@HalcyonScarlet said:
Yes, I fully imagine PS3's RSX is better than the NV25. Don't know if you meant the Xboxs NV2A. Especially given that the RSX came out 5 years later.
The Xbox performed to a better standard more consistently. It probably wasn't just down to the GPU. It had more RAM, bigger storage and the benefits of a HDD over the GC. And I fully acknowledge that the Xbox probably had the worst CPU out of the three.
In my experience games just looked better on the Xbox. Also, the GC and Wii GPU seems incapable of performing any AA ability.
Even if the Xbox wasn't vastly more powerful, it showed better performance in more games.
But as for the PS2, no, it was well known for being significantly weaker than the other two.
Exactly and even the RSX could not replicated that let alone the xbox,some things were better on PS2 most were not,but again the xbox didn't land on the same day or month the PS2 did,the PS2 came almost 2 years after so it was a given it had to carry stronger hardware.
It sure did but on that time most multiplatforms were quick cash grabs in fact this site slam several for been nothing but PS2 ports with better AA by multiplatforms it wasn't used much the xbox power.
Yes it had more ram double,but at the same time it didn't have embedded ram like the PS2 had on its GPU,and is quite something because the xbox didn't have that until the 360 when MS chose that route with EDRAM and the ESRAM but sony was already there and the bus connecting the memory to GPU was huge 2560bit bus which was unheard of,giving the PS2 48GB/s for its GPU something not even the PS3 had.
Yes it showed but never what MS claimed it would do,did you see multiplatforms games on xbox been double the frames as on PS2.? The xbox didn't have the power for that the Nv2A was also a little over hyped by Nvidia and MS just like Nvidia did with the RSX as well,the xbox never had 2 times the in game performance of the PS2 when all was say and done.
It was a more capable machine no denying that and far easier to code to as well,but far weaker or like a dude say here 10 times is a total joke.
@roboed said:
@tormentos: All those games were screw ups on the xbox one just like bayonetta was on the ps3
I'm using your own reasoning
Also shadow of mordoor was patched to be 1080p on the xbox
I can also list games that run better on the xbox one
How do you explain that?
No unless you want to ignore this,the xbox one has a weaker GPU and no way to make the gap from,it also has a cumbersome memory structure that hurt it.
The PS3 was actually more powerful than the Xbox 360 unlike,but the xbox 360 was far easier to code for the PS3 was a nightmare.
Shadow of Mordor was never patched and is not 1080p is 900p and stayed that way,it was this site who claimed it was 1080p but DF confirmed it was 900p and that has less foliage to.
Name them most of them are not on par are lower in resolution,and have been known to be buggy or crap jobs like Resident Evil,in reality any game that performs worse on PS4 is a screw up game on sony platform period there is no way other than that because the xbox one is weaker and will always be,like ACU which was hold back on PS4 resolution wise,a game which MS had a deal of millions of copies to be included with their machine,when the last one showed bast oceans with storms and multiple ships fighting and was 1080p on PS4.
Any game that run at the same resolution on both machines will be faster on PS4 else something was screw up on PS4,there is no way around that.
@jereb31 said:
Uhhh, FLOPS is most definitely a measure of the performance of hardware, only 1 though.
You could say that hardware between different architecture works differently, which is totally true. But to get a measure of how each GPU would work in both architecture's you would probably start by comparing the FLOPS of each.
Good example is the one you used earlier, Xenos chip vs the RSX. The RSX had more FLOP than the Xenos but the system(Important part there) worked better with the Xenos.
If you could swap the two chips between the two systems without any issues, then the Xenos would perform likely worse in the PS3 and the RSX would perform better in the Xbox.
No dude comparing flops between the PS4 and xbox one is totally accurate because both machines have the same CPU and a GPU from the same line,son under those conditions it is an indication,on different hardware that is not the case because regardless of one having more than another they work in different ways to achieve a goal so this GPU 1, does 10 flops while GPU 2 does 3 flops,but it take 5 flops of performance to run B Program on the first one while on GPU 2 it takes 1 flop of performance to run that same B Programs so in then end you can do more with those 3 flops than with 10.
Actually if you use a Xenos on the PS3 the gap would be even bigger because the Xenos is capable of running the process that were offload to Cell because the RSX was to weak,so if you run those on Xenos you still have a very capable CPU but now free in invest in even more things and Cell was very capable graphics wise unlike the Xenon.
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