not AI and physics. Those were all fully lit and rendered Locust models running on the 360 which means its possible, maybe not quite on that scale but certaily far more then the 8-10 in GeoW.
With good level design even as few as 25 enemies at once can feel like an epic battle. A good example of this is the Call of Duty games.
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