This is sad, even lemmings have gotten this game at this point.
Meh, consoles miss out on far more aaa/aa games each year. It'll be on PC, and better on PC, so who cares.
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Not starved for the next 5 hour game to play like PS4 owners to care.... honestly... when it comes, its a nice bonus.
Yeah, I don't care if they push it back a few more months either. Give me time to figure out if I'm going to buy a Titan 2 or a 390X to play the game. :)
See.....that's how Rockstar treats their PC fanbase and yet people will buy this game at full price day one. If Ubisoft or anyother company has done it than whole of internet will be after them but I guess Rockstar gets a free pass.
WTH are you on about? Ubisoft isn't getting shit on because of delays, they are getting shit on because of releasing unfinished and buggy games.. This delay if anything for me is a good sign that they are taking the time to properly develop the game in which we will see a good port and release.... Treating the fanbase like shit in my eyes isn't delaying the game until its at a state that is good, but rushing a half assed port and releasing the game that is buggy as hell and optemized.. Then quickly abandoning it.. IDK about others but I am perfectly content with this when the pc devs alot of times have a "when it is done" mentality when it comes on releases.. Which I wish the entire industry would go by. It honestly feels like the console fanbases are literally starved for games that they live off of the next AAA game that lasts maybe a dozen hours.. Finish it, and looks for their next fix..
Meanwhile pc base consists of far longer games that people literally have been playing for years..
I've been wondering a different thing: why has there been no singleplayer expansions ala TBOGT or TLAD. The game is almost 2 years out now ?
I wonder what's the problem? Whoever planned the release dates must have been off or expected too much.
Rockstar just occasionally checks in on the 2 guys doing the PC port and asks them when it'll be done.
@zeeshanhaider: to be fair, GTA5 is pretty awesome, unlike watch doge and ec. (FC4 is good)
However, make no mistake. If the pc version is broken, the pc community will grill R*
Great game or not. This is no way of treating your loyal fanbase. It still baffles me how are people ready to give Rockstar money after always being treated as the second class citizens.
They aren't being treated as second class citizens.
Rockstar understands that someone who owns a high-end PC probably owns a console as well. If they released the game simultaneously, they know that PC gamers would chose the superior version (Seriously, how does one play the PS3 version of GTA4?!?)
So they release the game later in order to sell essentially the same game twice. Or in this case, 3 times.
There's been no need for them to create expansions. They done a slightly up-res'd edition, added a first person view and sold it to all the console gamers for full price a second time. Of course they lapped it up and R* had less work and a better pay off than they would have had creating expansions.
Meanwhile they've realised that they didn't give the 2 guys doing the PC port enough time to get the definitive edition completed.
It is funny how PC gamers act as if they are some master race. Still waiting on a old console game while playing their last years GOTY Divinity: Original Sin which is nothing more then a slightly better looking old school top down action rpg such as the 2001 game Arcanum: Of Steamworks and Magick Obscura or a Diablo. BTW how was Red Dead Redemption?
BTW I love Arcanum and Diablo but just laughing at these current monster PC exclusive titles.
It is funny how PC gamers act as if they are some master race. Still waiting on a old console game...
PC Gamers have backlogs, they don't wait for games. Especially when said games don't actually end up selling that well on PC. And if you owned a half-decent gaming PC, you'd want GTA on PC - this isn't like Street Fighter, or Mario, where it's well suited to a console.
GTA is a big fish in a massive ocean on PC. We don't judge a game by its cutscene budget.
The last thing we need is another 2014. Delay the game if that's what you need. Always better to wait longer for a game if the result is optimized and not broken.
Take your damn time. At least I know the freaking game actually exists.
Too many damn games are released broken. If someone really wants to play it it IS available. If Rockstar was really crapping all over Hermits they'd release it in a shitty broken state.
It's funny how people are laughing about this and yet still think The Last Guardian is coming out and have been pining for it for years.
April is 2 months away, I've waited this long, what the hell.
It is funny how PC gamers act as if they are some master race. Still waiting on a old console game...
PC Gamers have backlogs, they don't wait for games. Especially when said games don't actually end up selling that well on PC. And if you owned a half-decent gaming PC, you'd want GTA on PC - this isn't like Street Fighter, or Mario, where it's well suited to a console.
GTA is a big fish in a massive ocean on PC. We don't judge a game by its cutscene budget.
I have a PC that can run it that is if it ever comes to PC and I also have 3 consoles that I can actually play it on.
I am not talking cutscenes I am talking games in general. You all went all last gen talking non-stop about the same game Crysis because of the lack of exclusives. Like I said the most popular 2014 exclusive is a touched up 14 year old style of game Divinity, just compare to Arcanum or early Diablo. Some of the other most popular games Counterstrike or WoW lol and I am a huge WoW player but lets face it there is need for a power PC. Trying to find some of these other super powered exclusive games.
The thing is for any one exclusive game mentioned for PC you can list several for each console. I'll give you PC has more low budget indie games but even that gap is closing.
