Soon, like in the next months between now and E3 18. Could be this week at PS meeting if we lucky.
Im the prediction king and say 90% chance this will happen. I get my prediction by looking at GG's past release date, announcements, and common sense.
The only possible chance it wont happen is if the game is a PS5 launch title, and i very much doubt after Killzone SF in around 2014 they started to plan a PS5 game. What happen is they must of had a small team planning what comes after Horizon, just like they had a small team planning Horizon after Killzone 3.
So what will it be? Could be Killzone 5 since they had no idea Horizon would be a success years ago. Or it could be a new IP, either FPS or TPS. What the game is... is a mistery, but it sure is coming.
Another prediction bonus... Horizon was a success so you bet the sequel is coming. Horizon 2 or whatever they call it will be for PS5 not PS4.
PS4 still has life in it and if GG make a more linear FPS game i think they could push the graphics beyond Horizon. Of course smaller maps, but graphics that will melt you. There is nothing on Xbone that gets close to Horizon so imagine what the GGods can do.
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