I did have fun with MoH:H2, lot of it actually, but MY GOD did it look like crap. I swear i could have been playing the PSP version for all i know
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I did have fun with MoH:H2, lot of it actually, but MY GOD did it look like crap. I swear i could have been playing the PSP version for all i know
I thought this came out back in 2005? http://www.gamefaqs.com/computer/doswin/image/928656.html?gs=1 i have no idea about that i only knew this http://www.spawnpoint.com/PC/details/6708/Terrorist_Takedown_Conflict_in_Mogadishu so, its the same game with diffirent names and release dates? it says june 2008[QUOTE="dakan45"]
terrorist takedown conflict in mogadishu....it came out in August 2008!!!!!
[QUOTE="asyrian758"]Wii doesnt count because its last gen (4/5 of every game on the wii has ps1 level graphics). dakan45ehhmm no, wii doesnt have ps1 graphics agreed, the Wii (in my opinion) is around the same graphics as the Gamecube which was nicer than the PS2 at the time.
I have the psp version and it looks just like that the pics you posted....fun game on psp though.I did have fun with MoH:H2, lot of it actually, but MY GOD did it look like crap. I swear i could have been playing the PSP version for all i know
i find it really funny at the fanboys that runs rabid here on SW. How can you say that Halo 3, GTA4, and Genji have bed graphics?
Halo 3: While not the prettiest, it does do some things very well and have incredible texture work
GTA4: If i remembered correctly, wasn't this game crowned as being the best looking sandbox game this gen?
Genji: This game didn't do well with the reviews, but didn;t most reviews state that the only thing this game had going for it was the visuals?
I just don't see where yall get your opinions from, but back on topic. The games that looked most horrendous this gen was Gundam Crossfire, that yaris game, Gun, Ghostbusters (for the ps3), Two Worlds, and Hour of Victory. These games was BAD in the visuals
found another.
Genji: Days of the Blade
not only does this game look bad, but it also has crabs. giant enemy crabs.
couldn't resist. :P
Im sorry but at the time genji came out it was a good looking game. It only looked like crap on a sd tv.
I read the entire first page.
Honestly, I thought some of the graphics people posted were great... :roll:
Disgaea is pretty bad for a current gen game. It looks like a PS1 game
its sad becasue it turns ppl off from playing this amazing game! :(
Disgea has retro graphics not bad ones.IndigoSunrise
LOL, "retro"? Maybe if it was 16-bit and downloadable, but this is a retail PS3 game that looks no better than a PS2 game.
Why is it that 3D games can't get away with having last-gen graphics, but when a 2D game does it, it's "retro"?
Let's hope Reach looks better.
its not good but its not bad too. There is alot worse on this thread. I think people have high expectations for the grafix because how popular it is.
Let's hope Reach looks better.
Its not good but its not bad too. There is alot worse on this thread. I think people have high expectations for the grafix because how popular it is.
i didnt have it myself, but i remember reading a review of golden compass in a 360 mag and the images looked ps1-style.R_MAHIL
i just checked gamespots image gallery of the game and it actually looks quite nice. i've never played it but the textures in the game (mainly the environmental textures) look pretty good.
I can't put my finger on it, but for some reason Bullet Witch looks really good to me.
i know. i even stated that in my op but the textures are weak and the animations aren't the best. the physics in the game are very good, especially when using the meteor shower or hurricane powers, but then the frame rates would drop to near single digits in some places. but to honest, i still enjoyed the game.
Disgaea is pretty bad for a current gen game. It looks like a PS1 game
to everyone saying halo 3 looks bad, get your eyes checked. the game may not be graphics king but it had some of the best visuals when it came out in '07.
as for the guy who said infamous looks bad, it doesn't.
for everyone disagreeing with gta 4 looking bad, the game looks average but when you see the characters and environments close up, damn do they look bad.
genji's graphics ae average but has some weak textures, though still not as bad as dyNASTY warriors. that game played as bad as it looked.
while i agree, halo3 doesn't look bad but it was never even close to having best visuals when it came out in 07. GTA games have always and will always be ugly. Infamous is best looking sandbox game. genji had ok graphics. you know what has some pretty ugly graphics-HAZE... my god some of the graphics in haze were ps2 quality.to everyone saying halo 3 looks bad, get your eyes checked. the game may not be graphics king but it had some of the best visuals when it came out in '07.
as for the guy who said infamous looks bad, it doesn't.
for everyone disagreeing with gta 4 looking bad, the game looks average but when you see the characters and environments close up, damn do they look bad.
genji's graphics ae average but has some weak textures, though still not as bad as dyNASTY warriors. that game played as bad as it looked.
[QUOTE="cowgriller"]while i agree, halo3 doesn't look bad but it was never even close to having best visuals when it came out in 07. GTA games have always and will always be ugly. Infamous is best looking sandbox game. genji had ok graphics. you know what has some pretty ugly graphics-HAZE... my god some of the graphics in haze were ps2 quality.to everyone saying halo 3 looks bad, get your eyes checked. the game may not be graphics king but it had some of the best visuals when it came out in '07.
as for the guy who said infamous looks bad, it doesn't.
for everyone disagreeing with gta 4 looking bad, the game looks average but when you see the characters and environments close up, damn do they look bad.
genji's graphics ae average but has some weak textures, though still not as bad as dyNASTY warriors. that game played as bad as it looked.
haze was a joke. the 360 version was canned by ubi and the ps3 bombed. the graphics are pretty decent tbh but damn that was a bad day for cows. they hyped it to high heaven only to have it crash down to earth with a thud. or was it a flop?
halo 3 did have something most games today still don't have...a universal lighting system. it even had hdr (at the expense of having AA issues and a lower res). there were some areas where the game was just breathe taking. not coincidentally, they were all cutscenes. at the very least, the cutscenes had AA. two examples would be the cutscene where the flood crash land in new mombasa and the cutscene where the cheif and the arbiter discover that installation 04 was being rebuilt.
correction. the cutscenes still lacked AA but at least for me, they're not that noticable. btw, here's a link to all of halo 3's cutscenes (720p included).
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