@lamprey263 said:
Cows have been damage controlling the last few weeks on account of Halo 5 selling really well, the XBO outselling PS4 in October NPD, Rise of the Tomb Raider doing well critically and they have to wait a year so they nitpick UK sales (a region which never releases hard figures for sales data), and brag about Battlefront on PS4 having 50% more players even though they have like twice the userbase. Cows are grasping at straws because besides Bloodborne the only PS4 games exclusives worth playing are still TBA 2016.
The XBO is doing well, not making up any deficit in Sony's lead mind you, but they're delivering a satisfying experience for those that backed it and that's too much for cows to take, even Sony leadership is breaking down and acting like 10 year old fanboys over it. We shouldn't expect anything better from the people here.
halo 5 underperformed badly vs other Halo games is time lemmings admit this,the series is not what it was it has 84% on meta that is lower than Resistance 1 and 2 and .1 higher than Resistance 3.
It flopped badly sales wise and score wise vs other halo games time to admit 343 isn't bungie,that MS abused the series to much and that permanent damage has being done to the series Forza also suffer the same fate this series are not 90+ like they use to be any more,ad part of the reason Halo got so flames is because you lemmings have always picture it as the unbeatable serie from MS,and you always hype it to the moon.
Is not the first time the xbox one outsold the PS4,in fact for ACU last holiday bundle the XBO outsold the PS4 like for 200k in November,on October the xbox one barely won by 20+k with its biggest exclusive being release,to put things into perspective on September 2014 the PS4 outsold the xbox one by 500+k to 256k on Destiny alone which wasn't even an exclusive and was given free for xbox one while the PS4 bundle was $450.
@lamprey263 said:
So in other words, keep waiting, or "just you wait", that's been Sony's mantra since last gen.
Sure, PS4 will definitely be worth picking up in 2016, I'm betting on it, which is why I didn't get one yet but probably will sometime when Uncharted 4 or Persona 5 release. I got a Wii U when XBO/PS4 launched because it had games I wanted that I just can't play on either, I got an XBO next because despite Sony being stronger system poised for long run, XBO actually had games I wanted and games that definitely were worth not waiting to play, and games I just can't play on a PS4, and the PS4 on the other hand there's nothing to be gained getting a 2013 system whose payoff will come sometime in 2016.
WTF are you smocking keep wating.? The PS4 has higher rated games than the xbox one,and more games to you people really need to come down to earth some time and stol living in the past generation those monikers don't work on this one,the PS4 has more games and higher rated,unlike the xbox one which pretty much had nothing for the first 8 month of this year but an Indie game call Ori,the PS4 not only got games on the start of the year,it also got games on summer and on holiday to unlike the xbox one from January to July.
The sad notion that the xbox one has something to play while the PS4 doesn't is nothing but a fible dream of derange xbox fanboys like you the scores are there the PS4 has more and higher rated games,i don't care if Rocket league is on PC or the Talos Principle is not on xbox one,much like tomb raider is not on PS4 but is on 360 and you people account it.
This are great games that are not on xbox one,alone with Disgaea,Tear away and many others.
So yeah it has games and many more than the xbox one.
@darkangel115 said:
but not even close to the only one. digital, best buy, target, walmart, amazon etc. plus that is on US. 400 million on launch day is great. destiny was 500 million on launch day and was on 4 platforms compared to 1 for halo 5.
For the 100th time MS didn't sell $400 million on launch to consumers it was shipped to stores and the numbers PROVE it.
Destiny sold $500 to consumer not to stores.
Halo 5 didn't do a freaking million units on launch on NPD,and on UK the numbers were equally abysmal 150k for Halo 5 vs 370k for Halo 3 which did those 370k on a smaler userbase.
Halo flopped sales wise and is the reason why MS combined hardware sales with software sales and account all it ship into that number rather that what they sold that day.
And Gamestop still is the number 1 seller of retail games in US.
Halo 3 sold 2.4 million units in 24 hours,probably 2 milion of those in US alone.
Halo 3 24 hours of sales smash Halo 5 4 or 5 days of sales.
@davillain- said:
And let's not forget the fact that Rise of the Tomb Raider release on the same day with Fallout 4 and that too has to take into consideration, everyone wanted to play Fallout 4 and Rise of the Tomb Raider was doom from the start. MS were foolish to release it on the same Fallout 4 release. Oh well, there lost.
That is MS fault they want to group all games on holidays to give the apearance of having the best line up,and it back fire again,last holiday Halo MCC charted on NPD on spot 10 and vanish,Forza Horizon didn't chart at all even while being on xbox one and 360 and Sunset over drive floped to sales wise.
is the price they pay,they could have release Tomb raider later on December or close to Christmass but they fu** it up.
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