Keep begging for something you cant play. :)
I have a ps3...
But not a PC?
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Keep begging for something you cant play. :)
I have a ps3...
But not a PC?
@zeeshanhaider: to be fair, GTA5 is pretty awesome, unlike watch doge and ec. (FC4 is good)
However, make no mistake. If the pc version is broken, the pc community will grill R*
Great game or not. This is no way of treating your loyal fanbase. It still baffles me how are people ready to give Rockstar money after always being treated as the second class citizens.
So rushing a port is a better way of treating a loyal fanbase?
Nope. I'm questioning the reason for a 'port'. Let alone a late port. Why it wasn't released along side the PS3/360 versions? Why haven't they even care to annouce a PC version for well over a year?
That's pretty simple, they knew they were going to create the Xbox One and PlayStation 4 versions and figured it would be better to just wait and deliver a far superior version for the PC considering it's the most powerful platform. I'm glad it has been delayed, that shows they are working diligently to make sure it functions just as they want it to. Creating the Xbox One and PlayStation 4 versions were a steep enough thing to accomplish, is it really so much to think that an extra five months is unreasonable for a game that needs to be optimized for thousands of hardware configurations among other software tweaks and additions? I don't think so.
As someone who beat and bought the game on PS3, Then bought and beat the game on PS4, i will not be beating the game on PC, i'll probably just download a game save or some shit.
@zeeshanhaider: to be fair, GTA5 is pretty awesome, unlike watch doge and ec. (FC4 is good)
However, make no mistake. If the pc version is broken, the pc community will grill R*
Great game or not. This is no way of treating your loyal fanbase. It still baffles me how are people ready to give Rockstar money after always being treated as the second class citizens.
They aren't being treated as second class citizens.
Rockstar understands that someone who owns a high-end PC probably owns a console as well. If they released the game simultaneously, they know that PC gamers would chose the superior version (Seriously, how does one play the PS3 version of GTA4?!?)
So they release the game later in order to sell essentially the same game twice. Or in this case, 3 times.
Exactly my point. Rockstar wants to increase their sales from consoles first. How can you let Rockstar do this and treat PC fanbase as a after thought? **** Rockstar.
@zeeshanhaider: to be fair, GTA5 is pretty awesome, unlike watch doge and ec. (FC4 is good)
However, make no mistake. If the pc version is broken, the pc community will grill R*
Great game or not. This is no way of treating your loyal fanbase. It still baffles me how are people ready to give Rockstar money after always being treated as the second class citizens.
So rushing a port is a better way of treating a loyal fanbase?
Nope. I'm questioning the reason for a 'port'. Let alone a late port. Why it wasn't released along side the PS3/360 versions? Why haven't they even care to annouce a PC version for well over a year?
That's pretty simple, they knew they were going to create the Xbox One and PlayStation 4 versions and figured it would be better to just wait and deliver a far superior version for the PC considering it's the most powerful platform. I'm glad it has been delayed, that shows they are working diligently to make sure it functions just as they want it to. Creating the Xbox One and PlayStation 4 versions were a steep enough thing to accomplish, is it really so much to think that an extra five months is unreasonable for a game that needs to be optimized for thousands of hardware configurations among other software tweaks and additions? I don't think so.
None of this is true. They delayed it simply for marketing reasons.
PC is not a priority for R*. At least it's coming, allegedly.
I'm more of a Saint's guy myself as it represents more of what I'm after in a sandbox. Just Cause and Crackdown are some games that fit the bill as well.
None of this is true. They delayed it simply for marketing reasons.
Glad to see you work at Rockstar, know this for a fact and are not just speculating anything you're saying.
Marketing? They don't need to market this game to anyone, it's one of the most successful games in history and has been released twice...
I don't understand. Why did they even bother announcing a PC port if they were only going to delay it to hell and back?
For me, all hype about this game slowly died with time. And I'm sure I'm not the only one.
Did Rockstar think PC gamers would eagerly wait years for a 2013 game no matter what? I wouldn't be surprised if this doesn't sell very well.
None of this is true. They delayed it simply for marketing reasons.
Glad to see you work at Rockstar, know this for a fact and are not just speculating anything you're saying.
Marketing? They don't need to market this game to anyone, it's one of the most successful games in history and has been released twice...
Let's take a look at history. GTA 3 - GTA San Andreas were first released on PS2 and were never even announed for PC first but that's okay Sony was paying for timed exclusity back then. Then came GTA 4, again Rockstar didn't even care to announce a PC version for their fanbase originally so the game can go on and sell a shit ton on PS3/360 and then relased a half assed PC port. LA Noir another game Rockstar had no problem to release simultaneously for 360/PS3 while the PC version again left out and only announced after the release of 360/PS3 versions.
Yeah....they didn't just shit on the PC fanbase so they can increase sales from the console versions. Rockstar don't deserve a penny for their shitty attitude towards PC consumers.
wow the dc is still going strong. it seems mustards have convinced themselves they dont actually care for gta5 now hahahahahha i believe this is the denial stage.
next you will see anger ''**** rockstar we dont need them!!!''
then bargaining ''well at least it will work on launch''
followed by depression ''*sobs why dont rockstar like us??? i dont bother anyone, i just stay in my basement''
and finally acceptance ''consoles are superior, we are the true 'peasant race''
In this thread you have people enjoying the fact that a significant amount of people will have to wait longer for a product, as if it were empowering.
