@vfighter said:
@DragonfireXZ95: COD knockoff...lol, I see somebody never actually played the game.
Enlighten me as to how it isn't.
"Although there's a great variety of weaponry, you won't encounter that many different kinds of enemies as you fight your way across the war-torn landscapes of the planet Helghan. As in the original Killzone, your enemies consist largely of Helghast soldiers, yet though this limited selection led to monotony in the past, an assortment of factors in the sequel hold tedium at bay. The action is constantly pushing forward, leading you from one quality scripted event to the next and pitting you against bright AI opponents that have a remarkable grasp of battlefield tactics."
"Some excellent turret sequences and other segments also provide welcome variations on the shooting theme. At one point, you'll climb into a robotic shell and mow down infantry and tanks with machine gun fire and rockets."
"Most levels take their cue from the usual first-person shooter formulas, and though it takes place in the spacefaring future, Killzone 2 feels more akin to a modern-day FPS by way of its standard weapons and mostly humanoid enemies."
"You'll normally be fighting alongside a computer-controlled teammate or even entire squads of fellow infantry. Enemy AI is just as concerned with your comrades as it is with you, so you'll never feel as if you have a bull's-eye plastered on your forehead, as is common with many other team-based shooters."
"Whether you go for a pop-and-shoot approach or just gun your way through, the mission design keeps you constantly moving from one objective to the next."
"Like many other shooters, mission objectives often involve turning a crank or pushing a button."
Taken from the Gamespot review; this is the basic definition of Call of Duty campaigns. You are put in a linear environment, slogged along by a boring story filled with bland characters to push buttons or kill things in order to advance to the next scripted sequence, while along the way, you kill a few generic enemies by taking cover with regenerating health tactics.
The multiplayer:
"Like the most recent Call of Duty games, Killzone 2 rewards you with bonuses as you play, which in this case can mean new weapons, extra grenades awarded upon respawning, and most intriguingly, entire classes. This is done not only via a leveling system that pushes you ever closer to the next reward, but also with ribbons earned by completing specific tasks, such as getting a certain percentage of your team's kills."
They even cite Call of Duty as being the similar. Yeah, you're lying to yourself if you don't think this game is like Call of Duty at all.
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