Games in general? A majority of multiplats make it to PC in the same year, and are FAR better on PC. You guys had to wait a long time for Diablo, Crysis, Witcher, Planetside, etc; but unlike end up with worse versions. PC had the most 7,8,9 scoring exclusives at GS and MC last gen and this gen, exponentially more than any one console....check your facts before you spout lies about exclusive counts.
Just Crysis? I remember PC gamers also talking about Total War, Civilizations, WoW, Mount and Blade, BattleField, WarHammer, ARMA, Company of Heroes, Galactic Civ, Star Craft II, Dota2, LoL, Metro, City of Heroes, Witcher, Guild War, etc. Again head over to GS/MC review sections/forums to see it was more than just "Crysis", ........check your facts, again.
In terms of upcomming or recent exclusives It has Unreal, Elite, Star Citizen, Warlords, Black Desert, Total War, Mount and Blade 2, BattleCry, OverWatch, Lost Ark, Legacy of the Void, Civilizations, FortNight, Heroes of the Storm, Dreadnaught. I don't think any of those are 14 year old looking Indy's.... Even if HALF of them flopped...PC would STILL dominate at GS/MC, like last gen. With flops like Drive Club, Order, Ryse, Knack, guys are extremely behind PC this gen already (Go check if you don't believe me). Better luck next gen.
Or are you one of those casuals who only thinks overhyped shooters and movie-game rentals "count"?
You mention Diablo yet consoles had to wait 1 year(PS3/X360) - 2 years 3 months (PS4/XB1) to get Diablo III.
With GTA V the wait is 1 year 2 months (PS4-XB1) - 1 year 7 months (PC).
If you take Diablo III: Reaper of Souls into comparison their is only a 5 month difference between both GTAV and Diablo III releases on PC and next gen consoles. Roughly the same wait on either side.
In regards to Red Dead Redemption, how is Starcraft II treating you on console?
I would still take Divinity: Orignal Sin over a 'monster exclusive' game like The Order any day.
Games in general? A majority of multiplats make it to PC in the same year, and are far better on PC. You guys had to wait a long time for Diablo, Crysis, Witcher, Planetside, etc; but unlike end up with worse versions. But then PC also has exponentially more high scoring exclusives than any one single console: PC had the most 7,8,9 scoring games at GS and MC last gen and this gen, exponentially more than any one console....check your facts before you spout lies.
Just Crysis? I remember PC gamers also talking about Total War, Civilizations, WoW, Mount and Blade, BattleField, WarHammer, ARMA, Company of Heroes, Galactic Civ, Star Craft II, Dota2, LoL, Metro, City of Heroes, Witcher, Guild War, etc. Again head over to GS/MC review sections/forums to see it was more than just "Crysis", check your facts, liar.
In terms of upcomming or recent exclusives It has Unreal, Elite, Star Citizen, Warlords, Black Desert, Total War, Mount and Blade 2, BattleCry, OverWatch, Lost Ark, Legacy of the Void, Civilizations, FortNight, Heroes of the Storm, Dreadnaught. These dwarf lists from any one console, so even if HALF of them bombed/floped...PC would STILL dominate at GS/MC. With flops like Drive Club, Order, Ryse, Knack, guys are extremely behind PC this gen already.
Or are you one of those casuals who only thinks overhyped movie-game rentals "count"?
Oh forget those stupid scores. No one ever spends hundreds of dollars buying a console or building a PC to play those cheap indie games. When I built my PC I did not think OMG awesome I just spent $1.1k to play indie games woohoo.
As far as all those games you mentioned not one is some super power house even when they released. All of them could have been played on a console even last gen. I'll give you Total War since a ton of crap happens at once but not the rest, also not the MMO games because of the style. Crysis was brought up all gen because of the graphics and nothing was able to take its place. Another thing overall the game list you mentioned was nothing impressive at all. PC gamers talk a great game but in reality the best games they get are either a multiplat or a MMO and lets be real the MMO is only exclusive because of the ease of keyboard.
As far as the upcoming we will have to wait and see.
So forget stupid scores, and lets just listen to your opinion?
No thanks. We'll have to go by scores, or it's just going to become a my opinion vs. your opinion bullshit. It's obvious you don't like rts,mmo,moba,sim,tbs,twitch-shooters,indy.....
And why do they have to be power houses to count? Don't get hung up on gfx....PC had pretty much every gfx king last gen. Lmao....reaching...
Yeah we'll have to wait and see, but PC is trouncing consoles atm. Too many flops.
Isn't there threads were people state that the PC and PS4 are the perfect combo? The delays tell me why they are perfect together now. lulz
lol, pc gamers are so fucking sad. powerful rigs and nothing to play except RTS and indie trash.
And better version of a majority of console titles.
And several upcomming non indy competitive shooters, space sims, tbs, wrpg, moba, mmo, arpg, survival, etc. (which is why PC always beats consoles in scores/sales/etc.)
You all went all last gen talking non-stop about the same game Crysis because of the lack of exclusives...
Well that didn't take long...
I don't own Crysis - I've played the demo a few times and was underwhelmed. I'm not a particularly big fan of Crytek.
PC's don't lack exclusives. We have the strategy/building and MMO genres almost entirely to ourselves.
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