Microsoft is breaking from the mold of past E3 showings and will try something different this year at the marquee industry event to be held this June in Los Angeles. We already knew that Microsoft was planning to focus more on first-party games this year, but now Xbox boss Phil Spencer has teased even more ways in which the company plans to shake things up when all eyes on on the Xbox company.
Spencer speaking at E3 2015
Responding to a fan's question on Twitter about Microsoft's plans for E3 this year, Spencer said Microsoft will have "some interesting changes this year for briefing and the week."
"I like it when we test ourselves to do better each year."
Spencer went on to say that Microsoft will talk about not only Xbox One games, but also titles for PC. "We'll have some of both," he explained.
This is hardly surprising, as Microsoft's new Windows 10 operating system is due to launch this summerwith a renewed focus on gaming. Windows 10 will feature a new and improved built-in Xbox app, cross-platform play support for games like Fable Legends, and even a game-streaming application. And if AMD is right, the new OS will launch at the end of July, not long after E3.
Microsoft has not yet announced when it will hold its E3 press conference. But the likely bet would the Monday morning of E3 week. That would mean sometime on June 15, after Bethesda's the night earlier, and before Ubisoft, Electronic Arts, and Sony later in the day.
Are you pumped, SW? I hope so. MS needs to give us a legit reason to own an X1. The only games I have for X1 are Halo MCC, Forza Horizon 2, and Sunset Overdrive, which all came out many moons ago. Let's hope we get something good.
Spencer said he wants Xbox One not to be remembered as a dude bro console. Hopefully this year they won't start their conference by showing Call of dudie. That would be a great start.
Due to eroding third party relations, they can no longer lean on the old crutch of exclusive content and timed exclusives so now with their backs to the wall they are putting investment and attention to their first party. Hopefully, no one will notice this little magic trick in action while the PS4 goes running riot on third party exclusives this year. Double hopefully, these new first party studios handle IP better than 343i has with Halo. Just saying.
Spencer said he wants Xbox One not to be remembered as a dude bro console. Hopefully this year they won't start their conference by showing Call of dudie. That would be a great start.
Not at all likely but if they came out with their first to reveals being a Banjo Threeie or Kameo 2 followed by a Lost Odyssey 2 it would bring down the house. Like I said tho, snowballs chance. :P
What traditional? They've done a Tim Taylor "more POWER!" thing, TV TV TV Sports sports sports, then games games games. Heck, they've introduced a new peripheral through the the power of interpretive dance. So what now? They invite the heads of Sony and Nintendo to sit in a circle holding hands and singing Kumbaya?
Yeah, I was thinking of their Japanese support. They are going to get Scalebound and there was Phantom Dust too.
I do hope they're gonna get Phantom Dust up and running back on track soon. I could've made a thread about it alone because I have a comprehensive knowledge about the game. It was basically finished but it was multiplayer only. Then Microsoft decided that it should have single player too, but the devs were struggling to work with the given budget and that's why they've given up. I wonder if the MP portion is going to remain, so that somebody else would only have to do the SP element.
@SolidGame_basic: why? Not my fault u felt compelled to buy a crap system. I don't need or want to buy a second console. When u have a family with kids, a dog and a full time career gaming time is limited, so is money. I still have a back log of 400+ games and for current gen own a pc, ps4, vita, 3ds, ipad and android phone. Adding another console in there with worse multiplat form games, 1st party franchises that don't appeal to me , and next to no niche Japanese rpgs... well there is no reason to own one or care.
Also I tend to stick to my ideals when a company tries to screw it's userbase, but back tracks at the last minute. Seems like u and many others here are weak when it comes to "must have a system for 1 or 2 games". I think doing that is a waste of money that could be spent on more games, ur family, ur house (if u have one), or hell anything else.
@ReadingRainbow4: why? The fan base on Xbox makes fun of them all the time. People who want jrpgs own playstation consoles. Why try to get them to buy a machine they don't want for 1 or 2 games that won't sell anyway. That's just as stupid as having tomb raider exclusive on ms consoles... it makes no sense.
Jrpgs should stay where jrpgs have always belonged, playstation. PS owners will be getting Persona 5, disgaea 5, tales of zestria,dragon quest heroes, and star ocean 5... the system for jrpgs.
