Half Life 2
That's just off the top of my head. All have far better multiplayer (and HL2's SP is far superior to Halo 3's) and modded maps that keep the game going in terms of longetivity.
I disagree with all of those. I like all the games you mentioned except fo UT2k4. The problem with HL2, again, still a good game, is that it just relies too much on the physics. The actual shooting and variables in battle is pretty lacking, especially the enemy ai. I don't play much TF2, but I remember really liking the multiplayer of that game. However, I don't get any urge to play it anymore--same deal with CS. Arma II. You know, I just recently bought this maybe 4 months ago when I got a new pc. It is a good game--my preferred type of fps actually--but I never felt compelled to even finish it. The multiplayer is somewhat lacking.
What really sets the Halo games apart is the replayability. Going back to the first Halo--it is just a fun game to play, which is probably why people didn't mind dying 100 times on legendary and refverting back to a checkpoint. The battles really varied depending on player choices. This is a rarity among fps games, especially ones that don't deal with one-shot-one kill--arma 2 types.
even most ps3 gamers will agree with halo 3 being the best fps ever, sure quake and doom where good, but what? because they where first fps's to come out , they where the best? grow up and stop living 500 years ago! in this generation halo 3 is the best.aeons_ago_1990
I'm really not a sony fanboy, though I'm called one all the time, but I will say that Halo Reach has been in my xbox since it came out. I've been thinking about going back to Halo 3 though. Loadouts aren't that great.
That's the nature of an opinion,they differ. The main draw to all the games I listed, except HL2, was the multiplayer. Though CS:S is essentially HL2's multiplayer. Halo 3's multiplayer was it's main attraction. In terms of competitive atmosphere, content, amount of players, number of maps, essentially everything, UT2k4, CS, ArmA II, and TF2 all destroy Halo 3. But, hey, to each his own.
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