Go **** yourselves.
I don't understand. Why did they even bother announcing a PC port if they were only going to delay it to hell and back?
For me, all hype about this game slowly died with time. And I'm sure I'm not the only one.
Did Rockstar think PC gamers would eagerly wait years for a 2013 game no matter what? I wouldn't be surprised if this doesn't sell very well.
It will sell extremely well regardless of how many times it gets delayed. That is a fact.
I don't understand. Why did they even bother announcing a PC port if they were only going to delay it to hell and back?
For me, all hype about this game slowly died with time. And I'm sure I'm not the only one.
Did Rockstar think PC gamers would eagerly wait years for a 2013 game no matter what? I wouldn't be surprised if this doesn't sell very well.
It will sell extremely well regardless of how many times it gets delayed. That is a fact.
As a pc gamer I am happy they are delaying the game instead of rushing it out.. Based on the good job they did with Max Payne 3 port, this hopefully will be a great release..
lol, pc gamers are so fucking sad. powerful rigs and nothing to play except RTS and indie trash.
And better version of a majority of console titles.
And several upcomming non indy competitive shooters, space sims, tbs, wrpg, moba, mmo, arpg, survival, etc. (which is why PC always beats consoles in scores/sales/etc.)
you have to wait years to experience an extra blade of grass in your "superior versions" of multi plats hahahahaha.
still waiting for RDR? fucking lames. go play your shitty goat simulators while I play real games.
A majority of them release on PC in the same day or year. The differences are pretty big too already, much bigger than the xbone vs ps4 differences you guys brag about.
Also, real games like The Oder...does that even classify as a game lmao..
A majority of them release on PC in the same day or year. The differences are pretty big too already, much bigger than the xbone vs ps4 differences you guys brag about.
Also, real games like The Oder...does that even classify as a game lmao..
I have made fun of the order all week, I'm not a cow. But I would much rather play the order than fucking tree simulator hahaha or some other stupid pc game.
A majority of them release on PC in the same day or year. The differences are pretty big too already, much bigger than the xbone vs ps4 differences you guys brag about.
Also, real games like The Oder...does that even classify as a game lmao..
I'm not a cow.
Then this is even easier, a majority of XBONE games are on PC, and better on PC. Enjoying MCC are we?
I'm sat wondering how many of those whining and bitching and saying they wont buy the game will actually run out and buy it day one, my guess is its most of them.
Everyone knows you will run out and play it to death so why the bitching and moaning unless you have nothin else to do in your lives than complain on an internet forum where the reality is no one gives a shit about you.
Jesus christ some people take games WAY to seriously.
you have to wait years to experience an extra blade of grass in your "superior versions" of multi plats hahahahaha.
still waiting for RDR? fucking lames. go play your shitty goat simulators while I play real games.
"extra blade of grass" = going from
1280x720, ultra low settings, 20-30fps
2560x1440, max settings, 60fps, mods, etc
@Motokid6: 529 days since gta5 was first released on ps3/x360 and still no pee c version in sight lololol
wow the dc is still going strong. it seems mustards have convinced themselves they dont actually care for gta5 now hahahahahha i believe this is the denial stage.
next you will see anger ''**** rockstar we dont need them!!!''
then bargaining ''well at least it will work on launch''
followed by depression ''*sobs why dont rockstar like us??? i dont bother anyone, i just stay in my basement''
and finally acceptance ''consoles are superior, we are the true 'peasant race''
A majority of them release on PC in the same day or year. The differences are pretty big too already, much bigger than the xbone vs ps4 differences you guys brag about.
Also, real games like The Oder...does that even classify as a game lmao..
I have made fun of the order all week, I'm not a cow. But I would much rather play the order than fucking tree simulator hahaha or some other stupid pc game.
You said you don't even play games anymore because you are "bored" of them ....
So wtf are you here for?
@Motokid6: 529 days since gta5 was first released on ps3/x360 and still no pee c version in sight lololol
lmao mustard race. There is a reason no one cares about PC.
@ghostwarrior786: It's coming out in April. ( or is it March? Idk.. ) Might get delayed again. Why do consolites care about that more then pc gamers?
because they think PC gamers dont have any games to play and this coming to the PC is a big release.
531 days since gta5 was released on x360/ps3, still no pee c version lmao
@ghostwarrior786: It's coming out in April. ( or is it March? Idk.. ) Might get delayed again. Why do consolites care about that more then pc gamers?
because they think PC gamers dont have any games to play and this coming to the PC is a big release.
@ghostwarrior786: It's coming out in April. ( or is it March? Idk.. ) Might get delayed again. Why do consolites care about that more then pc gamers?
still stuck in the denial stage i see lololol its ok, let out all the anger, only than can u find inner peace
bu-bu-bu i have massive backlog!!! haha
What is the relevance that you consolites played and beat GTA V a couple of years back? It's not like there weren't thousands of other games PC owners could play instead at the time. And now, for the folks that haven't ever played it, such as myself, we have a graphically superior version of one of the highest rated games of recent times to look forward to. Whilst I eagerly await the release, I'm currently playing through IV again at 4k and it looks fantastic.
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