I hope they don't come to ruin E3 by copying Nintendo's shitty approach from last year. Nothing beats a live show with a crowd, silly jokes, random mistakes, and game trailer after game trailer.
@Midnightshade29: I 150% agree with you. I don't have kids but even then my game time is limited with work, school and the lady friends, so sometimes it's hard to get a good amount of playing time in, so I've never had a reason to own many consoles.
Right now I have a vita, PS3 and ps4, with so many games I haven't even touched. I had far cry 4 for a while now and haven't even unwrapped it yet, won't start it till I finish dying light and I've had that ever since day one, and what makes it worse is I have and love many jrpgs and strategy games, so owning many consoles just won't due, it's about picking which has the most games you would like Cus time is limited, and I actually want to finish the games I buy. (Man that was long)
Legitimately though, beyond gaming, Microsoft is doing some truly badass shit. It's starting to make a little sense if they start putting XBox under the Windows umbrella and call it a day. Some of the tech they are showing makes your TV obsolete. Connecting a device to an obsolete electronic device makes even less sense.
@FoxbatAlpha: they could always go on Tuesday, Wednesday, or thursday, but they want to go first.
Even so, I am assuming you are referring to the 2013 Sony reveal. You are still assuming that they changed policies at the last minute? Really? E3 is rehearsed million dollar plus show that can't just be change in a hour or two. Second a disecion to change policy needs to go through multiple groups before approval. Look how long it took ms to backtrack. One person doesn't make those descsions and it doesn't happen overnight.
@FoxbatAlpha: they could always go on Tuesday, Wednesday, or thursday, but they want to go first.
Even so, I am assuming you are referring to the 2013 Sony reveal. You are still assuming that they changed policies at the last minute? Really? E3 is rehearsed million dollar plus show that can't just be change in a hour or two. Second a disecion to change policy needs to go through multiple groups before approval. Look how long it took ms to backtrack. One person doesn't make those descsions and it doesn't happen overnight.
Hopefully at E3 MS will explain why anyone who owns a PC should give a flying **** about Xbox One since all their 'exclusives' end up on PC apart from Halo.
I wish they told me before I bought the Xbox One that all their 'exclusives' were timed and would eventually end up on PC. I wouldn't have bought one.
All very legit reason to already own an X1. Sadly can't say the same for PS4. :P
OT, bring on the E3 baby, can't hardly wait. :D
Last of Us Remastered multiplayer, Bloodborne, Driveclub, Infamous Second Son?
i laugh when people make fun of CoD and then say TLOU MP, it's one of the worst MP games out there. shit mechanics, crazy lag, clunky slow controls basically everything you want in a good MP doesn't exist.
I thought last year was their "shake up" to focus on games. So this year they are shaking up to... what? This board is concerned about game announcements. Anything else is a space waster. Like Sony's yearly slideshow about sales and blah blah.
I guess they at least have the balls to still actually do a real brieing. Nothing lamer than pre-recorded commercials and interviews as your "presentation".
Legitimately though, beyond gaming, Microsoft is doing some truly badass shit. It's starting to make a little sense if they start putting XBox under the Windows umbrella and call it a day. Some of the tech they are showing makes your TV obsolete. Connecting a device to an obsolete electronic device makes even less sense.
@darkangel115: haha maybe you just suck at it. It definitely has a learning curve. But it's the most strategic and tactical multiplayer on console right now. Never seen a game thrive on teamwork and communication as much as this game.
@Shewgenja: many good points, though isn't it the natural order of things to have an ebb and flow to all of this? Microsoft, if wishing to stay competitive has to move with the tide like everyone else...
A refocus on first party games is a GOOD thing for us as gamers. They know their last gen strategies/advantages are no longer there and that evolving is a must... Sony has been there, recovered and will most likely return at some point as again too... But that's just talk and the futures hard to predict.
In the end I wish Microsoft well in first party development, if that's what they're up to... If Microsoft treated the Xone like the rock star it treated it's older brothers, none of their scrambling and price cutting would be necessary... Gamers are simple... Make great games... I hand you money. Right?
It'll be interesting to see what they do. I'm always excited for E3 announcements, even when I find one of the big 3 disappointing, there's always some cool stuff that comes out of the show.
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