i think theres a few reasons
RROD: its not helping at all. if the word gets out among the masses that the 360 has a high failure rate then its bad news. i know its at 16% at the mo but thats still way too high. it should be around 1%. if sont can get the PS3 to be reliable then MS have no excuses for this. obhiously theres nothing MS can do about consoles already sold...they just have to deal with them as they fail. but MS need to reassure everyone that there on top of the problem and that they will do everythign they can to assist with a speedy return of the 360. if i was MS, id come to an arrangement where by ppl could just exchange there 360 for a new one at the shop they bought it from as long as its covered by MSs extended warranty so its only a minor inconvenience rather than no 360 for a week or 2. but MS needs to reassure the market that tis on top of it. so far they havent done that. have the offically announced what went wrong and what they have done to fix it?
it does have the online service....but its a paid for service. has anyone got figures of live gold uptake on the 360 V number of 360s sold? i heard 80% of 360s were connected but that included silver accounts.
it does have the games...cant really complain there really. the only thing that undermines it is that alot of its great games also go to the PC. thats not helping either platform.
the biggy though is promotion and advertising. all there efforts seem to be focused on the states and, to a lesser extent, japan. europe and other territories are almost completly ignored. sony have at least being doing some advertising for the PS3 here and ninty were going nuts until fairly recently (due to hardware shortages). MS are doing nothing....squat. its like there prepared to concede europe to ninty and sony and just try and hold the states. if thats the case (and i doubt it is in fairness) then its an absolutely idiotic strategy. MS need to go on the offensive and get ppls attention. it has everythgin it needs to do it but ppl need to be reminded of it. a few adds around christmas is not good enough.
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