Hey folks,
Am I the only one who has grown tired of this forum? It use to be much more entertaining and worthwhile. Now its the same ole` tired
arguments nonstop. Each day its "PC is dead", "PC isn't dead", "Game looks better on the PS3", "Game looks better on the 360", "bla bla bla.
Looking at other forums there doesn't seem to be these tired arguments. I am all for the concept and idea of system wars but perhaps due to this forum
being filled with kiddies it has become that of an elementary play ground. There must be more topics of discussion then what is constantly being
thrown against the System Wars wall day in and day out here. What types of discussion would interest you or peak your eye? All in all, this use to be
the #1 gaming forum imho, now it has definitely fallen from that summit. Perhaps due to the moderation increase that is no longer the case, who knows?
Anyhow, am I alone in having this senitment?
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