If we go by patterns:
According to gamerankings, the first iteration of every gen is always higher rated, than the second iteration that gen.
Also, another trend to look at is the sales. The first GT installment of every generation, always ends up being the highest selling game of the franchise. GT3 sold 15 million, and launched with a 10 million PS2 userbase (and it only had like 3 years to sell all those copies because GT4 was already out by then).
This time, it gets to launch with prolly around a 30M userbase (PS3 will be around 30M after black friday, and the holiday rush).
I dont even need to go into the 4 million that the DEMO sold, outselling forza 2 (and it came out a year later, on a console with a smaller install base, and lower software attache rate:lol:....but thats for another thread:|)
GT5 is looking to be the best game in the franchise, and it has MORE than double the content of its competition, twice as many cars and tracks, with more detail put into each one, more gameplay modes, better graphics, better driving gameplay, and everything forza 3 will have, and more. This game is shaping up to be the best the franchise has ever seen, and it has some of the most momentum for a game ever.
And before you say "salez dont mattar 1ulz", Then halo sales dont matter, because GT1 and GT3 are both higher than halo 3 at gamerankings, and every GT game has sold better than every halo game.
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