nope sorry ,i guess people havent played timesplitters , 2000 -the first one ,
um what else goldeneye doom quake the original turok , um hexen , um ya you got a long way to go for the best fps ever and i think im giving that crown to timesplitters number 2 rightfully so because even with timesplitters 3- which is still ok i think it could have left the flame tag mode alone,
and nothing this gen has what ts has , cheats , , loads of weapons in multiplayer split screen , good story mode and extras inside the game or unlockables -dont even say dlc, i shouldnt have to pay to unlock somthing that shall be awarded for playing and beating a certain level on a certain difficulty in a certain way to make the game more challenging , at the same time adding replay value to it
so wake me up when halo 3 is not just another halo 2 running on the xbox 360 in fact when any halo is not just another halo ,
because that formula died off as soon as the 2nd one came out
even bungie was disappointed , and that dont happen very much at all in this industry ,,
so have fun claiming halo 3 as the best when clearly if we look at pd or timesplitters or all the way back to goldeneye, we had more fun
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